The state of Republican "soul-searching" November 10, 2012


Pragmatic Metaphysician
Jul 8, 2009
After browsing the American Thinker/NRO and listening to Fox News shows and a funny conservative Sirius XM station... Here are a number of ideas I'm hearing as far as what the GOP needs to do moving forward. You may have heard other options or have ideas of your own; please feel free to post.

1) The GOP just needs to find more white people. Base turnout is crucial so if the candidate is just more conservative that will solve the problem.

2) The GOP needs to change nothing at all except make a move on immigration reform. This will not lead to winning the Hispanic vote but reduce some of the utter lopsidedness of it off.

3) The GOP needs to change nothing, but it should not talk about social issues unless it's a friendly audience and there are no media present. America likes the notion of fiscal conservatism so try to make the economy the primary issue as much as possible and don't talk about much else.

4) The GOP needs to engage in broader reform that will appeal to minorities. Just doing something on immigration will not be enough to move Latino voters. Not evolving on social issues means continually alienating women and the 18-29 age group which is now a real segment of the electorate. Things need to really change in a way that involves moving the party to the right.

Number 4 is the only sensible solution I think. The GOP can't sell itself on social issues anymore and nobody is about to let them get away with simply not talking about them. Krauthammer is massively wrong, the GOP will not start appealing to Latinos just because of immigration reform. It's nowhere near that simple. But a sound policy on immigration reform will continue to elude Republicans since a huge number of them in the House are simply against it.

Lastly, I think the GOP needs to do a far better job of denouncing its idiots who say stupid things. But this is unlikely because so many Republicans actually believe those things. Comments about rape, the 47%, etc end up being condoned by GOP leadership when Boehner makes weakling "we don't support that" comments for a day.
The Rapepublican party appears hell-bent on alienating every demographic in America save older white men. This is not a prescription for long-term survival. Something has to give.

The party's core philosophy consists of five wedge issues:

1. Banning abortion
2. Demonizing homosexuals.
3. "Lucky Ducky" class resentment
4. Racism
5. Xenophobia

The Rapepublicans can probably gain the most votes with the least effort, outside of Arizona, by downplaying their hatred of Hispanics.

Sean Hannity telegraphed this the other night when he had a "Road to Damascus" blinding light revelation from God and told his millions of Fox sheeple that creating a path to citizenship for undocumented workers might not be such a bad idea after all.

The math is simple here: The Republicans currently forfeit almost 30% of the vote by demonizing non-whites. They further alienate women with their "legitimate rape" and anti-abortion policies. This leaves them with a core of between 40 and 45 percent of the populace, which is a sizeable minority but has zero potential to grow into a majority without a modification of one of their core philosophies listed above.

More Spicks aint the solution when 75% of America is white. The GOP needs a theme like, YOU GAVE THE NIGGAZ FOOD STAMPS NOW THEY WANT YOUR LUNCH. ITS MORNING IN AMERICA, SO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!
The Rapepublican party appears hell-bent on alienating every demographic in America save older white men. This is not a prescription for long-term survival. Something has to give.

The party's core philosophy consists of five wedge issues:

1. Banning abortion
2. Demonizing homosexuals.
3. "Lucky Ducky" class resentment
4. Racism
5. Xenophobia

The Rapepublicans can probably gain the most votes with the least effort, outside of Arizona, by downplaying their hatred of Hispanics.

Sean Hannity telegraphed this the other night when he had a "Road to Damascus" blinding light revelation from God and told his millions of Fox sheeple that creating a path to citizenship for undocumented workers might not be such a bad idea after all.

The math is simple here: The Republicans currently forfeit almost 30% of the vote by demonizing non-whites. They further alienate women with their "legitimate rape" and anti-abortion policies. This leaves them with a core of between 40 and 45 percent of the populace, which is a sizeable minority but has zero potential to grow into a majority without a modification of one of their core philosophies listed above.

Its the solution as soon as the white galz realize they aint invited to the Democrat Pity Party.
Its the solution as soon as the white galz realize they aint invited to the Democrat Pity Party.

When will that be? Because the Democratic position on social issues actively supports policies that support women.

More Spicks aint the solution when 75% of America is white. The GOP needs a theme like, YOU GAVE THE NIGGAZ FOOD STAMPS NOW THEY WANT YOUR LUNCH. ITS MORNING IN AMERICA, SO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!

They took your advice and used that theme this year, and you saw the results.

72% white vote and dropping steadily with each election.

By all means, please keep focusing on your dwindling core demographic, and scratch your unibrow in puzzlement as fewer and fewer Rapepublicans are elected in subsequent elections!

They took your advice and used that theme this year, and you saw the results.

72% white vote and dropping steadily with each election.

By all means, please keep focusing on your dwindling core demographic, and scratch your unibrow in puzzlement as fewer and fewer Rapepublicans are elected in subsequent elections!


76% to 72% in the white demographic sounds a little more than "steady" to me. Or course the Karl Rove model had the white vote at 78% this past election. That's why all the polls were wrong. It's one reality disconnect after another.
It's a GOP House. That won't change in 2014. So, good look Mr. President. The second term is always worse than the first.

I think we've had a "lame duck" since November 6th.
They're definitely in a bind, because if they give up on the wedge issues they'll have to find new ones. Divide and conquer will always be their main plan. The only differences lie in how to implement.

Backing off on immigration is a total nonstarter with the base.

I predict that they just try to finesse it with some happy talk and a lot of dog whistling.

The main goal is always and forever to piss off enough base voters to ensure low taxes for the party donors. Maybe try to turn entrepreneurial and studious asians and family-values latins against the lazy and immoral blacks.

The other thing is, they think they got blindsided by Obama's hi-tech ground game and GOTV. The ol' "community organizer" had a few tricks up his sleeve it seems.
It's a GOP House. That won't change in 2014. So, good look Mr. President. The second term is always worse than the first.

I think we've had a "lame duck" since November 6th.

Such a brave soldier. We barely notice your quiverin' upper lip.
The formula is simple:

The second term is worse than the first. Follow recent history, GWB (economy/Iraq), Clinton (impeached in the House) Reagan (Iran-Contra), Nixon-Ford (Watergate) Kennedy/LBJ (Vietnam), Eisenhower (health).

In all but one case, 1988, the incumbent party lost the subsequent election. In 1988, Dukakis was too liberal and too much of a wimp.

Obama's already a failure so that will definitely continue.

Combine this with Cruz, Martinez or Rubio on the GOP ticket in 2016 and the White House will be taken!
It's a GOP House. That won't change in 2014. So, good look Mr. President. The second term is always worse than the first.

I think we've had a "lame duck" since November 6th.

CB keeps parroting these rules. And being wrong.
Obumbler will get absolutely nothing done in next four years.

Obamacare will be phased in, on schedule.

He'll get to pick at least one, possibly two SC Justices.

If Reid follows through on filibuster reform, Obama could nominate flaming liberals and the Republicans will be powerless to stop him.

Roe vs. Wade is safe for another 20 years/

So, by all means, continue to delude yourself that ain't nothin' gonna happen from the safety of your reality-proof cocoon.

Name the last President with a more successful second term...I think you have to go back to FDR. Well, Obama is no FDR.

How do you define success? Clinton had higher approval ratings in his second term than in his first.

In terms of policy achivements, that's harder to quantify.
Even Peggy Noonan finally relented in the WSJ this morning, admitting that the Repubs have some serious work to do if they'd like to remain relevant. She concludes by saying 'you have to respect reality.'
Name the last President with a more successful second term...I think you have to go back to FDR. Well, Obama is no FDR.

Roosevelts 2nd term wasnt so hot. He got a 2nd recession with high unemployment, and murderous regimes in Japan, Germany, and Russia. So his domestic and foreign policies ate shit.
There is a big difference between losing an election and having it stolen from you.

Gore did it all by his lonesome. In Florida he defied his wisemen, insisting on recounts in 4 heavy Democrat counties rather than all counties. And thats what the Supremes ruled on, the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. All or none.

Last week the Democrats tried it again in Florida, demanding more voting time for the 4 heavy Democrat counties but not the others. The Federal Court tossed it out.

Gore is a stupid shit.