Teaching her a lesson. (Closed for Ilikeitlikethat18, and myself.)


reborn in flame
Jan 11, 2010

Name: Steve Wilkinson
Age: 35
Occupation: English teacher, football defensive line coach, former Army drill sergeant


Chaos erupted in the class room, in the halls. Students were nearly running to the exit. Above the chaos he roared. “Don’t forget class, Romeo and Juliet paper is due next week! Come see me if you need any help!”

The class emptied in record time and for a moment there was silence and serenity in his classroom. He took his time erasing the chalk board. A thought occurred to him as he watched the chalk lines vanish under the work of the eraser. Was he like the chalk lines for these kids? There long enough to be observed, then as soon as that final bell rang washed away with no evidence of ever having existed. He grimaced at the thought. So many kids these days needed this class. Half of them didn’t speak English anymore, they spoke ‘ebonics’ or ‘l33tspeak’ or whatever labels were being placed on bastardized and uneducated off shoots of the English language.

These kids needed to learn how to speak properly and communicate in the written medium. Any hope they have of getting a job that doesn’t involve saying “Do you want fries with that?” will require them to be able to send an intelligible e-mail, and make sure they can spell the things correctly on their job application and resume.

The seal between chaos and order was broken. The outside roar in the halls was staggering, and he idly wondered if the decibel level was high enough to cause hearing damage. It was amazing how much noise can be generated by the slamming of locker doors, laughter, the shuffle of hundreds of feet. Doors opening and closing.


He looked over those who had made it on time and frowned. Three kids missing. He was just about to ask if anyone knew where they were when one of those kids walked in. Oh she was a head turner that’s for sure, all the boys looked her direction, and so did a few of the girls. Sometimes she turned even his head he had to admit. She was of age though, so it wasn’t like he’d go to jail. No.. he’d just loose his job. Still, being attractive didn’t give you a license to do whatever you want. His voice was deep, and smooth; many had told him if teaching falls through he could be a late night radio dj.

“Lucy! That is the third time this week you have been late. See me after class we need to talk.”

The customary “oooooohs” went out as everyone tried to embarrass the poor girl further. He wasn’t about to put up with it at all. His voice boomed over the noise in a rough, commanding, guttural tone. He had learned that from his time in the army.

“Enough, children. If you keep that up I will be adding another five pages to the requirements for your Romeo and Juliet paper.”

The classroom in unison mumbled petulantly “Sorry Mr. Wilkinson.”

“Now lets get to it shall we?”

He turned back to the chalk board and the rhythmic tapping of the chalk on the chalk board echoed through the room as he began speaking. This was how most of his time was spend during the day, his back to the students. With wavy light brown hair, and broad shoulders many of the female students had crushes on him. He stood at around six feet, two inches tall, and the man was no stranger to the gym. He was actually working with the football team this year, helping them organize their defensive line, and teaching the guys how to bulk up safely, and without drugs.

Turning from the board he called out his question. Deep, piercing blue eyes turned to the students who were trying to feign interest and failing miserably. “So who can tell me who Romeo fought with? Also why did this fight start? Anyone…? How about you, Miss Lucy. ?”



Students were running to the door as the bell rang, and he was sitting at his desk. It had been the last class for the day, everyone was eager to get him. Jotting down some notes quick on a note pad on his desk he looked up and locked eyes with Lucy.

“Come on over Lucy. We need to talk. Pull up a chair.”

He motioned beside himself so she could sit next to him. When she was settled into the chair he looked straight into her eyes she really did have beautiful eyes. His determination and was obvious in his gaze.

“What’s going on Lucy? Coming in late, your grades are in a free fall. You are a smart, beautiful, talented woman. You can do better than this. What can I do to help?”

Lucy was an incredibly intelligent and horribly forgetful person. She knew she had bad habits of keeping track of things to do and time. She was often late, especially to class, which often brought her grades down, even when she was getting great marks on her tests and papers. It frustrated her to no end, but she had no idea how to properly get a hold on it. She set alarms, wrote reminders, and still couldn't figure out how to get to her classes on time.

Of course it would be Mr. Wilkinson who called her out in front of the entire class as she swooped into her seat ten minutes late. With that deep voice and frightening demeanor, she could understand why he was the football coach and had been an Army drill sergeant. And his body didn't hurt, either, she thought with a smug smile, as he shushed the rest of the class' mockery.

Lucy was gorgeous and she knew it. But sadly, that wasn't really enough to get out of things with teachers. Sure, there was that cliche schoolgirl/teacher fantasy that people had, and people snickered and joked about girls using their looks and body to get out of a bad grade, but Lucy wasn't like that. She doubted any of her teachers, Mr. Wilkinson included, would want a girl her age anyways. Regardless of her looks, she was still young. Legal, but young.

As Mr. Wilkinson started to ask questions about Romeo and Juliet, she snuck a look at her cellphone. Her boyfriend, Ryan, was sitting a few rows over and sending her naughty text messages. The latest one said, "Wanna play teacher? I'll get my ruler..." she blushed bright red and wrote back, "I don't think a ruler is enough to beat me into submission, babe." she stuck out her tongue at him from her seat and shoved her phone back into her pocket.

Ryan was great, and they did have a lot of fun, but there was still...something inside of her that didn't feel fulfilled. It wasn't the desire to fuck a bunch of different guys, either. She'd tried going on a break and dating other people and had felt even more unsatisfied.

Class ended and Ryan swooped by to give her a kiss on the cheek before leaving her to her private meeting with the teacher. She grabbed a chair, straddling it as he looked at her, his stare intense and intimidating.

"I don't know what you can do," she answered honestly. Softly. She wanted to be defensive, but she knew as well as he did that her problem was her tardiness, not her intelligence or grades. "I have so much trouble making it to things on time! With everything going on in my life, it's just so fucking difficult."

"It's not your class. It's not the assignments. As you know. It's just... so hard." She crossed her legs, which were covered by sheer black tights, under a knee length black and white dress that showed just enough cleavage without being too much, her ankle boots completing the outfit, drawing attention to her calves as she crossed them.
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He watched her pull up the chair and sat. He had to keep focused on the problem, not the generous swell of her breasts, those long legs and the curve of her calves. He had to smooth his hands over the desk, as the desire to rake them over soft, young flesh was overwhelming. The way his hands stretched allowed her to see the strength in them, the thick fingers, and strong chords of muscle.

Suddenly he was very glad that he didn’t wear a tie to work. The soft blue button down dress shirt stretched over his shoulders suddenly felt tight. His eyes roamed over her figure once, and then drifted back to her eyes. He was grateful that he was sitting behind this desk, the slacks would have done little to hide the automatic reaction to his arousal.

“I get it Lucy, life is crazy right now for you, but you are so smart, you can do so much! I hate to see it all slip through your fingers because of some organizational issues. If I had half your gifts at your age… hell, you have some serious gifts. I want to help you learn how to utilize them. I was disorganized at your age, and I learned how to get my act together in the army. Thankfully we don’t have to go that route with you. I can help you, but you have to be willing to listen to me, and work with me. Even if that means prioritizing your life, and eliminating some of the distractions.”

Leaning forward, looking into her eyes with his piercing gaze.

“I will take the time to help you, but you can’t quit on me. It will mean meeting with me after school is over, learning some more self discipline, but I think you can pull it off. What do you say?”

She had to know there was something more here than professional interest. She had to feel the.. chemistry between them. Or maybe she was too young to know what it was? Maybe she hadn’t encountered it yet. He sat back slowly, realizing that despite the fact that he was looking into her eyes, he could see down the front of her dress from his peripheral vision. That was not going to help him focus.

Running his fingers through his hair slowly he pulled open his organizer, giving it a quick glance he nodded as if to some internal dialogue.

“Looks like I’m free tonight after football practice. Say around… Seven? That should give me enough time to get home and shower. Should give you enough time to take care of what you need to as well, right? “
Lucy watched her teacher shifting in his seat, hands gripping the edge of his desk. Why did he seem somewhat nervous or uncomfortable? She glanced down at herself, noting that she wasn't showing much skin - no reason to make a thirty-five year old teacher of his stature uncomfortable. She didn't comment, however, and listened to him go on about helping her and figuring out how she could improve her organizational skills. It was like a scene from a bad movie, before the teacher asked her to remove her clothes and bend over the desk or something weird like that.

She felt her phone vibrate three times, knowing Ryan was texting her. She glanced outside and saw that he was still waiting for her, giving her a questioning look. "Even if that means prioritizing your life, and eliminating some of the distractions." Perfect timing for that statement. She knew that he would likely have a talk with Ryan if she agreed to his little program, seeing that Ryan was on his football team and all. She could only imagine the things the two would say to each other about her, jokingly or not.

Lucy looked up at him, startled by his intense gaze. She nodded, agreeing silently that she would work with him to improve her tardiness and therefore her grades. Was it just her or was he being almost...flirtatious? She must be imagining it! He would never act so unprofessionally or unbecoming of himself. It had to just be her own sexual frustration with Ryan making her think that he, too wanted her.

She hadn't imagined he would want to get started right away! For God's sake, it wasn't like she was the worst student in the class or even failing! She narrowed her eyes as he told her they would meet tonight. He didn't even really ask her or give her a choice. His words frustrated her sometimes, and she had to grip the bottom of her chair to calm herself against saying something she would regret.

"Fine. Seven is fine. It will give me plenty of time to take care of what I need to." Which essentially included hastily doing her homework and spending the rest of the time fucking Ryan.

"Thanks... Coach." she said with a wink as she stood.
”Thanks… Coach.”

She said that winking as she stood. He was pondering just how to take that, and then vanished out of sight. Well it wasn’t often that the quick thinking man was left a little stunned. Instead of coming back with anything clever he just nodded his head but it didn’t matter, she was already out the door. He would have to learn how to turn that haste into punctuality, well the both of them would.

Football practice was a blur. He couldn’t remember much about it, but he always took a hands on approach with everything he did. He was never the sort of guy to not get his hands dirty. So when he needed one of the players to change something he showed them, instead of dictating from the side lines. So by the time practice was over he was sweating, and in desperate need of a shower. He did not go directly home however. He stopped off at an office supply store and dropped some money on a date book that would help her get organized. It was highly customizable so that she could tweak it how she needed it to work for her uses.

The organizer was set upon the table as he walked in the front door and made a b-line for his bedroom and then the bathroom. Looking at his watch he might just have time for a quick shower if he pushed it. He turned on the water and tested the temperature before stepping into the stream. Letting out a soft groan as he rolled his shoulders under the stream of hot water; his left shoulder was acting up from an old injury. He had left the doors open to listen for the door bell, and he had heard it.

Jumping out of the shower quickly, throwing on a pair of sweats and draping a towel over his shoulders and the back of his neck to maintain some hint of modesty and to stop the water from dripping down his back he ran to answer the front door. Water dripped down his chest as he twisted the door knob. Well she wasn’t super late. There she stood, a little nervous at his front door. That wasn’t eased any by the fact that he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

“Hey Lucy, C’mon in. I’ll just be a second. Make yourself at home”

He gave her a disarming smile and stepped aside so she could come in. The best way to describe the decor of his house was functional. It had all the essential things that anyone needed, and was gently lived in and well organized, but it lacked a woman’s touch; which was a strong indicator that he lived here alone. He had a hand full of pictures on the walls, but by studying them for any length of time one could see most of them were with him and family, just by the body language. There were a few photos of him while in the service.

Meanwhile in his bedroom he grabbed a well fitting white tank top and then came out to join her. He smiled as he caught her studying his pictures. One in particular, he walked toward her, a few droplets of water dripping down through his shirt to make it cling to his skin, and make the fabric just a little transparent.

“About three weeks after that picture was taken I was shot. Took one in the left shoulder. Led to an honorable discharge half a year early.”

It was visible, the scar on his shoulder but it had many years to heal so it was not a glaring scar. He pulled out a chair for her at the table and patted the back of the chair.

“Lets get started Lucy, I’m sure you have places you’d rather be than with your boring old teacher.”
Lucy was grateful that English was her last class, giving her time to sneak into the locker rooms to find Ryan before practice. They usually had an hour or two from the time school ended until practice started. The boys were very serious about their football and their long practices, which only annoyed Lucy if she couldn’t see him beforehand.

She slipped into the locker room, finding Ryan temporarily alone, still half-dressed in his regular clothes. She slipped her arms around him from the back. For some reason, the meeting with the intense teacher and coach had made her seriously achy for sex. Even more than her usual insatiable desire to fuck Ryan until neither of them could stand. He responded by turning around, lifting her up and pushing her against the lockers to kiss her deeply.

“Take me out to your car.” She whispered in his ear, biting down gently. He set her down and the two made their way out to the parking lot, Ryan checking his watch discreetly as they got into the back seat.
“You know how the Coach is, babe. If I’m late, he might not even let me play tonight and that’ll fuck up everything.”
“Yeah, speaking of that… I’m supposed to meet him after practice. I’m getting in so much trouble being late to class all the time, he wants to help me learn some discipline.” She rolled her eyes, but Ryan just grinned broadly, pulling her dress down below her breasts and yanking her tights and panties down to her ankles.

“My little girlfriend needs discipline lessons? Who woulda thunk?” he teased, as he lay over her, pushing her legs up to her chest and thrusting inside her, wasting no time. “You like the idea of being taught some discipline, babe?” he breathed in her ear, pushing his hard cock deep inside her, groaning as he bottomed out. “You gonna be taking lessons from the big, bad Coach? Uhnnnnn, you like that?” he bit her neck as Lucy moaned, his unexpected words turning her on even more. “We can roleplay, Lucy. You can be my bad little student!”


An hour later, Lucy was getting in her own car, knowing that she still had a lot of homework to do and it would be disastrous if she was late to meet Mr. Wilkinson. She still couldn’t stop thinking about the way that Ryan had talked about her teacher/his coach during their little rendezvous in his back seat. The way he’d gotten temporarily so into the fantasy and how much it had turned her on seriously worried her. No way would anything ever turn her on about her thirty-five year old teacher! She seriously hoped the two wouldn’t talk about anything during or after practice.

7:02 came and Lucy was standing at the front door of her teacher’s house. Why he had wanted her to meet him here and not at school was beyond her, but she just hoped he wasn’t a total creep. Her eyes widened as she saw that he was shirtless and dripping water, a pair of sweats seeming to be the only thing he wore, besides the towel around his neck.

“Um, hi. Okay. Thanks.” She answered awkwardly, as she stepped inside and looked around the small house. He stepped away to finish getting dressed as she studied the décor and photos of him around the living room. Well, his lack of a ring had proven true of his unmarried status, but most likely he was completely devoid of a serious relationship, what with the obvious manly decorations around his home. One picture completely caught his eye, a photo of him in the Army, a wicked grin on his face as he held a daunting weapon.

She sat down at the table with him and ignored his comment about where she’d rather be, her face flushing as she remembered yet again the earlier events of the afternoon. “Are you going to talk to Ryan about my organizational problems?” she blurted out. Why had she said that?!?! He knew that Ryan was her boyfriend; there was no reason to remind him of it. “Sorry, I, uh, I’m nervous about what you have in store. I didn’t mean to blurt out like that. Please go ahead.” She sat with her hands in her lap, wearing a simple blue blouse and a pair of black cotton shorts, her legs crossed under the table.
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He was in the middle of taking a seat when she popped off with her comment about Ryan. He literally stopped in mid seat. His eyes flicked toward her. Steve had never lost his temper with a student, ever. He was always calm, cool, and collected. He could express displeasure with a glance, and when it came down to it all it took was a stern tone of voice to steer things the right way. He just had an aura of control and command about him that made other people stop and tow the line.

So she got that look, that better watch yourself little girl look, and then he sank into the chair. He pulled the little organizer open and leafed through to the front. He placed his thick finger over the calendar portion and motioned.

“The system is really simple, the key is you have to use it. For anything that is not a part of your daily routine you can put it here. Dates, birthdays, anything you need to remember.”

Then he leafed through to the individually divided days. Motioning to them.

“Lots of free space here. I recommend putting the things you do every day, that you know are going to take the same amount of time in. For instance Monday through Friday you have classes. These things don’t really change, they start and end at the same time. Put them in ahead of time.”

He looked up to her to see if she was really paying attention to what he had to say, then his eyes went back down to the empty planner. He went on.

“Then you have other things that might not take the same amount of time every night, for instance homework. Some days you might have more than others. You might have a paper due. However over all you generally will know within some limit how long this is going to take, how long you will need. Yeah I know this sounds like a lot of work, but let me show you how it works.”

He pulled open his own planner, which was filled with dates in the calendar area. Mostly it was things like school, lesson plans, trips to the gym. The occasional PT conference. There were several things crossed out though, both in the calendar section, and when his days were divided. There was definitely a female name under that firm sure stroke. Apparently he had some date nights, that were no longer going to be happening.

“You see how I have things filled out. I know that I have 2 hours between grading homework assignments, and dinner. It just helps me keep track of my time, so I know exactly where it goes, how much I have. If grading papers takes longer than expected that’s ok because I have a big window. Because you know how much free time you have, it will help you better gauge that time. If you need to take it a step further you can set alarms in your cell phone to tell you when you have to be at rigidly important events.”
The look her teacher gave her chilled her and she felt her nipples harden beneath her blouse. It wasn’t that she was attracted to her, but damn did he know how to use her authority to his advantage. She bit her lower lip and nodded, the both of them knowing she would not be speaking out of line again. Well, at least not during this conversation, anyways. She turned her attention to the organizer he had placed in front of her, watching his strong hands as he pointed at the different useful parts, especially the calendar.

Lucy raised her eyebrows as he showed her the different, simple ways she could use the organizer to help improve her life and her tardiness. She couldn’t help sneaking a look once in a while at his body. It wasn’t her fault, though. Ever since he’d opened the door without his shirt on, she couldn’t help but think back to her quick romp with Ryan in his truck and the way he had talked about being her teacher and disciplining her.

“It doesn’t sound like too much work. It sounds like the right amount of work and it’ll help me.” She met his gaze and bit her glossy lower lip as he stared back at her, before his attention turned back to his planner, watching the book as he flipped through. She noticed how many gym trips he had as well as football lessons. Seeing that just made her think about Ryan again. Ryan and his coach, who just so happened to be her teacher.

“And I see you have many date nights,” she said with a grin.
He had not noticed the looks at his physique. He was focused on showing her what he had asked her for. He had to keep that focus or things might veer off on an inappropriate path. He could not help but feel something between them, even if he could not put his finger on what. That was the most frustrating part! He was a male and it would not be the first time he had been able to appreciate the form of one of his older students. It was just body chemistry however. This… this was different. Appreciating the beauty of a female body was different from being drawn to someone. He was absolutely drawn to Lucy, and this was a new feeling. It made him want to grit his teeth.

“It doesn’t sound like too much work. It sounds like the right amount of work and it’ll help me.”

He smiled toward her, catching her gaze for a moment. The authoritive figure was gone, and he was just a man for a brief moment. Happy to see her getting the hang of it. Not that he had doubted she would. She was an extremely bright girl; no woman. She was 18 now, she was a woman, but that thought only made this temptation worse. He flicked his attention back to the work at hand.

“And I see you have many date nights,”

He couldn’t help it, he laughed. Deep and almost sensually as his gaze was torn from the page, and he leaned back in his chair to look at her again, except this time his eyes did not go immediately to her face. He saw the fact that her nipples were hardening in her shirt. Was that just a coincidence? Oh, this was not an avenue his mind needed to go down, but he was so distracted with that, trying not to think of where that would lead that the words just slipped out his mouth before he could edit himself.

“Yeah, well I did for a while. Just because I’m your teacher doesn’t mean I’m not a man.”

Ok… maybe that was not smart. How to recover? He paused just long enough to hide the awkwardness of his thoughts. Why the HELL did this woman unnerve him so?

“I should say I had date nights. Sometimes things don’t work out the way you want. That is the only reason I had time to meet with you tonight. I was supposed to be getting ready for a date right now. You might be the closest thing I have for a date for a while Lucy.”

He laughed softly, somehow, for some reason just starting to feel a lot more comfortable. His eyes met hers, and he smiled again.

“It can be hard to find someone who fits what you want. Often times they fit one piece or another, but something is just… missing. Sometimes it isn’t that big of a deal. Sometimes it is a deal breaker. Hey, you want something to drink? I have water, and maybe a soda or two. No, I’m not giving you a beer so don’t even ask.”

He said it with a grin and stood up without thinking. It was too late though, he was already committed. As he stood up the sweats really did not do a very good job of showing that she was not the only one who was slightly aroused. He was by no means sporting a raging hard on, but he wasn’t relaxed either. He managed to keep a straight face and pretend it wasn’t a big deal.
The way her teacher was looking at her and smiling made her feel both accepted and strange. She was glad that he was pleased with her and the progress she had made so far, but the pleasantries were much more different than his behaviors in class. She was used to his strict, straight-to-the-point attitude and conversations. This was something else and she wasn’t quite sure what it was…or if she liked it or not.

When he laughed at her comment about his date nights, her face flushed. She felt incredibly embarrassed that she had said that. For some reason, the attitude of her teacher brought out the most inappropriate in her sometimes. Lucy figured it to be one of those, can’t/want things. “I, uh, never thought you weren’t a man. I was just…” she trailed off. What was he trying to imply?

Instead of responding in a shocked or inappropriate manner like she was so inclined to, after hearing his next comment, she simply pouted, “Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Wilkinson. I didn’t mean to ruin your romantic future. I’m sure with your help, I’ll be set on the straight and narrow in no time and you’ll be back to your date nights.”

As she listened to him go on about finding a romantic partner, she realized she would see a new side to Mr. Wilkinson before their time “together” was over. “I totally understand. That’s how I felt before I met Ryan. Nobody quite fit me.” She grinned and cocked her head, “I’d love some water, thanks.”

Again, she didn’t know what to say about the joke he made regarding alcohol. Why was he suddenly joking with her? Minutes earlier, he had been his normal hard-ass self and now he was playing around like they were pals. Either he needed to get laid desperately or the tough guy thing was an act. Either way, she was truly grateful for the help and did not want to sabotage what they were working on together, as it was for her benefit.

Half an hour later, they had gone over everything they needed to for now and she had several assignments for the next week. “Is there anything else, Coach?” she joked, forgetting he’d already given her a look when she’d mentioned Ryan and their coach/player relationship earlier.
He came back with two bottles of water, cracked the caps on them both and set one in front of her before settling back down in his seat. He smiled toward her again, and even gave a soft chuckle. Looking over at her he shook his head.

“S’ok Lucy. I didn’t mean it like that. I am doing this because I want to help you. I more meant…. Ah it doesn’t matter, I’m sure you don’t care. Just know that I am more than happy to help and you are not keeping me from anything.”

Time flew by after that awkward moment, they both actually seemed to have settled in comfortably with one another. Lucy was a smart girl, and he knew she would pick it up quickly, he only hoped that it helped her. Soon enough time had run its course and she had things to take care of and so did he. She was starting to gather her things to take off for the night.

“Is there anything else, Coach?”

He stood up and nodded his head.

“Yeah two things really. The first is I wrote my number in your organizer. If you have any questions, need any help or whatever give me a call. Also this is uh well…”

He cleared his throat, obviously he was searching for a delicate way to say this without breaching a certain line. She was still a student, his student.

“I know you talked about how you like Ryan and I am glad you two have a good relationship, however since you two have started dating his on the field performance has suffered. He is risking getting cut from the team. You know how much he loves to play, so whatever has changed in your lives together, it might not be a bad idea to do it after practice.”

He paused, then continued after drawing a breath.

“I know what it is like to be young and in a relationship, hard to spend time away from one another. You could always join the cheer leading squad if you want to see him right after school. Just a thought. I’m not trying to dig into your personal life Lucy, I hope you know that.
Lucy was so put off guard by by having been given her teacher's number that she didn't even
see the next part coming, and the words hit her hard. She almost had to sit back down, but managed to compose herself and maintain a relatively calm facial expression. Sure, she had expected him to say something to Ryan, maybe offhandedly after practice, but not this...

He couldn't possibly have known about earlier! Why would he tell her to keep things after practice? Maybe he was testing her? Or just pulling her chain? Ryan hadn't said anything about problems or distractions. He always seemed seem to prioritize football and that was fine with her. It was part of why she liked him so much. But this was...confusing. To say the least. It sounded like he was just trying to protect his player.

"I'll keep it mind." she managed awkwardly, thanking him quickly and exiting the house quickly. Once she was in her car, she texted Ryan to meet her at her house.
She seemed startled, much more startled than he had expected of her. Almost scared. What had he said that would have elicited that reaction? He couldn’t wrap his brain around it, so when she left he was almost as startled as she was.

He walked her to the door, even if she was too confounded to notice, then he just sank against it after she was safely enough away not to hear the door rattle in the frame and into the door jam. FUCK! He could still smell her in his house. This was a horrible idea. Why did he think inviting her to his house was a good plan? Worse still she had a standing invitation to come back!

Groaning he stalked away from the door and settled himself onto the touch. He needed to take his mind off of Lucy, and that whole situation. Was it his imagination, or did she have that sex afterglow going for her when she walked through his front door?

No no no. Not going to think about that, not going to think about Lucy, and sex. Not. Happening.

He flipped on the T.V. and the first thing that popped onto the screen was some hot young thing rolling around the sheets on H.B.O. They didn’t do anything to hide the swell of her breasts, but they did a fantastic job of giving her body a nice sheen of sweat to make her look deliciously, and thoroughly used.

“God damn it!” He threw the remote against the wall, and didn’t even care that the plastic fucking shattered into a million pieces. He was off the couch in a flash and stalking to his bedroom. He lay down and struggled out of sweat pants. Pulling the drawer of his night stand open he pulled out a bottle of lube.

It had been way too long since he had been laid, and that was just making this thing with Lucy so much more unbearable. He poured the warming lube into his hand and started stroking his hand up and down the length of his cock. Letting out a low groan he closed his eyes and pictured Lucy in short little plaid skirt, a skin tight tank top nestled in between his thighs, her lips gliding up and down his length.

Meanwhile he ran a single finger up the underside, tracing the bulging veins. His entire body shuddered, his hips contracted, driving his body up off the bed. Growling out in a low, hungry tone.

“Fuck Lucy, just like that! Such a good girl. Don’t stop!”

He was already close, this tension had been building for weeks, though this was the first time it ever manifested because of Lucy. He wrapped his hand around his thick member and squeezed roughly and stroked slowly down, his hand enveloping the base, all the way down to his swollen balls. Then he lost it. In his head their eyes met just as she took him into the back of her throat and he erupted for her.

Rush after rush of hot seed sprayed from his pulsating cock, the orgasm was so intense each shock rocked his entire body. He couldn’t think, couldn’t speak, couldn’t even find the voice to growl his pleasure he just came, hard.
Ryan texted Lucy back right away, saying he'd be right over and asking if everything was okay. Lucy replied quickly by snapping a photo of her cleavage as she took off her shirt and was left in her bra. He was on his way immediately after that, giving her only a few minutes to freshen up. Her mind kept drifting to the planner that sat on her desk and the entire conversation and evening with her teacher. She still couldn't believe that he had said what he had about Ryan! Lucy was sure there was no way he could have known about the two of them having sex in his car before practice. He must have just been talking generally about things, and not specifics of that day. Right? Right.

She shook her head, brushing her hair quickly as she took off her bra and donned a black tank top to go with the black shorts. Underneath was a lace black thong. Just in case. She loved the way the lace felt against her hips as she walked. She heard the light knock on the back door, which was on her side of the house and the opposite side from her parents, thankfully.

"Come in!" she said quietly, grabbing him by the collar and leading him into her room.

"Hey baby." He was wearing a black band t-shirt and a tight pair of dark jeans, his shoes and hat already off by the time they entered her room. He took his keys and wallet out of his pocket and set them on the dresser, pulling her to sit on the bed next to him. "You okay?" he asked cautiously, seeing her worried face.

"Mr. Wilkinson told me you've been close to being cut. You never told me anything was wrong. What happened?" she pouted.

Ryan sighed deeply, "Babe, I didn't wanna worry you... He's just been saying I've been off my game since I got a girlfriend. Guess I've been distracted. But who can blame me... not with a body like yours!" he said, grinning, his hands coming to her hips, pushing her up the bed and straddling her. "God, I've been thinking about this afternoon ever since you left. That was so fucking hot. I mean, not that our sex is ever boring, but goddamn! Can't believe we've never thought of roleplaying before." his eyes flashed playfully as he leaned forward, hot lips finding her ear and neck, his teeth nibbling the tender flesh. "Uhn, babe, you already got me hot and bothered!" he thrust his hips into her to emphasize the fact that he was sporting a huge erection.

"Baaaby! We're supposed to be talking about you! He told me to keep things after practice and stop distracting you."

"Oh yeah? Did he?" his hands roughly squeezed her breath through her tanktop, sighing pleasurably at the way her breasts responded instantly, nipples hardening in his palms. He pulled the tank top down below her breasts, baring them, his head dipping down so he could suck on one, then the other. She moaned out, hands gripping his hair hard.

"Y-yeah. I guess that means no more fucking in your car before practice." She said with a smile. His hand squeezed a breast roughly, his teeth on the other.

"As if I'm gonna give up our little quickies in the backseat. I'll show him who's boss." Ryan said, unzipping his jeans and pulling them off. He yanked her shorts down, along with her thong. "You need to be disciplined, don't you, Lucy? Isn't that the whole point of this? Always fucking late to everything. So disorganized. Needa teach you a lesson." he said with a soft moan, feeling her soft thigh against his bare cock as he tied her wrists together above her head with her thong.

She just stared at him quizzically, wondering what had gotten into him. Sure, they'd had rough sex, but she had no idea what had gotten into him today, just by knowing that she and the coach were going to be working on some tardiness issues. It wasn't like it was a big deal. Though the awkwardness between them at his home had proven one thing: he obviously wasn't totally professional around her like she'e expected.

Ryan gripped her breasts again with both hands, then grabbed her hips and flipped her over, pulling her onto her knees. "I'm gonna teach you a lesson." he said into her ear, spanking down on her ass hard; so hard that she let out a loud yelp.

"Ryan! You're gonna wake up my parents." she hissed, but he responded by slapping the other ass cheek just as hard. She moaned out loudly, grabbing her pillow and shoving her face into it.

"Yeah, that's fucking right, little girl. I'm not gonna just fuck you yet. I'm gonna give you some proper discipline before I teach you that type of lesson." He spanked her again and again, until her ass felt hot to the touch. Her moans and yelps were almost completely muffled by the pillow, but neither expected what Ryan found next. He leaned forward, kissing her ass cheeks and his hand slid underneath her to touch her pussy, finding her dripping wet and hot. "Fuck, Lucy! You like that, don't you?! Fucking like the idea of your teacher disciplining you."

He flipped her over so she was on her back, her wrists still tied by the panties, and he pressed his cock into her wet folds, rubbing it up and down, pushing it against her hardened, soaked clit. Over and over he teased her, stroking her with the head of his cock, moaning out at the sensation. When he felt her tensing up beneath him, hips rising to try to get more, only then did he thrust into her pussy.

"You're so fucking tight, Jesus Christ. Every time I fuck you it's like you're still a virgin." he gripped her hips hard, fingers digging in to the point where she'd likely have bruises the next day. "My dirty little student. Such a bad fucking girl. Teach you to fucking be late again. You won't dare be late again, will you?!" He asked assertively, his hand coming to slide around her throat, squeezing firmly as he slid in and out of her faster and harder, pounding her still sore little pussy.

"I'm gonna cum inside of you and there's nothing you can do about it," he moaned loudly, head thrown back as he fucked her deeply, bottoming out with each thrust. Lucy moaned and writhed underneath him, so close to cumming. The image of her teacher really fucking her popped into her mind before she could stop it, what with the roleplaying and all.

"FUCK!!!!!" she screamed out, "FUCK, OH GOD, FUCK!" she started to cum, her pussy gripping him like a vice and flooding him with her juices.

"You fucking hnnnnnnnnn," Ryan moaned, unable to speak as he shot his load inside of her, hand tightening on her throat, enhancing her orgasm as she gasped for air, hips thrusting against him wildly, his cum shooting deep into her as their juices dripped everywhere, "Dirty fucking rebel student," he groaned, the last of his cum exploding into her.
He felt utterly blissful after having spent his load. It took every bit of remaining energy he had left to go clean himself up. He knew he had things to do, papers to grade but he didn’t have it in him tonight. Not like it was mission critical or anything. He crawled into his sheets and closed his eyes and slept peacefully for the first time since that last fight with Carla. For once he didn’t dream about her, he didn’t dream at all, he just rested.


He woke up to the screaming of his alarm clock with a groan. Normally an early riser today he just wasn’t feeling it. He wanted this blissful euphoria to last as long as he could drag it out. With a heavy sigh he rolled out of bed. He ran his fingers quickly through his hair, pulling on a clean polo shirt and a pair of khaki pants. He didn’t have time to do anything better. Brushing his teeth quickly, a spray of cologne and he was out the door with his briefcase.

He still had time to set up for morning classes. The day seemed to fucking crawl by. He found himself wanting more and more to see Lucy. Finally the class period rolled around and she actually walked in of all things about thirty seconds early! He was floored to say the least, he had not expected her to get it working right away, maybe she hadn’t, maybe it was just she didn’t want to get singled out again. He didn’t know but when she walked in their eyes met, and he smiled at her encouragingly, and gave a nod.

Class flew by, seeing Lucy, and seeing her on time had put him in a good mood. They actually spent a good deal of class time in a debate about Romeo and Juliet, and what could have been done to stop the tragic death of the star cross lovers. Everyone seemed to be engrossed in the conversation, for Steve’s part instead of facing the blackboard he just sat on the front of his desk and talked, fielded questions, and just seemed to be pretty damn happy.
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Ryan and Lucy eventually fell asleep, cuddled under her sheet, their bodies a mess of combined fluids. When they woke up, he realized he had to be at school early, so wiped himself clean with a towel, kissed her goodbye, and told her he'd meet her when classes were over. Lucy was just glad she had a little more time to take a shower and clean herself up properly.

She got out of bed quickly, walking naked to the bathroom. Entering the shower, she took her time scrubbing down her body, whimpering as she got to her tender pussy and thighs. She successfully washed away the juices and Ryan's cum, but she had been right about the bruises.

Getting out of the shower a few minutes later, she quickly dried off. She had taken too much time in the shower and absolutely had to be on time to her classes, especially Mr. Wilkinson's classroom, since it was her first class today. It would ruin everything if she was late the very next day after meeting with him. She quickly slipped on a matching pair of red lace panties and a bra, a blue mini-skirt, and a tight, black band t-shirt. She liked to mix it up.

Speeding only slightly, she arrived at school on time, with a few minutes to spare. She slipped into the classroom, smiling good-naturedly at her teacher. The way he was looking at her made her slightly uncomfortable. Was he... checking her out? Or did he... oh shit! You could totally see the bruises on her thighs! She tugged at her skirt, hoping to hide them, but there was no luck with that. Instead, she sat down at her desk and nodded at Mr. Wilkinson. She hoped he was impressed that she was on time.
He had seen the bruises on Lucy as she came in the door but there was really nothing he could do about it, nothing he could say right then and there in the middle of class. Instead class rolled on, the conversation topic drifted a little bit to the romance part of Romeo and Juliet. A student raised her hand and asked.

”Mr. Wilkinson. Why do they go to such lengths, killing each other over this relationship? I mean in the story they pledge this undying love to one another, but really they barely know one another. It seems silly to kill yourself for someone you only think you love, but really know nothing about”

He smiled and nodded his head toward the young woman. She was a rather pretty thing as well, many of the boys had mooned over her often enough. If there was a girl who could be said to be competing with Lucy for the attention of the boys it would be Erica. Long dark curls framed her pretty face and eyes. She was a little taller than Lucy and didn’t quite have the curves, but she got plenty of looks.

“As always Erica, great question. That is really one of the parts of this story that makes this such an iconic story. These two were on the cusp of adulthood, their bodies were still changing. You have to understand that they were still dealing with the rush… the high if you will of coming into your own as both a person, and discovering your sexual identity.”

There were a few snickers, but he rode right over them not paying them any attention.

“I’m sure just about everyone here is familiar with the feeling that you get when you form a new relationship with someone right? How they always feel perfect, you don’t ever want to be apart from them. Your world can even be consumed with them. Common sense goes out the window by this rush of intense euphoria. It can last for a few weeks, or months. Slowly you come down, slowly you discover more about them than just that they look good in a pair of jeans. They may not be the person you thought they were, they may not be the right man, the right woman.”

His eyes unbidden, flashed to Lucy for just a split second, god he hoped she didn’t see it. The last thing he needed was for her to know that he was attracted to her! He continued on.

“You might even start looking to other options, thinking about other people. These two never got the chance to do that. They were kept apart, they had a need to keep things secret and that only amplified these strong feelings, that little twist of the forbidden fruit if you will. So when it came down to it and they looked at the prospect of what it would be like not to have the other, common sense, self preservation, all of these things stood no chance against the feeling of loss.”

He looked around the room. Half the class looked bored, more than one girl was looking his way and some of those looks were not exactly all that innocent. There was more than one girl who had a crush on him, and one of two had even made advances but they had never even been tempted. So why was Lucy so different?

His eyes locked with hers, and the words slipped out.

“Sometimes you just feel a connection with someone, and nothing can stop it. The fact that it may not be completely socially acceptable only heightens the pull.”

Then his gaze broke off. Fuck that was stupid! Idiot idiot idiot! Clearing his throat softly, trying to cover his tracks.

“Any other questions before the bell r-“


“Nevermind. Ok guys, no homework for tonight. Just get some extra time in on those papers. I want to see some great material here!”

As the kids were shuffling out he was going to stop Lucy, ask her about those bruises when Erica stepped in front of him. She stood close, so close he could smell her with every breath. She leaned over to set her bag on his desk, and it gave him a perfect view of the swell of those breasts. He didn’t take the bait, but it was obvious that she was laying it on thick.

“Mr. Wilkinson?”

She nearly purred her words, her voice was soft, sultry, and would have been enough to turn most boys to a puddle.

“What’s up Erica?”

His voice was steady, like iron, obviously for all her charms, she was not piercing that professional demeanor of his. Not like Lucy had when she was in his home.

”I was wondering if I could stay for a little while? I really would love to talk more with you about my question. You seem to have such a good handle on..things. I need some help. Please?”

“Sure, I have about half an hour I can give you. So tell me what is it you need to know?”

Her body language said that what she needed to know she wasn’t going to find in any book, only underneath his desk, but for his part, he seemed totally unaffected.
The speech that Mr. Wilkinson was given seemed oddly directed at her. At first she got the idea that he may have been implying some things about her relationship with Ryan, but then he was saying some more…romantic things, all while he was looking right at her. What the fuck was he trying to do? She had felt incredibly comfortable when he had invited her to his house when they would be working on her tardiness and organization issues, but now she felt uncomfortable. Now she wondered if his threat to cut Ryan from the team was personal. Did he have some sort of disgusting crush on her?

Lucy would not stand for this type of behavior. At least there was no homework for the night. That would give her plenty of time to do her other classes’ homework. Luckily the bell rang and she gathered her things quickly, scoffing quietly at the girls practically cooing over the teacher, specifically Erica, who was laying on the slut-behavior thick as she sauntered up to him. She could smell and hear the girl from her spot at her desk, as she walked towards the door.

She still had all of her classes and then she needed to meet Ryan afterwards to talk to him about his football situation. They obviously hadn’t successfully talked it over once he’d started touching her and things had gotten… sexual instead of staying serious.

Lucy stood at the door and watched Erica attempt to get her teacher alone for school help. Hah. As if that’s what she really wanted. Brushing by Erica and Mr. Wilkinson, she smiled broadly at her teacher. “Hey teach, I was on time today! Notice? I’ll call you later to talk about our next meeting.” She grinned again and walked out slowly, shutting the door behind her as she headed towards her next class.

Hours later, the last bell rang, and she waited at Ryan’s locker for him so that the two could talk. She definitely didn’t plan on joining the cheer squad. That would distract Ryan like nothing else could. But they did need to talk about the future and how sex before practice would affect his position on the team.
”Half an hour? Is that all you can spare for me Mr. Wilkinson. I really need a LOT of help…”

She was pouring on this half pouty tone that she normally used to leave the boys sizzling in their seats. Steve however just wasn’t biting. It was then that his attention was taken away as Lucy spoke up from the door frame. His eyes darted to her as he heard her voice.

“Hey teach, I was on time today! Notice? I’ll call you later to talk about our next meeting.”

He smiled at her and despite his resistance to Erica all it seemed to take was a few words to get him aroused with Lucy around. While he did not tent in his pants, his length swelled against the side of his leg. No way Lucy could see it from her perspective but Erica on the other hand, her glare at Lucy went to eyes the size of half dollars as she stared at Steve’s crotch. Steve paid no attention.

“Absolutely Lucy. 30 seconds early actually. I timed you. That is awesome. I’m very proud that you are taking this seriously. Sure I’ll talk to you later.”

Erica nearly hissed at Lucy. Like one cat staring at another encroaching on her territory. Steve completely missed the glare she shot the other woman though, he was focused on Lucy. It wasn’t until Erica put a hand on Steve’s thigh that his attention went back to the female.

“Come by after your classes are over Erica, I’ll help you with what time I have, but I have practice after school.”

She pouted prettily but nodded her head, putting on a winning smile.

“Thanks Mr. Wilkinson!”

The last bell had just rang. As Lucy had intended to seek out Ryan she was not the first to make it there. Erica was there again. Standing more than what was comfortable for close, with a hand on his chest. Looking up into his eyes, smiling that smile of hers. She laughed at something, and then her eyes met Lucy’s, she slipped a feral smile to those plush kissable lips and then hugged Ryan and walked off, undoubtedly to visit the teacher.

Steve had just about everything packed up, he was just waiting on Erica to see if she would show up. She did after a moment, and he was sitting at his desk when she came in.

“Come on in Erica. What did you need help with?”

She pushed the door closed, and it shut out the roar of the kids flooding through the halls, laughing, shouting, lockers clanging. What he didn’t notice was she delicately flicked the door lock with one of those long nails of hers. She stalked over to his desk and sat on the corner of it, her skirt lightly riding up her thighs. His eyes were drawn there for just the briefest moment out of reflex of the motion, but then they drifted up to her, his brow raised.

”One particular aspect of what you said earlier struck me and I wanted to include it in my paper, but I need a better example of it. That whole forbidden fruit idea. I’ve always been such a good girl, can you tell me more?”

This should have set off warning bells, but the truth was his mind was not on Erica, it was on Lucy, he was looking forward to her phone call, and just thinking about her had left him partially hard again. He pushed his chair back slowly and nodded to Erica.

“I’m sure I can come up with an example for you. Let’s just g- Whoa!”

She had been waiting for him to slide away from his desk. She simply slipped off the desk and right into his lap. She ground her ass down into his lap, and his length responded in kind by swelling beneath her. She was an attractive woman, and he had been so fucking aroused lately it wasn’t funny.

His mind however, reeled for a moment. He was completely caught off guard, and shocked. What the hell was she…? Before he had a moment to recover she curled her fingers into his short hair, and pulled him into a hungry kiss. For a heartbeat his body responded in kind, and his hands slid down her sides, to her hips. Just after his fingers dug into her skin his brain caught up and he pulled back.

“Erica?!?! What the hell? Get off me!”

He didn’t yell, it was a hard edged whisper. He started to stand up and she slid off his lap like a slithering viper. Instead of standing herself she simply went to her knees He was starting to tent in his pants and she simply leaned in, nestling her lips against his arousal.

“Ok Mr. Wilkinson. I can tell you don’t want the romance, you just want the fruit. I can do that too. I want it…”

The brush of warm skin and hot breath soaked through his pants and into his hard flesh. He had to grip the front of the desk to keep his knees from buckling and putting his ass right back into that chair. Fuck he needed to get laid SO badly. She had his zipper down before he could think straight, and was about to start fishing around in his pants. He knew when that happened what was left of his resolve would shatter. He stepped back quickly and quickly found himself up against the blackboard.

She dropped to her hands and knees and purred like a stalking kitten as she crawled toward him. Fuck he felt his cock twitch in his pants.

“Mr. Wilkinson. We both know your body wants this, just let go and I promise I’ll take good care of you. No one will have to know. I know all about your needs Sir. My mother is best friends with Carla. I heard them talking about your ravenous appetite, and all the other things you like so much.”

Shock hit him in the stomach. Carla had been talking about him? If she had, then this girl right here knew every knob, every button, every twist. He was in so much fucking trouble right now. While he was against the wall, looking for escape, trying to think with a sluggish mind she had crawled to his crotch again. He actually felt her lips nip the base of his hard cock through his boxers. He let out a low groan, and she purred sensually.

“Please let me suck it….Daddy?”

His heart felt like it was going to explode. Every fiber in his being wanted to say yes. Fuck yes. Wanted to grab her by the hair and pull her mouth down onto his length. Make her choke and gag on his hard, thick girth until she was half ready to pass out from the need to breath. His hands slid out and in a surprising rush of self control he put his hands on her slender shoulders. His voice was hard, iron hard.

“You need to leave, right now Erica.”

”Just a little taste, please? I promise to be your good little girl Daddy. You will never forget-“

“Out. Now. Before I report this to the principle, and call your mother and tell her what happened.”

Now her eyes went wide for an entirely different reason, fear made her flushed cheeks blanch, and she was up on her feet in seconds.

”No please! I’m sorry, it won’t happen again! Just don’t tell my mom! She would kill me!”

“I won’t speak of this again, and this will never happen again or I will see you expelled. Out!”

She was running for the door in heels. Quite the feat really. For his part he sank down into his chair with a ragged sigh and put his head on the desk. FUCK! That was too close. Maybe it was time to hit a bar tonight. He hated picking up girls at bars, but that girl nearly had him pinned in a corner without the will to say no. He looked at his watch. Good. Still ten minutes to practice, he needed to try and calm down. Last thing he needed was to walk out onto the field with a full on hard on.

The door was closed, not locked. That was good enough. He sank back into the chair with a sigh. Laying his head back, closing his eyes.
Her teacher’s words rang in her ear as she walked to Ryan’s locker to meet him. He had been so proud of her and even timed her. She was doubly lucky that she had been on time or even a little early. She had no idea that he would have been timing her! Now she had even more pressure to be on time.

Lucy’s eyebrows rose as she watched the school slut, Erica, approach Ryan. She hated the word slut, but Erica was the epitome of the word. The way she dressed, talked, behaved, and the fact that she’d almost literally fucked every guy in the school and other schools in the district had earned her the title. And from what Lucy had heard, fucking Erica was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. She may have a nice body, but that was about it.

Besides being a slut, she was known for being a total bitch and doing everything and anything she could or desired to get her way.

So the fact that she was seeing this girl approaching her boyfriend in a similar way to the way Erica had approached their teacher earlier wasn’t really a surprise. Lucy was so glad at that moment that she didn’t have a crazy jealous streak, because she would have beat the living hell out of the bitch for what she saw next.

Erica pushed herself into his bubble, his discomfort apparent on his face, as she pressed herself into him and hugged him, and walked off. He shook himself off, his face curling in disgust as Lucy approached him with raised eyebrows. “What was that?” she asked, her face pulled into a slight pout. She was glad she had seen that Erica had looked back at her, meaning that it had been more about her jealousy issues than any attraction to Ryan, but still the girl was fucking incorrigible.

“I have no idea. She just walked up a minute before you did. I haven’t talked to Erica in like two years besides passing in the hall.”

“So… we don’t have a problem, right?” Lucy said.

“Fuck no. That bitch is bad news. And I have the hottest chick in the district.” He said with a grin, hugging her.

Lucy was livid for some reason. She couldn’t believe the nerve that the chick had had. What made Erica so incredibly insecure was beyond Lucy’s comprehension. Apparently the way that their teacher had blown her off in favor of Lucy had really gotten under her skin, enough to make her want to go hit on Lucy’s boyfriend.

She had definitely been planning on talking to Ryan to cut off their pre-practice sex, but now she felt completely differently. The way Erica had pushed herself on Ryan was really getting into her. Leaning into him and grabbing the collar of his shirt hard, whispering into his ear, “I want you to take me back to your car right fucking now and fuck me till I can barely walk.” Ryan’s grip tightened on her arm, his groan audible in the middle of the hallway.

“Babe!” he grabbed her ass hard, then took her hand and led her towards the school’s exit.
With the door locked he pulled his bag out from beneath his desk and began to change into a light blue tank top and matching fabric shorts. It wasn’t as easy as it could have been as he was still sporting something of an erection. He still had a good five minutes before he had to head out the door, so he sat down and pulled out the play book for the defensive line and went over a few things he was planning to work on today. Thankfully it helped him take his mind off of what had just happened, so by the time his alarm went off he was calm, cool, and collected once more. It was time to head out to the field.

Kids were still coming out of the locker room when he arrived. Some of them had the sense to arrive early, those who didn’t started practice out with a few laps around the field. Unfortunately for Ryan, he was running late. He could already tell by looking at the stupid grin on the kids face that Lucy obviously had not heeded his advice. Still he decided to give the kid a break and see if his playing would improve today. So far it was not boding well. He seemed even more worn out than usual. He was the last one in the huddle, last one in the line ups. He was making mistakes, missing tackles.

Steve growled with frustration, but he kept letting it go. Why? He didn’t know, maybe it was because he knew the kid had talent, but more than likely it was because they had something in common. Lucy. Ryan wasn’t a small guy, that was why he played on the defensive line. However there was only one guy on the team who was bigger than him. James stood about three inches taller and had about twenty pounds of pure muscle on Ryan. The two were always in competition for sacks, and who could out do each other. Usually Ryan got the better of him just through natural talent, but lately James had been coming out on top.

Steve watched in slow motion as the two ran headlong into each other. It was like watching a train wreck. James plowed into Ryan and Ryan lost his feet. Easily pushed a good six inches into the air he landed hard. James got up and shook it off. Ryan wasn’t quite so lucky. He lay there for a moment, groaning. Steve jogged out onto the field and stood over the fallen student. Looking down at him he tapped Ryan’s helmet.

“hey, you still breathing down there?”

Ungh… Yeah coach, I’m good.”

“No, you aren’t. You should be, but you know we talked about this.”

Ryan leaped to his feet, favoring his left side a little bit. He suddenly realized what was going on and shook his head.

”C’mon man. You know I have busted my ass for this spot, you know there are going to be scouts looking soon. This is my chance!”

Anger heated Ryan’s voice as he started to lose his temper. He actually tore off his helmet and glared at Steve as if he were going to intimidate him. Steve just looked at Ryan with a cool gaze, looked down at him really and opened his mouth to speak. Ryan quickly cut him off.

”You can’t do this!”

“Yes, I can, and I am. Hit the showers. If you get your head out of the clouds and start playing the game again you might get your spot back. Until you screw your head on straight you are a liability to the team, and you might get yourself hurt. You’re done.”

Snarling, Ryan threw his helmet down and stalked off the field, rattling off every swear word in the book. Unphased Steve turned and called out. “Chris, get in here and fill Ryan’s spot. You’re in.”

The junior trotted in and took his spot in the huddle.


He was stressed as he got into the car. He just had to cut one of his best players because the damn kid couldn’t keep it in his pants until after practice was over. What a stupid fucking reason to blow his shot. He normally headed to the gym after practice today, but he just wasn’t feeling it tonight. It might have helped his stress level, but instead he just needed a break from the routine. Tonight he just needed to unwind. He made it home in good time, hit the shower and let the hot water beat over his skin. It was soothing, relaxing. He could think of a few other good ways to unwind but for now this would do.

He was contemplating that trip to the bar, he really needed to get his brains fucked out when he heard his phone ring. He stepped out of the stream of water, quickly dried off his hands and picked up his cell. The water was still running in the background and could distinctly be heard as he answered the phone. He didn’t recognize the number, but he had a feeling he knew who it might be.

The sex had been phenomenal and any remnants of discomfort with the Erica incident had been blown to pieces as Ryan exploded inside of her, hands wrapped around the side of her thighs, pounding into her from behind in his backseat.

When they'd gotten out to the car, he had hesitated a bit, likely thinking about the same thing she had before Erica had showed up: football practice. But his hesitation faded as quickly as it had appeared, and he kissed her passionately, almost forcing her body into the backseat with the intensity. She was glad for the roomy vehicle, the backseat having been christened time and time again by their frenzied fucking. With the sex only getting better between them, she wondered why the role-playing was turning her on so much and even more so, why she had thought of her teacher.

But that thought was quickly pushed away as Ryan pushed her down on her back, kissing her neck. "Wanna play another game, babe? I've always liked it when you called me Daddy." he whispered in her ear as he nibbled her, referring to the way she let it slip out once in a while when he was fucking her particularly hard. "Betcha it would make Coach so mad to know what we were about to do." he laughed, thinking he was totally safe from being cut, even though his Coach had privately talked to him several times about his pre-practice activities. He had never specifically called him out on the sex, but Ryan was sure he knew. Probably was just jealous!

He pulled his shirt off and leaned into her, biting her neck hard. In turn, her nails dug into his back, trailing lines downwards. He seemed to love the way she scratched him almost involuntarily, what with the way he bit her, knowing it would have that effect.

Ryan slid his arms underneath his girlfriend, pulling her up and then flipping her over onto her hands and knees. As he pushed her skirt up to her waist, he saw all the bruises he had left on her. He kissed and touched them gently, apologizing softly. "I'll try to be more gentle," he offered with a sly grin, knowing neither liked it slow or gentle. He rubbed his fingers over the red lace of her pussy sticking out between her round buttcheeks. He leaned forward and licked firmly, tongue soaking her crotch. "You wore red on purpose!" he groaned, biting the panties and pulling then to the side, using his fingers to push slowly inside her as his tongue licked downwards towards her clit. She whimpered and pushed back on his face.

That was all he needed. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans quickly, pulling them down just enough. Holding her lacy panties to the side, he rubbed his cock against her wet opening. "You want Daddy to fuck you, baby?" he said in a low voice, hand wrapped in her hair tightly. The picture of Mr. Wilkinson popped back into Lucy's head, his stern gaze and steady attitude definitely one that might be related to that of a father. She moaned, nails digging into the fabric of the seat. Why was she thinking of her teacher? Suddenly she wondered what he would be like in bed, making her call him Daddy and cumming all over his cock.

"Fuck me, Daddy!" she moaned, pushing back against Ryan.

It didn't take long after that for Ryan to get off violently, pounding her hard and fast, panting as he came. As they lay there for a minute, she could hear him panting still, with the exertion of their sex.

"I gotta go babe. Im gonna be late. Can I walk you to your car?" he did up his jeans and put his shirt back on. , helping her readjust her clothes and the two walked to her car.

"You're so great, baby." he kissed her deeply, stroking her waist. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now hurry up. You're already late." she kissed his warm neck. "Text me when practice is over." Ryan ran off and Lucy headed home to get her homework done.

A few hours later, not having yet heard from Ryan, she punched Mr. Wilkinson's number into her phone, listening to it ring.
“Oh, hi Lucy, what’s up?”

The phone conversation was a brief one. She had some questions about how to handle an aspect of scheduling and he had answered her question in a moment or two and she had thanked him and that was the end of the conversation. He wasn’t sure if he should be grateful, or frustrated, or just feel satisfied? He had given her the number to answer any questions but suddenly after the thoughts he had been having just a quick Q and A felt less than stellar. Ok. That was it. He had to get his mind off of Lucy, and quickly. It was time to test the waters again.

His shower was finished quickly and he began getting ready to head out to a local bar he favored. A few drinks with some friends and maybe an encounter with a woman without attachment would get his head spun around right. So out to the bar he went! Drinks with friends didn’t hold his attention long as he wasn’t there for more than an hour when he was approached by a beautiful blonde woman who’s crystal clear blue eyes caught his attention, and the low cut top she was wearing didn’t hurt either.

He could be extremely charming when he wanted to be so within the next hour they were hitting it off, buying each other drinks and laughing together. He was feeling good, he had a good rush of alcohol running through his blood and the blonde kept nuzzling her knee against the inside of his thigh and giving him meaningful looks. Within the next ten minutes she asked him back to her place and with a crooked grin and a few hasty waves they left the bar together.

They didn’t even make it half way before her head was in his lap. His belt had been tossed somewhere into the backseat and she had his thick length stuffed into her mouth. It was a damn good thing they left before bar time and avoided the cops because he was not exactly driving straight lines, but it had nothing to do with the drinks he had. Somehow he managed to park the car straight and he killed the engine just as she stuffed him into the back of her throat. He threw his head back and let out a low groan. Tangling his fingers into her hair he gave a warning tug and an urgent whisper.

“You keep that up and I won’t make it inside…”

She just moaned around his length and opened her jaw just enough to flick the tip of her tongue over his swollen sac. He let out a low growl, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he burst in her mouth. She took wave after wave of his hot and unique taste, moaning and purring like a happy kitten. Her nails raking along his inner thighs. His length continued to pulse and pump even long after his seed was spent and she lapped up every bit and then began to bathe him with her tongue.

Those eyes of hers glittered with satisfaction and with a final kiss to the base of his shaft she slid back up and whispered into his ears.

“Thanks for the fun baby. Call me tomorrow if you want to go further. This was all I wanted tonight. I just knew you would taste fantastic.”

He was still coming down as she whispered her phone number into his ear and slid gracefully from the car as if it were nothing more than an innocent ride home and not one of the most intense blow jobs the man had had in a month and a half. He sagged back against his seat and just began to laugh.

Lucy’s phone chirped at around nine thirty. A text from Ryan came through. “Hey babe. Just got home from the ER. Bruised my ribs in practice tonight and I got fucking cut! I can’t believe he did that! If you are awake call me!”

So much for that amazing sex they had been having, bruised ribs was a sure fire way to kill their love life.


A week later and he had met with Janice twice since that night. That whole week he had been a changed man. His confidence was back, there was energy back in his step and he was that calm, cool, collected man that left the girls swooning. All but Erica that was. Ever since the day she had tried to seduce him she had been as much of a ghost in his class as possible, while still attending. She didn’t say a word unless called upon and even when she was she seemed to want to answer the question as succinctly as possible and be done with it.

Lucy had been doing great with being on time. Each day she had been on time and he had greeted her with a smile and an approving nod but little more. It wasn’t that he was being cold to her, but they were not sharing those awkward looks anymore, she was just another girl in his class again as far as he was concerned and his only concern was seeing she did well. Though he had noticed her seeming more distracted as the week dragged on. Friday rolled around and the bell rang out. No Lucy. No outward sign of anything but when she walked in a full ten minutes late he stopped in mid lecture and simply looked at her in silence. Then he just rolled on with the lecture as if it didn’t matter and had never taken place.

Class was over quickly and just as the bell rang he called out.

“Don’t forget to put your essay papers on my desk before you leave!”

Kids were filing up to his desk and turning in papers. He took notice of two things. Ryan stormed out of class without so much as a look in his direction no paper huh? Well that wasn’t going to go well for him. That paper was a huge part of the grade. The second thing he noticed was Lucy was lingering back at the end of the line. He knew he to read tension when he saw it and she stepped up to his desk last. She was looking everywhere but at him and he let out a quiet sigh.

“You were doing so great Lucy. Listen, I’ll let this one slide alright? Just lets not fall back into the old habit.”

Truth was he had a date tonight with Janice and he didn’t want to screw around wasting time cajoling Lucy about one tardy. She had showed dramatic improvement.

“Just turn in your paper and show up on time on Monday ok? Uh… where is your paper Lucy?”
Lucy's phone call with her teacher lasted less time than she had expected. For some reason, with the way he kept looking at her and the speech he had given in class, she had expected Mr. Wilkinson to want to keep the conversation going after she asked him her legitimate questions. But after thanking him, he had simply given her a warm, "You're welcome, Lucy." and hung up.

She lay back on her bed, checking her phone for texts from Ryan. She grinned when she saw she had a new one, but her face quickly turned downwards when she read it. Her poor boyfriend had been in the ER!? She called him immediately, waiting for him to answer. He answered pretty quickly, his voice quiet and sounding a bit drugged up.

"I'm sorry you got cut, baby." she wanted to remind him that he had been warned and that he knew it was coming, but the truth was she knew that was the last thing he needed to hear and she was a supportive, sweet girlfriend. "And Jesus, I'm so sorry you got bruised and had to go to the ER? Are you on meds or anything? Are you okay?" she knew how much Ryan liked sports and sex and all sorts of wonderful things that couldn't be done easily or at all with bruised ribs.

The conversation didn't last long, but Ryan let her know that he'd be taking a couple days off and she promised to come take care of him each day after school. He drifted off after a few minutes, the drugs taking more effect than he seemed to have expected. She smiled and devised a plan for when his ribs were healed. And until then, she could put her mouth to work! She giggled to herself at how excited Ryan would be when he learned he could indeed cum frequently even while his ribs were injured.

Seven days and six blowjobs later, the two hadn't had sex since before Ryan got cut, and he seemed to be really concentrated on getting back on the team. She didn't mind, though she knew it meant they would likely not be having any more romps in the back of his car. By Friday, she was so horny she couldn't stand it. He hadn't been able to do much of anything for her, but blowing him almost every day had gotten her so wet, she could barely think! She had managed to be on time to school every day during the week, despite her issue, but on Friday, she was ten minutes late to Mr. Wilkinson's class and knew there would be hell to pay as a result. She looked downwards as she entered the class, avoiding his eyes. He didn't call her out as she entered late, but he did stop in the middle of his lecture, pausing until she had taken her seat.

When the class was over, she heard him yell out, “Don’t forget to put your essay papers on my desk before you leave!”

PAPER? WHAT PAPER!? She scanned her mind desperately as she stood up and the students filtered towards the door. A paper? Jesus Christ, she had no recollection of him mentioning something about a paper! It must have been sometime this week. She glanced over at Ryan, who stormed out. She didn't even know if he'd be waiting for her outside, he seemed really mad, which probably meant he forgot it too. That gave him less of a chance to show coach he had his head on straight and get back on the team. Lucy lingered by the teacher's desk, not sure what to say or ask. Could she really admit she had a problem and that she hadn't put the paper in her reminder book?

"T-thanks." she said, as he told her he would let it slide and not yell at her for her tardiness. She was just about out the door when he told her to be on time on Monday and turn in her paper. And theeeeen he called her out, realizing she didn't have a paper in her hand.

It had been a taxing week and now this. Lucy had been doing so well! Not only had she fallen off the wagon of getting to school on time and now this. He had been talking about this paper since the first day, the day he pulled her aside to discuss her tardy issues. She didn’t have one and he felt furious. He drew a deep breath to calm his anger. Why did he care so much? She was one student in the 500 he taught in a day. Why? Because she was special, that’s why. This girl was smart, beautiful, talented. She could be anything, do anything she wanted if she just applied herself. That started with being on time, and ended with taking school assignments seriously. The truth was she was too busy fucking Ryan to think about anything else.

His voice was measured when he spoke, but the iron was there. It was obvious he was angry, that did not bode well for the young woman.

“Really Lucy? I’ve been talking about this paper for half the semester. This paper is a fourth of your overall grade. A zero in this paper could come close to failing you. If you get a zero here you have to get an A or higher on the final or fail the course. Where is your head girl?”

She knew how important it was to pass. Many of the teachers were talking about attendance issues and possibly failing students without legitimate excuses and too many tardy/late issues. Lucy had been surfing the danger zone until Steve had had the meeting with her.

“I can’t let you just slide here Lucy. I’m sorry. Do good on the final I guess.”

He opened his grade book and picked up his red pen with a resigned sigh. Damn it.