The Anti-Trump Revolution

Jan 4, 2024
Will be the culmination of the Sexual Revolution.

What began with DeSade destroying the Bastille will not end.

This is it.

This is forever.

Sex will be love will be politics will be poetry will be philosophy.

The great age of human freedom begins now.

I was cis and out of shape when Trump was elected.

I told a media colleague I was @ntifa. He scoffed at the idea of me fighting in the street. Especially with the bad leg bestowed on me by the Russ.

I lost weight to prepare for my gender change. I'm slender and toned. I learned how to dance with a bad leg. The plank kills fascists.

I can't run.

I fight in the street.
The goddess gave me everything I ever wanted.
My Big Domme. My great boobies. My Princess Domna. My incredible NewPussy. Legs and hair.

Clothes, cosmetics, jewelry.

I'm ready for war. Where the lessons of Trotsky and Wilhelm Reich will bring victory.

We carry a new world in our hearts.

( O)( O )
I wonder who else remembered that it was Bastille Day on Sunday before last? I mean, besides us.

I can get behind a street fight. It would appear that voting has been passe for several elections now.
I wonder who else remembered that it was Bastille Day on Sunday before last? I mean, besides us.

I can get behind a street fight. It would appear that voting has been passe for several elections now.
France remembers. France doesn't ever forget.

( O )( O)
I have what I need. I also have a need I can't quite put a finger on. But by being Present, it will become clearer.
I have what I need. I also have a need I can't quite put a finger on. But by being Present, it will become clearer.


Wat has a “need” to put their finger on the trigger of an AR style weapon while "expressing their displeasure" with societal progress and change as Wat struggles and FAILS to cope with aging, redundancy, and impotency.

Wat is telegraphing their “Falling Down” moment.

Wat is threatening their “Falling Down” moment.

Wat is weak. Wat is a punk. Wat is a coward. Wat is unstable.


👉 Wat 🤣


Wat has a “need” to put their finger on the trigger of an AR style weapon while "expressing their displeasure" with societal progress and change as Wat struggles and FAILS to cope with aging, redundancy, and impotency.

Wat is telegraphing their “Falling Down” moment.

Wat is threatening their “Falling Down” moment.

Wat is weak. Wat is a punk. Wat is a coward. Wat is unstable.


👉 Wat 🤣

Serbs cut the throats of infants.

You have no real or personal knowledge of Wat Tyler. Your comments are libelous.

Aging is only a problem for those who live worthless lives.

I am 75. You would run from me like a bunny on a bike.

If he or I were to use an AK would it be better? I prefer the Steyr handguns we used to clean the Serbage out of Lika. They ran like rabbits in dune buggies.

Car Lazar bio peder turcima.

( O )( O )
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Serbs cut the throats of infants.

You have no knowledge of Wat Tyler. Your comments are libelous.

Aging is only a problem for those who live worthless lives.

I am 75. You would run from me like a bunny on a bike.

If he or I were to use an AK would it be better?

( O )( O )
Nobody would run scared from an old decrepit retard like you unless you were spraying your AIDS around.
Wat would be no use in a fight because memes don't hurt.
Serbs cut the throats of infants.

You have no real or personal knowledge of Wat Tyler. Your comments are libelous.

Aging is only a problem for those who live worthless lives.

I am 75. You would run from me like a bunny on a bike.

If he or I were to use an AK would it be better? I prefer the Steyr handguns we used to clean the Serbage out of Lika. They ran like rabbits in dune buggies.

Car Lazar bio peder turcima.

( O )( O )

I have labeled it Wat Derangement Syndrome. It seems to fit.

You seem to be the blame for the creation of another syndrome of theirs.

Nobody would run scared from an old decrepit retard like you unless you were spraying your AIDS around.
Wat would be no use in a fight because memes don't hurt.
Heh. Easy to spout when the victim of your coprolalia isn't near you. You really are a wuss.

Anybody can view my pix and videos and see that your stupid insults are impotent, incel babble.

Let me explain something simple to you, you stumblebum. As a veteran metro crime reporter.

Police and FBI don't live in a world where it is taken for granted that everybody lies, fantasizes, and fabricates. That's for sewer rats like most of the Chuds here.

When you advocate for transwomen to beat up little girls they figure you are a chomo. Then they investigate, beginning with seizure of your computer. CP can't be fully deleted. The Bureau can reconstruct your hard drive in milliseconds.

When you recycle Russ libels against people whose names you don't know, they don't assume it's the product of adolescent masturbatory asshole urges. They take it seriously. They want to know why a nobody on a website unknown to the world has chosen to incite violence against an American patriot serving the country.

Your attempts to explain your obsessive attacks on me by claiming it was all a joke won't fly.

You live in a world where nothing verifiable is real.

Wat Tyler interests me because he has the wit
to create a handle here reproducing the name of the most important social rebel of the previous millennium. By contrast, you can barely express yourself. Guess you failed ESL.

( O )( O )
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Wat is threatening their “Falling Down” moment.

Wat is weak. Wat is a punk. Wat is a coward. Wat is unstable.
Goddamn I wish I had thought to reference Falling Down and said this like this!

Fer sure I’m gonna steal this gem from you and use. 👍
Heh. Easy to spout when the victim of your coprolalia isn't near you. You really are a wuss.

Anybody can view my pix and videos and see that your stupid insults are impotent, incel babble.

Let me explain something simple to you, you stumblebum. As a veteran metro crime reporter.

Police and FBI don't live in a world where it is taken for granted that everybidy lies, fantasizes, and fabricates.

When you advocate for transwomen to beat up little girls they figure you are a chomo. Then they investigate, beginning with seizure of your computer. CP can't be fully deleted. The Bureau can reconstruct your hard drive in milliseconds.

When you recycle Russ libels against people whose names you don't know, they don't assume it's the product of adolescent masturbatory asshole urges. They take itthr name of the furry European social revolutionaryseriously. They want to know why a nobody on a website unknown to the world has chosen to incite violence against an American patriot serving the country.

Your attempts to explain your obsessive attacks on me by claiming it was all a joke won't fly.

You live in a world where nothing verifiable is real.

Wat Tyler interests me because he has the wit
To create a handle here reproducing the name of the most important social rebel of the previous millennium you can barely express yourself.

( O )( O )
I have seen pictures of you so I know you look like a tard. Nothing you say worries me in the least because you are full of shit.
The FBI already contacted me and they said that you are a Russian asset trying to make trannies look like retards and that you have a case of super AIDS.
I have seen pictures of you so I know you look like a tard. Nothing you say worries me in the least because you are full of shit.
The FBI already contacted me and they said that you are a Russian asset trying to make trannies look like retards and that you have a case of super AIDS.
Better a tard than a turd like you. Did you fart again? Your smell is intercontinental.

That isn't how the Bureau works, not one word you ever posted here is truthful, you are a cowardly teenage kid, and your idiocy will be useful to me, but to nobody else. You are my bitch.

Plenty of people on this site respect me. I have generated lovely threads. Esp. in the poetry section. Which I prefer. I would rather be raped by the moldering zombi corpse of Allen Ginsberg than to think anything you ever did demanded respect.

Nobody ever liked you. You never finished any school, you never served anybody, but yourself, and your life consists of obsessively harassing a transwoman.

Such huge balls. Did you smack a child today? Any minor with the ill fortune to encounter you should carry bear spray.

She's more of a man than you'll ever be.

( O )( O )

"Abrams, Nathan (2010). "Introduction". Norman Podhoretz and Commentary Magazine: The Rise and Fall of the Neocons. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038: The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc. p. 1. ISBN 978-1-4411-0968-2.

"During the presidency of George W. Bush an idea known as 'neoconservatism' was highly influential. Certainly, many of the ideas implemented by the Bush administration had been articulated over the past two-and-a half decades by neoconservatives...

"Neoconservatives also held many prominent positions in the Bush administration: figures and advisors such as Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz; the vice president's chief of staff I. Lewis Libby; National Security Council staffer Elliott Abrams... Stephen Schwartz, Bernard Lewis, Michael Ledeen, and Robert Kagan."

--Wikipedia on Lulu Schwartz. Checkable.

( O )( O )
Better a tard than a turd like you. Did you fart again? Your smell is intercontinental.

That isn't how the Bureau works, not one word you ever posted here is truthful, you are a cowardly teenage kid, and your idiocy will be useful to me, but to nobody else. You are my bitch.

Plenty of people on this site respect me. I have generated lovely threads. Esp. in the poetry section. Which I prefer. I would rather be raped by the moldering zombi corpse of Allen Ginsberg than to think anything you ever did demanded respect.

Nobody ever liked you. You never finished any school, you never served anybody, but yourself, and your life consists of obsessively harassing a transwoman.

Such huge balls. Did you smack a child today? Any minor with the ill fortune to encounter you should carry bear spray.

She's more of a man than you'll ever be.

( O )( O )
"trying to make trannies look like retards"

It's obvious I've won when you're borrowing the lame arguments against me put forward by folks that hate you a hell of a lot more than they hate me.

Tweaker trash.

I wish one of the geniuses would explain how what I am doing anywhere anytime harms transfolk. Of course they can't and won't. Because I am a leader of my community in San Francisco. Honored guest at Pride. Ran for office. Recognized and loved everywhere except among tweakers.

It's sad. I left school a long time ago and work with people like Noam Chomsky. I don't miss my blankie and choccy milk.

Obviously you miss yours. You're the abortion survivor I wrote about satirically. Little did I know there was one lurking here.

What happened to Mommy? Did you do something rilly bad?

Let's see if I can get the FBI to find out if, as you're investigated for advocating the beating of children and disseminating Russ disinfo against an American patriot.

( O )( O )
Better a tard than a turd like you. Did you fart again? Your smell is intercontinental.

That isn't how the Bureau works, not one word you ever posted here is truthful, you are a cowardly teenage kid, and your idiocy will be useful to me, but to nobody else. You are my bitch.

Plenty of people on this site respect me. I have generated lovely threads. Esp. in the poetry section. Which I prefer. I would rather be raped by the moldering zombi corpse of Allen Ginsberg than to think anything you ever did demanded respect.

Nobody ever liked you. You never finished any school, you never served anybody, but yourself, and your life consists of obsessively harassing a transwoman.

Such huge balls. Did you smack a child today? Any minor with the ill fortune to encounter you should carry bear spray.

She's more of a man than you'll ever be.

( O )( O )
You're smelling your loaded diaper again, dude.
Wat likes you because he's hoping he can get some because no woman would want him so he flirts with fags in makeup.
You Russian homos don't scare anyone, we are all now aware that you're only here to make the trans community look like whiny retards. Many here have seen it and we all agree you're nothing but a fake and a liar. So sad for you.
There's a distinct difference between:

a) choosing not to debate anything with certain posters because it's a wasteful time-sink created by a thirsty poster determined to promote themselves over other subject matters


b) being incapable of debating

I wonder if btb can figure out why I don't bother? Of course, no doubt they'll just claim intellectual superiority. So delusional.