The Democrats do support an atack on Sodamn Insane and Iraq


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
The president should " … take all necessary and appropriate actions to respond to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." - Tom Dashcle

The president should " … send as clear a message as possible that we are going to force, one way or another, diplomatically or militarily, Iraq to comply with their own agreements and with international law." - Tom Dashcle

"Look, we have exhausted virtually all our diplomatic effort to get the Iraqis to comply with their own agreements and with international law. Given that, what other option is there but to force them to do so? That's what they're saying. This is the key question. And the answer is we don't have another option. We have got to force them to comply militarily." - Tom Dashcle

"The U.S. should strike, strike hard and strike decisively. In this instance, the administration needs to act sooner rather than later," - Robert C. Byrd

"I agree with using military force," - Chriss Dodd

Iraq's weapons buildup is "a threat to the stability of the Middle East. It is a threat with respect to the potential activities on a global basis." - Bob Kerry
Tod the UN is going to pussy out. Then it will be back to the same old shine'em on (the UN inspectors) while Iraq hides what ever they need to.
I am assuming the UN inspectors stumble on some the bad stuff in what ever hidy hole that insane fucker has them hid in.

Sooner or later The US and /or someone is going to have to go in there and kill that bastard.

One has to admire that last move. Bush is having hell.