That hot pink Breast


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
I know it has a bubblegum flavored nipple.

anyone else like that avatar?
I think it's Coca~Cola's AV, but I'm not 100% sure.
Must be the % in my blood at the moment...

Perks? I think it would taste like liquid latex, not bubblegum. I think she should get the black latex, but I'm a traditionalist. :)
Nora said:

Perks? I think it would taste like liquid latex, not bubblegum. I think she should get the black latex, but I'm a traditionalist. :)

There are oils that you can rub on latex that are supposed to enhance arousal. I'm sure some are flavored.
Eumenides said:
There are oils that you can rub on latex that are supposed to enhance arousal. I'm sure some are flavored.

Reaaaaaallllllly? Hmmmmmmmmmm.... *smiles*
SaintPeter said:
Bubblegum pink. With a little Nora on the side,

Nora should be front and center, not on the side. She's definitely not ala carte
Eumenides said:
Nora should be front and center, not on the side. She's definitely not ala carte


You are soooo sweet!