Busybody We are ALL BUSYBODY! Joined Jan 23, 2011 Posts 55,323 Aug 21, 2012 #3 “Have you noticed that the MSM are not talking about the high gas prices? When Bush was in they beat the gas price disaster drum daily.” Why, yes, yes I have.
“Have you noticed that the MSM are not talking about the high gas prices? When Bush was in they beat the gas price disaster drum daily.” Why, yes, yes I have.
koalabear ~Armed and Fuzzy~ Joined Mar 14, 2001 Posts 101,964 Aug 21, 2012 #4 How much gas tax did Romney pay!
Busybody We are ALL BUSYBODY! Joined Jan 23, 2011 Posts 55,323 Aug 21, 2012 #5 nun he flies with his magic underwear see? thats KOOL but we cant talk MOSSEFUCK
fuckwaffle ~Watch the Birdie~ Joined Jan 19, 2009 Posts 1,781 Aug 21, 2012 #6 We, um, must, um, see, um, Romney's, um, gas returns, um, for the last, um, 8 year, um. Today President Obamaloney went off teleprompter...
We, um, must, um, see, um, Romney's, um, gas returns, um, for the last, um, 8 year, um. Today President Obamaloney went off teleprompter...
Busybody We are ALL BUSYBODY! Joined Jan 23, 2011 Posts 55,323 Aug 21, 2012 #7 we needa talk SEAMUS Go ahead Obama......SHAME US!