Sunnat...Circumcision Muslim Style


Feb 9, 2003
I am starting this thead to understand why are Muslims so very cruel when it comes to killing fellow human beings .... the case in point being Daniel Pearl.

I think this has something to do with there circumcision ceremony they call sunnat that is done in such a cruel and gross manner that they loose all love and respect for their parents (and every other human being) who do not protect the little child at that point in time and grow up vindictive and are not afraid to kill and get killed.

Any comments...
They seem to be still living in the Middle Age.

I don't think it's a muslim thing.

People have the capacity to be extreamly cruel to on another.

Read history books.
To say that all Muslims are doing this is to equate the entire US to lynching blacks and sending bombs to each other because of the Klan, Timmy McVeigh, and Theo Kaczinsky.