The Gift is the Giver.


Not Innocent
Oct 26, 2001
If the gift is not the giver, then you are worthy of neither the gift, nor the giver. If you would not have the giver, then do not take the gift.
Black_Bird I have

noticed that you have been very philosophical recently. This is a theory I believe in. My motto has always been "To give is to receive. To receive is to give." I feel that it transcends even beyond the sexual realm. Have a Happy Thanskgiving and to all that reads this.

Re: Black_Bird I have

tulip2lipservice said:
noticed that you have been very philosophical recently. This is a theory I believe in. My motto has always been "To give is to receive. To receive is to give." I feel that it transcends even beyond the sexual realm. Have a Happy Thanskgiving and to all that reads this.


... recently?

You should have seen some of my earlier posts.
Re: Re: The Gift is the Giver.

foxinsox said:
Hi Beaky :kiss:

It's the thought that counts, right?

Yes, it does.

It's nice seeing you around, babe! I never get to chat with you anymore; I guess that's because I'm no longer living in your time zone - I'm living in my own. :D