Sorry I fucked up the board layout. I can't fix it now. Too late..

If people would stop posting to it, it would get fixed.

BTW - have you tried going in and editing the "Post subject" on the first post? Might work.
Guru, Dillinger is trying to repress my thread! Help me repress him back!

Dillywacker, I did just now, and no, it didn't work. I knew it wouldn't cause unless you do it within two minutes of the time you made the thread, it is too late, hence the too late part in my title here.

Oh, and What? You don't think people should post to my oh, so profound and entertaining thread?

My suggestion is that we let it die a quick and perhaps painless death but that we cherish its memory for all time to come.
Right. I don't even remember what we are talking about already!

For all time, my tush brigade!