Tantric sex, MSO ,ESO MO in BDSM scenes


Really Really Experienced
Mar 18, 2002
I tried this once before. In another thread PBW mentioned this.

Who has some experience in practising this in a D/s sense.

What does MSO, ESO and MO stand for?

PBW "the FBI and CIA are working for the DOD and IRS in order to bring down the FCC and ATF."
Can you please define those abbreviations for those of us going "huh?" beyond tantric. How about a short overview too. :)

Eso Extended sexual orgasm
Mso Massive sexual orgasm
Mo Multiple orgasm

pierced_boy said:
I tried this once before. In another thread PBW mentioned this.

Who has some experience in practising this in a D/s sense.

I do, on all counts.
We've been practicing and learning Tantric sex for about 4 years now.

Anything else you wanted to ask with that, H? ;)

Whithout want to be voyeuristic

Do others find this useful in D/s play and what types of scenarios work for people.

I started the thread to find those with experience and maybe let those without learn something new, maybe get them to try adding this to their repetoire. So anything you are comfortable saying will no doubt be useful Risia.

For instance we play with one partner immobilised (in a very comfortable position) and well you can fill in the gaps. Sometimes this process can take hours , sometimes minutes depending on arousal and energy levels.

One spin off is the lasting effects, almost instant arousal and orgasm with the little effort or touch for the next day or so.

How do others work this into their D/s play?

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I'd love to hear more details if anyone knows and wants to share. I am very interested in this area.


It's a good topic, H, and I'm thinking on it. I'll have a lengthy response for you--probably tomorrow.

I'd also love to hear personal experiences with stuff such as crowning and how long it took to actually be able to achieve such things as orgasm with ejaculation and/or mutual orgasms...

PBW "Masturbation: I'm in it for the long haul baby!" lmao
PBW this has not slipped betwwen ths the cracks

Like Risia I am composing a considered post( unlike some of my other recent ones)

Sorry I haven't gotten to this yet, PB & Harry. I'm trying to get my grading finished, and holiday crap. You know how that goes. Soon, I hope. Best to all. :rose:

So how many fellas have had MO's? or ESO's

I'll raise my hand.

Thanks to a Lit member I have sustained and orgasm for several minutes. My whole buddy tingled and I twitched everytime she touched me again. My eyes glazed over and I couldn't form coherent sentences for a couple hours afterward. I remained hyper sensitive during the whole session. I'm not sure how I am able to devide ejaculation and orgasms but I do. Guys, it's possible and very cool. I have been able to do it for years but since that session I have perfected the ESO.
pierced_boy said:
I tried this once before. In another thread PBW mentioned this.

Who has some experience in practising this in a D/s sense.


Well, it would seem to me that if your a male and sadistic and you've learned the tantric (or other--many disciplines teach this) practice of delaying your orgasm indefinitely you could use that skill to fuck a woman's vagina long enough to make it bleed. Right, PBW? ;)
Re: Re: Tantric sex, MSO ,ESO MO in BDSM scenes

UCE said:
Well, it would seem to me that if your a male and sadistic and you've learned the tantric (or other--many disciplines teach this) practice of delaying your orgasm indefinitely you could use that skill to fuck a woman's vagina long enough to make it bleed. Right, PBW? ;)

LOL... you're really into that bleeding thang aren't ya?

Just being a little aggressive can do it.

and I can't hold out indefinitely, nor do I have a ton of skills, or a hung dick.

So, yes your average-everyday-run-of-the-mill-kinda-guy can do it.


PBW "Uhh, honey... i think we have a problem <looking down at cock>"

A great topic.

I cant say as I've extended the O, but some 'chemically induced states warp ones sense of time. It 'seems' like forever, sometimes, with THC.

I once saw a book ESO, and I've read about multiple O's for men based on withholding ejaculation. Damn that's hard! (To shut off, just at that *fine moment). Maybe my PCs are shot.

I'm all ears for RS or others with direct experience, though I suspect the females are luckier, and more easily extend one O, or have a string of 'em.
Yes I agree Pure. I don't have alot of experience in this area and am learning myself. I have to wonder if guys that are able to do this (being multi) actually do have full blown orgasms (without the ejaculation). Or is it just a "good" feeling? I am able to do the "start and stop" method for quite some time (at least an hour and then some). But I always quit just before orgasm. While it feels good, it's not a orgasm. I will admit, when I finally do orgasm and ejaculate... it's sooo much more intense if I have been doing the "start and stop" method for a long time.

It's more than just a start-stop thing for me. I quiver and shake and make feeble noises for a while until the feeling passes. The only thing missing from the full ejaculate orgasm is the sense of relief. It's just a prolonged :eek:

Actually this often happens during and after long foreplay sessions.
For example:

She looked at me confused. I was unresponsive to her advances. Except for my coy grin.

"I want to see what you can do to me." oops. shouldn't have said that

For the next hour I experienced euphoria like only she could deliver. My sensitivity was so maxed out I couldn't have had that final relieving explosion if I wanted to.

The downside of that hyper-sensitivity is that I rarely do get to finish as a normal human being would, leaving me with a bad case of blue-balls. But I assure you, I enjoy every second of it.

As for how I do it, I have no idea but I've done it for almost my whole life. But now I have control over it;)

Pure[/i] [b]I'm all ears for RS or others with direct experience said:
Yes I agree Pure. I don't have alot of experience in this area and am learning myself. I have to wonder if guys that are able to do this (being multi) actually do have full blown orgasms (without the ejaculation). Or is it just a "good" feeling? I am able to do the "start and stop" method for quite some time (at least an hour and then some). But I always quit just before orgasm. While it feels good, it's not a orgasm. I will admit, when I finally do orgasm and ejaculate... it's sooo much more intense if I have been doing the "start and stop" method for a long time.

You may both be right--it may be easier for women. I don't have a wide enough experience with men (having been with hubby for 9+ years at this point) to know if he's unusual. However, I *do* know that he can have extended multi-minute orgasm, multiple orgasms (without ejaculation, typically), and the kind of hyper-intense MSO that causes him to lose consciousness.

Needless to say, this didn't happen overnight.

Initially, I studied the Kama Sutra to learn technique and positions. Then, as I got into it, I started looking harder--and seeing the whole spiritual component of things that I'd been missing. Without getting too touchy-feely on the subject, Tantra really does change everything. You don't give it up, once you've started down that road.

In a D/s situation, you've got free license to use orgasm denial, which plays a role--certainly it did for us, particularly at the beginning. Simple orgasm denial (what PBW calls the "start and stop" method, especially) can help create MSO--which I would argue is the easiest of the three to achieve, especially for men.

For my husband (YMMV, as Eb would say), extended orgasm comes from a combination of extended full-body foreplay and *my* controlling the moment--whether we're having actual intercourse or not. That way, he *can't* continue in a rhythm, which seems to confuse his body. When he gets close, I change rhythm or location (etc). That way, it isn't like the stop-and-start, so he's still getting all kinds of stimulation. But, it throws him off the orgasm track.

Then, when *I'm* ready for him to be done, I'll let him come--sometimes, the actual orgasm can go on for minutes--partly because of delay, but largely because his body's not sure if it's time or not. And, the whole process *definitely* pushes him into a sub-headspace, which means that his orgasm is also partially tied to me--my voice, my body. It's responsive to me, and I'm multi-orgasmic (especially after a long scene), so we feed off each other's energy.

The multiple orgasm thing is a little different. It can happen on the road to ESO, if done "right." (But, I can't always tell what will set him off. It seems to change, so you have to be adaptive.) Extended and increasingly intense foreplay does the trick. Everybody knows their partner's sensitive areas and trigger points, right? So use that to your advantage--stimulate the whole body (with breath, vibration, hands, your body, toys, whatever works for you both--this is about your pleasure as well), but slowly circle in on the "trigger points."

Then, when you're both good and ready, take one trigger point and focus on building the level of sensation and sensitivity there until the sensation becomes *so* intense that the body responds automatically. With the right build, this will create orgasm (usually without ejaculation)--and it's *real* orgasm, not just a "feel good" kinda thing (not that there's anything wrong with *that*, in any case).

One last thing--here's a little "advanced" (for us, anyway) scenario that works really well in a D/s context from the other side--with me on bottom:
I pride myself on my oral technique, okay? So, I do this weird party-trick kinda maneuver that bends my neck all the way back and then requires me to support a fair amount of his body weight. (Wait, it gets better.) Then I take his cock into my throat until the whole head pushes past the ring and into my esophagus, and I swallow around it repeatedly as he thrusts into me. This is *incredibly* intense, and very tight, so work up to it. Start slow, stimulate the whole body, work into the oral sex. Then, work up to the throat. *Then* you can go for the swallow. (I'm told that not everyone can do this, but I didn't use to be able to either. Willingness to practice and a little enthusiastic appreciation from the receiver go a *long* way, believe me.)

So, when it's close to time, I wrap my arms around his legs and fuse to him, so I can take almost all his weight onto me but he can still get traction to thrust. It's an incredibly intense D/s thing from my end--he's got all kinds of breath control over me, I'm "serving" him in an incredibly direct way, and our bodies are pretty much fused together. Very intense, and with the right partner, incredibly intimate and even spiritual.

I'm told it's more intense than anal sex with a virgin. I use this to induce multiple orgasms, sometimes for minutes straight--and in the right headspace, I can cum without being touched while performing it. Tantra is good. Tantra is your friend.

Hope that helps somebody. If there's more I can/should address, let me know, okay?

Happy Holidays, all!
If you don't have a partner can you teach yourself this thru masturbation?

and thank you for that massive about of info. :)

PBW "And damn neat "party" trick... gawd I wish I could reach the throat... lmao"
P. B. Walker said:
If you don't have a partner can you teach yourself this thru masturbation?

and thank you for that massive about of info. :)

PBW "And damn neat "party" trick... gawd I wish I could reach the throat... lmao"
It is, of course, tougher to learn discipline when you have to train yourself. That's the advantage of the D/s context, from that angle. But, yeah you can learn this alone.

My guess (and that's all it is) is that the big hurdle is learning full-body masturbation. In my experience, most men are incredibly focused on the cock--or, at most, the area immediately surrounding it. The key is really getting the whole body into it, learning to switch "zones" of the body. With that, you can actually train your body to locate orgasm triggers away from the genitalia and onto other body parts. Your cock or clit is *always* going to get you off, but you can learn to make other areas just as sensitive--which means (for the guys) orgasm without ejaculation. That kind of orgasm actually increases the sexual intensity, rather than overloading with sensation, frying your nerve endings, and then putting you to sleep. IMO, of course. ;)
I think I'm having a hard time getting a handle on orgasm triggers that aren't part of the genitalia. I guess I need to explore other erogenous zones. :)

PBW. "I need help finding my clit" ;)
Speaking from the male perspective, I heartily endorse Risia Skye's point about the need to focus on the whole body to achieve the bigger O's through masturbation. My best, longest, and most intense orgasms come from giving myself a full-body massage that slowly concentrates on my various trigger points. The key is to separate your mind from your body, in the sense of consciously treating your body as a sexual partner. This is a bit touchy feely for some, I know, but achieving that divide enables you to focus on building levels of sensation for yourself that ultimately results in a tremendous orgasm far different from those you experience in other sexual situations.
P. B. Walker said:
I think I'm having a hard time getting a handle on orgasm triggers that aren't part of the genitalia. I guess I need to explore other erogenous zones. :)

PBW. "I need help finding my clit" ;)

:D :D
"my clit"

RisiaSkye said:
<snip> Tantra is good. Tantra is your friend.

Hope that helps somebody. If there's more I can/should address, let me know, okay?

Happy Holidays, all!

All I can say is WOW, RS!
