The "Let's Suck Essential Popularity Votes from KillerMuffin" Thread


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
I stand in bold opposition to the rampant bandwagon-jumping that KM's thread, by its very existence, supports.

Her support has been growing by leaps and bounds in the past minutes (as supported by my vast legion of pollsters) and she threatens to topple Spinaroonie from his precarious throne.

I and my horde of rabid posters are throwing our support behind a dark horse and previously unrepresented candidate: littlekateyes. She actually hasn't thrown her hat into the ring (because she doesn't appear to be wearing one, as far as I can tell) but we here as Bandwagon Central are hopeful.

But mostly I hope to thwart the evil gun-toting KM from her apparent mission of World Domination.

Ha! :D
I want to be dominated by Muffie in bed.

I still don't take it up my shitter, though.
*jumps into the band wagon*

*flies completely over*

*lands hard on the other side*
*squirts Jim with a pink water gun*

How dare you threaten Muffy's popularity!

Now, has anyone seen Pyper?
"Let's Suck from KillerMuffin"

JazzManJim said:
I want...the evil gun-toting KM Domination.

I can see you wanting to be dominated by Muffy, Jim.

But what about Lavy?

Is there enough Jizz for both, Jim?

Mischka said:
*squirts Jim with a pink water gun*

How dare you threaten Muffy's popularity!

Now, has anyone seen Pyper?

I dare because my hearty and defiant legions will....


<looks around>

Hey...has anyone seen my hearty legions? I swear they were right here.

Oh and I think I saw Pyper sail over the bandwagon a moment ago. I just thought it was the limber gymnasts I ordered. Think I ought to throw out a life ring and install safety rails?

*shoots JazzMan in the face with chocolate sauce and runs laughing from the thread*
ok, killer muffin has always been nice to me and jimmie has always been nice to me...let's see, maybe i should start a third party here. let me get back to you.