The Latest Scoop From Saddam's Minister of Information


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
The planes flying overhead are the French coming to protect us from this international criminal gang of bastards.

The sad thing is - I really wouldn't be surprised to hear this.
Well at least he didn't say they were "Those aren't airplanes those are Allah's Angels sent to protect us from our common enemy."
lavender said:
The planes flying overhead are the French coming to protect us from this international criminal gang of bastards.

The sad thing is - I really wouldn't be surprised to hear this.

Probally to protect the money he owes France

What's the difference between the shit he spins and what Bush spins?

Have they found any weapons of mass destruction yet? The pretext for war seemed to suggest it was in abundance over there and that Iraq was a threat to national security based on their possession of these weapons.

So far they haven't found anything remotely worrying. I am sure they will find something, but is it enough to warrant the action they undertook.

I'd hate to think what the reprecussions will be if indeed it turns out that Iraq had disposed of their chemical arsenal.

Yes and man walked on the moon.

And no UFO's don't exist.

And the war isn't about oil.

You may laugh at the Iraqi information minister, but just remember one thing. The majority of the world has been laughing at America for fucking years at the shit they spew. :)
Re: n/a

Kuntmode said:

You may laugh at the Iraqi information minister, but just remember one thing. The majority of the world has been laughing at America for fucking years at the shit they spew. :)

The guy is fun to make fun of...a damn A-10 was flying in the background, he looked up at it, smiled and told the cameras that Americans are not in the city.

I'll make sure to send you the first copy of Eating Crow magazine.

ps. you should change your location to: US Troops...welcome to Baghdad, enjoy your free reign. Enjoy shooting all of us elite forces like fish in a barrel.
Kuntmode said:

1. I am sure they will find something, but is it enough to warrant the action they undertook.

2. And the war isn't about oil.

3. You may laugh at the Iraqi information minister


1. Anything that is found is warrant enought

2. You finally got one right

3. ok LOL :nana: :D
Re: n/a

Kuntmode said:

Have they found any weapons of mass destruction yet? The pretext for war seemed to suggest it was in abundance over there and that Iraq was a threat to national security based on their possession of these weapons.

*Wonders why he even tries anymore...* Yep, the war was sold under the pretext of finding WMD and is the main concern of the war. Yet would the reception of this war be any different if the reason for the war was solely based on liberating an oppressed people? Nope, because while looking for WMD is at least plausible in the world's eye, liberating an oppressed people isn't. Hard to make the reason liberating an oppressed people while quite a few members of the 'mighty' UN oppress their own people.
The other nations of the world fear nations that will go out and risk the lives of their own to liberate people because it is beyond the comprehension of many nations to do so. Thats what is wrong with the UN IMO, too many times they (Including the US) will allow human rights violations and violations against the UN's own 'laws' because the UN and seperate nations can make a buck by standing aside and ignoring what is happening.