Study: Readers of literary fiction can read emotions, too


Literotica Guru
Sep 21, 2008

In the past couple of days I've read two articles that suggest that what you have recently experienced can profoundly effect your reaction to the next stimulus.

People who read literary fiction are better than readers of popular fiction or nonfiction at figuring out the emotions of others, according to a US study out Thursday.

Researchers hypothesized that people who read works of literature would be better at sensing what is going on in the inner worlds of others, but they wanted to test the notion.

I'm not sure if this is a comment on the long term effects of Literary Fiction, or a momentary effect that may become more pronounced over time?

I wonder what the effects of porn are?
What does this mean?

People who read literary fiction are better than readers of popular fiction

Literary fiction & popular fiction sound the same to me.
In the past couple of days I've read two articles that suggest that what you have recently experienced can profoundly effect your reaction to the next stimulus.

I'm not sure if this is a comment on the long term effects of Literary Fiction, or a momentary effect that may become more pronounced over time?

I wonder what the effects of porn are?

You didn't ask but here it is: Each of us is born with a collection of sensory templates for filtering and detecting specific stimuli. We measure these traits with various tests, people vary. So some people are extremely sensitive and some are a day late and a dollar short. Now! Inside the brain the rule is USE IT OR LOSE IT. These templates improve from use and training, or wither away from neglect.

That said, maybe-possibly Tolstoy or Shakespeare or Hugo are better mental trainers than COMIX. I don't think so but I don't know for sure.
The study is a bit pretentious. Judging people by the material they enjoy reading is idiotic.

If you have to value yourself-or seek others value-by which books you choose to read, you're pretty pathetic.

Another waste of someone's money.
The study is a bit pretentious. Judging people by the material they enjoy reading is idiotic.

If you have to value yourself-or seek others value-by which books you choose to read, you're pretty pathetic.

Another waste of someone's money.

STFU and go write, and leave the foolish blabbering to experts like me and PILOT.