Son of a gun, would ya look at this.


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
Home Schooling Skyrocketing.

This comes to no surprise to anyone that's been following the trends, both in the success of home schooling and the abysmal failure of the public education system.

Things Ishmael said 30 years ago when he had his first and only ever erection for 500, Alex.
Product of public schooling heh? Such bitterness.

Would the parents of a "disadvantaged" child choose to home school them at the same frequency as a parent with a "gifted" child?

Unless you are willing to "home school" a sample from the entire distribution, you can not compare ending data sets. Apples and oranges.

No difference here than people arguing that the 4% Mac market is better than the 96% PC/Linux market. Both platforms have advantages...both have issues. Same with schooling.
Product of public schooling heh? Such bitterness.


I think you meant eh, instead of heh.

Secondly, anyone with a half-assed educated mind wouldn't be reading nor linking to Brietbart. Come on, you can do better than that.

You're welcome.
this is bad news, imo.
it gives people the notion that they can actually school their kids properly, and not cock it up. which, invariably, many of them will.

the vast majority of parents aren't qualified to teach their kids. it's akin to getting upset with your mechanic so you decide to do ALL your own auto repairs from now on, because once when you were 15 you helped your dad change the oil and think this qualifies you to do everything else.
Would the parents of a "disadvantaged" child choose to home school them at the same frequency as a parent with a "gifted" child?

Unless you are willing to "home school" a sample from the entire distribution, you can not compare ending data sets. Apples and oranges.

No difference here than people arguing that the 4% Mac market is better than the 96% PC/Linux market. Both platforms have advantages...both have issues. Same with schooling.

Quite frankly, what does that have to do with anything? The assessment was done on a normal population distribution. Attempting to offset one extreme with another and thinking you're making a point is so LT it's not even amusing.

If you want to make a point based on your example you would have to compare outcomes for disadvantaged children that were home schooled vs. public schooled. The same for the 'gifted' children. If you can dig up a study on those groups, post it. I, for one, would be interested in seeing the results of a true apples to apples study on those groups.

But the study wasn't about those groups, it was a survey encompassing a cross section of home schooled vs. public schooled.

Something that I found interesting was this;

In addition, achievement gaps between sexes, income levels, or ethnicity—all of which have plagued public schools around the country—do not exist in homeschooling environments.

Why do people still read Breitbart? Isn't him being dead enough?

That said I'm so fucking impressed. According to one study homeschooling is up from what would that be, two point something to four percent of the population.
Alaska being a huge homeschooling state, I've seen both success and failure from parents that have tried it. Much more success though.
The internet makes home schooling lots easier. I'm surprised how little the increase has been.
The internet makes home schooling lots easier. I'm surprised how little the increase has been.

so "the internet" is a suitable substitute for a professional teacher with a masters degree?

seems legit.
Quite frankly, what does that have to do with anything? The assessment was done on a normal population distribution. Attempting to offset one extreme with another and thinking you're making a point is so LT it's not even amusing.

If you want to make a point based on your example you would have to compare outcomes for disadvantaged children that were home schooled vs. public schooled. The same for the 'gifted' children. If you can dig up a study on those groups, post it. I, for one, would be interested in seeing the results of a true apples to apples study on those groups.

But the study wasn't about those groups, it was a survey encompassing a cross section of home schooled vs. public schooled.

Something that I found interesting was this;

Obviously, you are not a statistician. Your opinion is flawed. You can not compare the 50% median of the public school results to the 65-85% for home schooling. Why? Because they are not coming from the same distribution. It does not matter if they are both are normally distributed. You are comparing the average speed of all Ferrari vehicles to the average speed of all car vehicles. Sorry...the best you can do is say the proportion of home-schooled kids is increasing at a faster rate. This may be true. But there are many reasons this may be occurring.
The Internet is not a substitute for a Masters Degree, but it does make accessing information, curriculum and advisement much easier.
Alaska being a huge homeschooling state, I've seen both success and failure from parents that have tried it. Much more success though.

Your observations are more or less reflected in the ACT score differences.

Most home schooling increases are because the kids have special needs They fall on the autism spectrum and the schools can't deal with it. Or there is a pathology or disorder that the home schooling parent is addressing.

Or the parents are religious zealot whackjobs, and that seems to be on the rise too.
so "the internet" is a suitable substitute for a professional teacher with a masters degree?

seems legit.
You can contact and learn from professional teachers with Masters degrees on the internet.
You can contact and learn from professional teachers with Masters degrees on the internet.

again, is that the same thing?

it's like trying to build a rocket in your garage and calling an engineer for some bits of advice.

again, is that the same thing?

it's like trying to build a rocket in your garage and calling an engineer for some bits of advice.

People have been teaching their children far longer than they've been building rockets. A big part of education is parental instinct.
Obviously, you are not a statistician. Your opinion is flawed. You can not compare the 50% median of the public school results to the 65-85% for home schooling. Why? Because they are not coming from the same distribution. It does not matter if they are both are normally distributed. You are comparing the average speed of all Ferrari vehicles to the average speed of all car vehicles. Sorry...the best you can do is say the proportion of home-schooled kids is increasing at a faster rate. This may be true. But there are many reasons this may be occurring.

Soooo, you're assuming that all home schooled children are somehow 'gifted' if I'm reading you correctly. I'd be terribly interested in how you came to that conclusion. Seems to me that you're assuming a lot of shit that you have absolutely NO data to support your assumptions with.

The percentages you are bloviating about as 'medians', are the results of the ACT test scores. The differences in results ARE meaningful, even if you choose to blow them off for no reason other than your own expressed prejudice and baseless assumptions.

Private schools, regardless of any religious affiliation, if any, also top the public schools in ACT scores. Although on this point I will concede that financial status does play a role.

No matter which way you want to look at it, public schools are at the bottom of the heap academically.

Most home schooling increases are because the kids have special needs They fall on the autism spectrum and the schools can't deal with it. Or there is a pathology or disorder that the home schooling parent is addressing.

Or the parents are religious zealot whackjobs, and that seems to be on the rise too.

Bullshit moron. Read the fucking report.

People have been teaching their children far longer than they've been building rockets. A big part of education is parental instinct.

you're hopelessly missing the point, and obstinately refusing to concede that this is a bad idea encased in more bad ideas.
Your observations are more or less reflected in the ACT score differences.


The failures I did witness when parents or kids couldn't handle the load was pretty much determined within one school year, and back to school they went. In every single instance it was the parent up against lack of motivation from the kid. Either the parent wasn't presenting learning in an interesting manner, different learning styles, or it was a behavior problem, but it was always...I can't get the kid to do the work.
Soooo, you're assuming that all home schooled children are somehow 'gifted' if I'm reading you correctly. I'd be terribly interested in how you came to that conclusion. Seems to me that you're assuming a lot of shit that you have absolutely NO data to support your assumptions with.

The percentages you are bloviating about as 'medians', are the results of the ACT test scores. The differences in results ARE meaningful, even if you choose to blow them off for no reason other than your own expressed prejudice and baseless assumptions.

Private schools, regardless of any religious affiliation, if any, also top the public schools in ACT scores. Although on this point I will concede that financial status does play a role.

No matter which way you want to look at it, public schools are at the bottom of the heap academically.

No, I am saying the distributions between the two groups are different. I am saying there is a high likelihood that those students that learn easily excel at home schooling. You can't compare the two groups. Sorry. Public schools HAVE to take all students. Private schools do not. You can't compare their academic performances. Top performing students preferentially find their way to better educational learning situations. The end result is nothing more than a reflection of this simple fact.