That thread sucks! ^^^ That one too! v v v


Loves amps
Jan 29, 2012
This thread cleans spots off black marble and recharges electric car batteries. It has no gag reflex and breathes through its ears. It is not running for mayor of anything, and doesn't care who the Boy Scouts let in. It is not Muslim nor Tasmanian. It occasionally shows its tits. Its tits are pierced, and the left one opens and closes the garage door. It will fuck you and doesn't care if you call the next day. It thinks chat is for lonely dweebs and anyway, it knows how to set up a simple Litmus configuration. It walks the dog for you when you're busy, and will never park its semi in your driveway without your consent. If it had a dick, it could get it up. It is not an old whiny Marine. It is black coffee made the right way. It likes it rough. It sings.

That's this thread. Those ^^^ v v v are other threads.

The choice is clear.
I must need new batteries in my left tit. I squeeze and squeeze and squeeze, but the damn garage door doesn't budge. :(
This thread--and this is important--this thread has no (0, none) midgets.
This thread is flawed.

It fails to work properly when it gets bumped.
The Ship Thread is always a nice alternative. Over there we welcome all types. Even midgets.
This thread does not mind when Mona teases it. This thread is turned on by Mona's teasing.
Most threads on here are quite misogynistic. At least 50% of them should... you know... lick.
Hey! I saw that.

Your sweet talk will not change my mind.


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This thread fills blackleggings' breasts with hope. That's a lot of hope.

This thread added the "breasts" part, and would do it again.
This thread feels that no amount of Glynndah is too much or too long.