the first assignment goes badly...

College student in a Human Sexuality course does a bad job of on-line researching and writing about the BDSM community, not knowing their instructor, Professor Hugh Miliation, is a member. As this is their final year before graduating, they simply can't afford to fail this class. The student begs the Professor for help, and Hugh says internet research by itself is insufficient and shallow. To best master the subject, they must study it from the inside. To assist them, he gives them tickets to a local BDSM club.
College student in a Human Sexuality course does a bad job of on-line researching and writing about the BDSM community, not knowing their instructor, Professor Hugh Miliation, is a member. As this is their final year before graduating, they simply can't afford to fail this class. The student begs the Professor for help, and Hugh says internet research by itself is insufficient and shallow. To best master the subject, they must study it from the inside. To assist them, he gives them tickets to a local BDSM club.
is he the dungeon master there?
Or the Professor decides to tutor the class by taking them round the local brothels, sex clubs and dungeons. It could be like the way they teach med students who stand there with clipboards in hand while the staff perform operations. In this scenario the students watch impassively while all manner of fucking goes on described by the Professor in his best objective monotone. He could use a pointer to draw attention to details or ask the subjects to redo certain acts while he explains them again. At the end, of course, he invites the students to partake, to immerse themselves in their studies.