The Oscars or the Whoever seems to be winning some arbitrary hype war awards


Spitting Game Theory
Mar 27, 2001
Proving once again that they might be fine people, they just don't really care about filmmaking the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have somehow decided that Chicago was a finer example of a film than Adaptation, that Diane Lane gave a better performance in "Unfaithful" than Meryl Streep did in "The Hours" and that Nia Vardolos's script for My Big Fat Greek Wedding was a better piece of writing than all but 9 other films for the whole year?

Honestly, if I were a creative person who was ever possibly nominated for an Oscar, I'm not sure how honored I'd be? Would it mean that I performed my job well or that they liked what I was wearing to the Golden Globes?

On a few positives, Spike Jonez continues to tear up hollywood and Eminem is now Oscar-Nominated(In the Academy 1,000,000th attempt to look hip with a token nomination for an important songwriter before they give it to Rod Stewart or Phil Collins)
By the way, anyone who doubts that Vardalos, Chicago and whoever else this weird cabal of film judges think will contribute to a more entertaining three hour broadcast will end up winning is fooling themselves.
Mike Meyers got blown off again?

Goldmember was a cinematic classic.


Long gone are the days when the awards mean anything, or go to the best pictures, artists, or creaters.

As long as we dont have to listen to Twit's Halle Berry, or Julia Roberts give any speaches though, its fine with me whoever wins.
Killswitch said:

As long as we dont have to listen to Twit's Halle Berry, or Julia Roberts give any speaches though, its fine with me whoever wins.

Yeah, he's called, Eminem,
I quit watching long ago. It's not like they don't make good choices (and they don't), but I just don't care.
I'd watch if Billy Crystal or Robin Williams is hosting the show.
ChilledVodka said:
I'd watch if Billy Crystal or Robin Williams is hosting the show.

RW was great back when he was funny.

BC, though, was never funny.
RastaPope said:
RW was great back when he was funny.

BC, though, was never funny.
They are both still funny.

Steve Martin and Chevy Chase... That's another story.