Themed Contests - Any Suggestions


Dying Truth seeker
Jul 3, 2002
Taken from a hint in the Summer Lovin Contest Thread:

There seems to be general acceptance, including countries beyond the US, for Valentine's Day, Halloween and Winter contests.

Earth Day, National Nude Day, and Summer Lovin are not universally celebrated. Summer Lovin doesn't fit the Southern Hemisphere but they can use their imagination. :)

What themes could replace the current ones?

Things to think about:

1. The theme must be universally applicable, not just particular to the US.

2. The theme must be wide enough to allow a large number of story plots.

3. The theme must inspire writers to actually write.

Anything else we should consider?
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Also, to reiterate:

Laurel said:
And to be clear and upfront - I'm not promising that anything will change. If a discussion and brainstorming results in some awesome new themes, they'll definitely be considered.
From the summer loving thread

Just to catch everyone up. . .

HeyAll made the original suggestion as Laurel was present in teh Summer contest thread and this is what followed. . .

I definitely agree with Halloween, Winter, and Valentine's being must haves for contests.

But I also think that Nude Day, Earth Day, and Summer Lovin are very similar in the themes they have.

If I could make a suggestion, it would be to get rid of Nude Day and make a contest which revolves around College Graduations in May. It would be pro-education and there were be a lot of fun ideas in the mix.

Just a thought. ;)

Take care!

Not a bad idea. :rose:

Hi Laurel,

While I fully understand that this is a predominantly American site used predominantly by Americans I sometimes wish there was more of in a International flavour to the contests. Not everyone celebrates Halloween, Earth day or Nude day.

If the summer contest could maybe be earlier and replace Nude day theme then International Tourism Day falls of September 27. Broad enough to cover many countries and types of transportation, strip search and the mile high club, holiday romance and bro-mance, but not so broad as to lose its theme.

Just a suggestion that might appeal more internationally. People might like to let their favorite tourist destinations shine, whether close to home or abroad. :)

Edited: Its actually called World Tourism Day and was set up by the United Nations in 1970.

Those are good ideas. To be clear, I don't know a single person in America (or elsewhere) who celebrates National Nude Day. :D It was chosen because 1) its position on the calendar, and 2) its theme seemed a good fit. :D Earth Day was created in the U.S. (rather recently, in 1970), but is not part of traditional American culture or anything. In fact, I believe they have Earth Day celebrations all over the world. And not all Americans celebrate Halloween (though it is very popular).

The contest theme doesn't have to be a holiday per se. It can be an event, a scenario, anything broad enough to result in a varied and interesting group of stories but narrow enough to keep things challenging/interesting.

Maybe someone should start another thread so this one isn't derailed? :D

And to be clear and upfront - I'm not promising that anything will change. If a discussion and brainstorming results in some awesome new themes, they'll definitely be considered.
I actually like the spring idea. Easter baskets with rabbit vibrators, wedding nights, spring break, crazy weather, fertility and renewal, graduation parties, earth day, mothers'/fathers' days for the incest crowd. (Southern hemisphere would lose again though.)

I do love a good Spring Fling!

Off to work, ugh.
Well, for those international folk who feel like they're getting the shaft, the U.S. takes a pretty hard hit with Summer Lovin'. The contest doesn't start until long after Independence Day is over, and that's undoubtedly the biggest celebration of the summer in the U.S.

You could write stories about it that would be on theme, but for the largest part of the readers, it would be like putting out a Christmas story in February.

Spring is a broad theme, but it's broad in the sense of having a lot of specific themes that you could ( and I suspect, most would ) write about. Most of the stories would center on Easter, Earth Day, Mother's Day, or something similar. Mentioning the specific spring holidays in the contest description would likely encourage that sort of focus even more.

( I think Easter is still near enough in the past even at its earliest landing during the current Earth Day time frame to not have the problem Independence Day does with Summer Lovin' )

That's one that lends itself to a yearly rotation, really. Earth Day one year. Then Mother's Day, then Easter, so on and so forth.

The Summer theme is broad in that it doesn't really have any focus other than hot weather. There's not as much there for authors to personally narrow down the theme. I am beginning to see a trend of homing in on events such as summer break from college, though.

Doesn't make me any difference what happens with the Earth Day time frame. The single holiday theme is one that doesn't bother me, and the broader spring theme would not only include it, but open other possibilities. Spring would undoubtedly be more popular, as it's apparent that many struggle with this one from the comments in the threads and the lower participation rate.

No clue what to do with that Nude Day time frame, though. I always struggle with that theme due to my personal narrowing of it. Naked outside isn't really sufficient for me. It has to focus on the day itself and nudism, which presents unique challenges for writing a sex story. As does coming up with a scenario that doesn't involve a better than average chance of arrest for public indecency :p

The participation rate on that one once again demonstrates that I'm not the only one struggling with it.
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I had thought of United Nations Day as a theme, with possibilities for Interracial, or misunderstandings with language and culture, but that is too close to Halloween.

But whatever theme is suggested it really has to be a "Why didn't I think of that?" idea, that is obviously suitable.

United Nations Day fails that test.

Mothers' Day? Fathers' Day? But neither have consistent celebration dates worldwide. That might not matter because the ideas are universal.
Seemingly I'm the only one happy with the current contests. I have no difficulty writing multiple stories in any one of them. Nude Day is one of my favorites, along with Valentine's Day.

Moreover, based upon my fans, most of my readers are from the United States with the UK a distant second, then Australia, and Canada. My point being is that English is their first language.

I don't want any changes made to the current contest, that is, of course, unless Literotica feels compelled to increase the prize money.

Being that Laurel is here in person, I feel as if I have an open channel to...(gulp) God. Wow!

So, if you're not going to increase the prize money, instead of prize money, Laurel, how about Literotica tee shirts for everyone who competes in a contest, pink for women, blue for men, and multicolored for the rainbow crowd.

I can just see myself wearing a pink Literotica tee shirt autographed by Laurel, a pink Literotica hat, keychain, and drinking my coffee from a pink Literotica coffee mug while writing. Wow!

Then, for the winter contest, instead of prize money, all those who competes receives a 100% cotton Literotica sweatshirt. I think I may be on to something. What do you think Laurel?
Seemingly I'm the only one happy with the current contests. I have no difficulty writing multiple stories in any one of them. Nude Day is one of my favorites, along with Valentine's Day.

Moreover, based upon my fans, most of my readers are from the United States with the UK a distant second, then Australia, and Canada. My point being is that English is their first language.

I don't want any changes made to the current contest, that is, of course, unless Literotica feels compelled to increase the prize money.

Being that Laurel is here in person, I feel as if I have an open channel to...(gulp) God. Wow!

So, if you're not going to increase the prize money, instead of prize money, Laurel, how about Literotica tee shirts for everyone who competes in a contest, pink for women, blue for men, and multicolored for the rainbow crowd.

I can just see myself wearing a pink Literotica tee shirt autographed by Laurel, a pink Literotica hat, keychain, and drinking my coffee from a pink Literotica coffee mug while writing. Wow!

Then, for the winter contest, instead of prize money, all those who competes receives a 100% cotton Literotica sweatshirt. I think I may be on to something. What do you think Laurel?

Don't forget the Rainbow Stripe shirts for the rest!
Spring happens in September in the Southern Hemisphere...Unless one were to go with Equinoctial Days (and, of course, Solsticial Days) themes, it wouldn't be universal, not even for the English-speaking purveyors of erotic literature.

How about International Woman's Day? First declared in 1909 by the Socialist Party of America, it has become a U.N. sanctioned day for supporting equality for women. It is a theme we already often write on...perhaps it should be a contest.
My suggestions:
* Sex and Sports theme. My "Cycling Weekends with Sis" was very well received and I think one reason was the immersion into a sport while the sexual tension was building
* Sex with a Coworker theme. Seduce that hottie in the next cubicle
* Seduce the Mighty theme. Have sex with someone important be it a boss, someone rich and powerful or even the President of the US. Not that the President would ever have an affair in the White House
Spring happens in September in the Southern Hemisphere...Unless one were to go with Equinoctial Days (and, of course, Solsticial Days) themes, it wouldn't be universal, not even for the English-speaking purveyors of erotic literature.

How about International Woman's Day? First declared in 1909 by the Socialist Party of America, it has become a U.N. sanctioned day for supporting equality for women. It is a theme we already often write on...perhaps it should be a contest.

Women's Day? Being that most of our readers are men, I think we'd better serve our readership with a huntin', fishin', fightin', and drinkin' men's day peppered with naked women, of course (lol).
Women's Day? Being that most of our readers are men, I think we'd better serve our readership with a huntin', fishin', fightin', and drinkin' men's day peppered with naked women, of course (lol).

The contest is a challenge; how about challenging the uomos to write real hot stories about women's sexual equality, not just the usual clichéd male fantasy about "liberated women" (aka "the Playboy Philosophy")?

Up to it, Jim?
Oh! There's plenty of good themes with international appeal.

Tales of the South Pacific.
The Dark Continent.
The Roman Empire.
Tarzan of the Jungle.
In a Persian Garden.
Klondike Fever
For TIO Butt Pirates of the Caribbean
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My suggestions:
* Sex and Sports theme. My "Cycling Weekends with Sis" was very well received and I think one reason was the immersion into a sport while the sexual tension was building
* Sex with a Coworker theme. Seduce that hottie in the next cubicle
* Seduce the Mighty theme. Have sex with someone important be it a boss, someone rich and powerful or even the President of the US. Not that the President would ever have an affair in the White House

I think that these three are all great suggestions.
The contest is a challenge; how about challenging the uomos to write real hot stories about women's sexual equality, not just the usual clichéd male fantasy about "liberated women" (aka "the Playboy Philosophy")?

Up to it, Jim?

Jim (lol)?

Actually I've written plenty of stories from that point of view but I can't see men, most of the audience here, wanting to read stories about women, that is, unless they are naked and on their knees.

"After you blow me honey, tell me more about the women's liberation movement (lol)."

QUOTE Laurel And to be clear and upfront - I'm not promising that anything will change. If a discussion and brainstorming results in some awesome new themes, they'll definitely be considered.

I must say I wish the QUEEN hadn't posted this the second the oggman started this thread.

Jesus, talk about discouraging discussion!

Why not something like this:

"Welcome AHers! I'm looking forward to hearing the ideas and suggestions of the people, the authors, who make this site possible."

Her Highness

I must say that all of us in ScouriesWorld are delighted that the QUEEN has graced us with her presence on the Forum Boards these last few weeks. It's a wonderful and refreshing change.

For a second, and because it can be hard to catch her, I'm going to veer slightly off topic and pose a few questions to LAUREL (I'll use her official name so the vanity search will turn this post up).

Question #1 Have the annual awards been cancelled by the site?

Question #2 Have the monthly awards been cancelled by the site?

If they have why not just announce it and if they haven't could you fill us in on their status...
I don't know if it would be considered universal, but I think April fools would be fun.
Jim (lol)?

Actually I've written plenty of stories from that point of view but I can't see men, most of the audience here, wanting to read stories about women, that is, unless they are naked and on their knees.

"After you blow me honey, tell me more about the women's liberation movement (lol)."

I was raised in a home with grandmother, mother, 5 sisters, and a great-grandmother part of the year. The guys asses were kicked just on the unequal numbers.
Medieval theme, contest

Medieval theme, contest

-->Kings Queens Prince's peasants, fictional creatures revolution. You think of more!

--> I've gotten a few requests for game of thrones like writing.

A medieval contest would be well accepted.
Taken from a hint in the Summer Lovin Contest Thread:

There seems to be general acceptance, including countries beyond the US, for Valentine's Day, Halloween and Winter contests.

Earth Day, National Nude Day, and Summer Lovin are not universally celebrated. Summer Lovin doesn't fit the Southern Hemisphere but they can use their imagination. :)

What themes could replace the current ones?

Things to think about:

1. The theme must be universally applicable, not just particular to the US.

2. The theme must be wide enough to allow a large number of story plots.

3. The theme must inspire writers to actually write.

Anything else we should consider?

I like Earth Day- it's the best. I think it's the most responsible o the themes. I admit that a lot o the entries or Earth Day seem to lack quality- but perhaps this indicates it is a true test o writing because it is a little di erent and one's repository o phrases rom other stories isn't so use ul. I note that there is no category speci ically or humour and that is the most di icult o the genres to do well. I like genres that seem di icult to insert gratuitous incest into- to me that is cheap and lazy writing. I think the themes o past, present and uture might work. Halloween is pointless to me- haven't a clue about it and I eel uncom ortable with it.
Sorry- my key has run out o ink.
Thank you.