Something That Trump Cannot Wiggle Out Of


Literotica Guru
Jan 10, 2008
Something That Trump Cannot Wiggle Out Of

(Every crack and crevice, and every space under a rock, has a Trump lawyer, stuffed into it.)

Trump has been very careful to keep his own hands clean -
He a a loud mouth, but he had others to do his dirty work.

"Trump said in a statement released by his Save America PAC"

Plausible deniability - ability of people, typically senior officials
in a formal or informal chain of command, to deny knowledge of
or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by members
of their organizational hierarchy.

Liz Harrington
Twitter › realLizUSA

NEW! President Donald J. Trump:
"Following collaborative and respectful discussions, the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA) openly and willingly arranged with
President Trump for the transport of boxes that contained letters, records,
newspapers, magazines...

11 hours ago

Email from Trump's Save America PAC

- February 10, 2022 -

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

1.) Lies
2.) a Fabulist's vision of the future, that he is selling
3.) Denial as defence
4.) facts are dismissed as fiction
5.) researched and affirmed are smeared as fiction
6.) distract, sidestep
"Crooked Hillary Clinton, as an example, deleted and acid washed 32,000 emails
and never gave that to the government. Then, they took large amounts of furniture
out of the White House. And Bill Clinton kept numerous audio recordings that the
archives wanted, but were unsuccessful at getting after going to court."

- Trump ?

"We won't even mention what is going on with the White House in the current,
or various past administrations."

7.) Just like Lit, the joke is: produce a recorded image of it, or it did not really happen
8.) insult the witness to testimony
9.) point to someone else

"In the United States there has unfortunately become two legal standards,
one for Republicans and one for Democrats. It should not be that way!"
- Trump ?

Or unknown ghost writer ?

Trump takes credit, until there is criticism.

Trump's infamous moments -
He denies that he said it, after media and press have released a video - his voice, his lips,
his body language, all telling the story that he denies.

(It is no wonder, that Trump loves the conspiracy enthusiast communty.)

What is the definition of a "Confidence Man" ?

Americans recognize "con man". He will talk you into something, and either steal
from you - or get you into bad trouble.

"US. a swindler who tries to gain the confidence of the victim in order to defraud."

President Barack Obama never committed the moral or legal violations that Trump embraced.
Something That Trump Cannot Wiggle Out Of

(Every crack and crevice, and every space under a rock, has a Trump lawyer, stuffed into it.)

Trump has been very careful to keep his own hands clean -
He a a loud mouth, but he had others to do his dirty work.

"Trump said in a statement released by his Save America PAC"

Liz Harrington
Twitter › realLizUSA

NEW! President Donald J. Trump:
"Following collaborative and respectful discussions, the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA) openly and willingly arranged with
President Trump for the transport of boxes that contained letters, records,
newspapers, magazines...

11 hours ago

Email from Trump's Save America PAC

- February 10, 2022 -

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

1.) Lies
2.) a Fabulist's vision of the future, that he is selling
3.) Denial as defence
4.) facts are dismissed as fiction
5.) researched and affirmed are smeared as fiction
6.) distract, sidestep
"Crooked Hillary Clinton, as an example, deleted and acid washed 32,000 emails
and never gave that to the government. Then, they took large amounts of furniture
out of the White House. And Bill Clinton kept numerous audio recordings that the
archives wanted, but were unsuccessful at getting after going to court."

- Trump ?

"We won't even mention what is going on with the White House in the current,
or various past administrations."

7.) Just like Lit, the joke is: produce a recorded image of it, or it did not really happen
8.) insult the witness to testimony
9.) point to someone else

"In the United States there has unfortunately become two legal standards,
one for Republicans and one for Democrats. It should not be that way!"
- Trump ?

Or unknown ghost writer ?

Trump takes credit, until there is criticism.

Trump's infamous moments -
He denies that he said it, after media and press have released a video - his voice, his lips,
his body language, all telling the story that he denies.

(It is no wonder, that Trump loves the conspiracy enthusiast communty.)

What is the definition of a "Confidence Man" ?

Americans recognize "con man". He will talk you into something, and either steal
from you - or get you into bad trouble.

"US. a swindler who tries to gain the confidence of the victim in order to defraud."

President Barack Obama never committed the moral or legal violations that Trump embraced.

Context matters. If he is what you claim, he would have taken a hit by now. Nothing but bluster!
"You weren't supposed to do that."

"You weren't supposed to do that."

February 5, 2019

The scene during President Trump’s second State of the Union address:

When Trump sought to praise his administration for the growth in new jobs for women,
the record class of Democratic congresswomen seized on the irony.

“No one has benefited more from our thriving economy than women, who have filled
58 percent of the new jobs created in the last year. (2018)” Trump said.

In response, Democrats applauded loudly, high-fiving each other and punching the air.
“You weren’t supposed to do that,” Trump said, veering from his prepared remarks.

Trump delivered his speech, rostrum of the House chamber -
with a stone-faced Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) observing over his left shoulder.

Trump stared into a sea of Democratic women wearing bright white -
in tribute to suffragists who secured women’s right to vote.

Together, they formed a vivid/ illustration of this year’s power shift
and the potential political peril for Trump’s presidency.

The tension in the chamber was palpable. As Trump declared the state of the union
to be “strong,” the women in white stayed seated while Republican lawmakers,
most of them men in dark suits, stood to cheer.
In dissonant State of the Union speech, Trump seeks unity while depicting ruin

February 5, 2020

After Trump proved his disrespect to her office and person, Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped
up her copy of Trump's 2020 State of the Union address at the end of his speech

It was the snub seen around the country — and in Democrats’ view,
Trump's State of the Union only went downhill from there.

As Speaker Nancy Pelosi extended her hand just before the start of Trump’s address,
the president quickly pivoted and turned his back, leaving the Speaker of the House

Even Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who has chided
his Democratic colleagues for being too partisan during Trump’s addresses
said that the snub of Pelosi’s handshake was “awful.”
Standing behind the president, she meticulously ripped up page after page
of Trump's speech, while Trump and other Republicans cheered the end
of an address that mostly catered to hardcore GOP partisans.

“It was the courteous thing to do considering the alternative,” Pelosi told reporters
as she exited the chamber. Later as she left the Capitol, she added:
“It was a manifesto of mistruths.

False equivalent- The Grand Deflect

Feb 25, 2020

False claims that suggested that U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi
broke the law when destroying her copy of Trump's State of the Union address.

- AP

bodysong comment - King of the Scoff- Laws, Donald Trump evades the long arm
of the law. Lawyers, influence, and money, are useful in negotiations. The common
man seeking wages for labor and materials provided to Trump, found themselves in
debt, bare-footed, naked, and poverty stricken. "Starved out." (Lawyers are appointed
guards, at the gates of a corporation. Trump had the most toxic and harmful lawyer
as his Commander of Legal Defense - Roy Cohn. RC instructed Trump on evading
the consequences of corrupt pratices.)

The Oval Office chair is as much of a throne of power, as any accepted throne on Earth.
Along with the responsibility attached to the position of National Leader of the U.S.A.,
are built-in protections of the person of the presidency - In the days before Trump, other
countries did seek to damage the U.S. presidency - so evasions do exist. But Trump has
corrupted, marred, misused, and desecrated everything he could put his paws on.

Yet, again, Trump commits a crime. Trump fully expects that his Trump Alliance
will shield and protect him against legal charges.

"Who would know that?"
Trump flips out over toilet documents report
during Fox interview

- Tom Boggioni

February 12, 2022

During a call-in interview with the hosts of Fox & Friends on Saturday morning,
former president Donald Trump lashed out at New York Times reporter Maggie
Haberman over revelations in her upcoming book that he was known for tearing
up documents.

- Raw Story

People that are direct witnesses would know. They are talking to the press.

"You weren't supposed to do that, Mr. Trump."

For once, in his life Trump got his hands dirty, and took part in a cover-up.
He destroyed documents. The only problem, is that finding the destroyed
and missing documents will be time consuming, and a pain in the arse.

The force field of nation-wide deflection may not save him, this time.
Enlighten us Bodysong. Is Trump going to be charged, convicted, and incarcerated? When will it all go down? 😂
He’s already walking on some pretty nice putting greens.

For a while so was OJ.

Sounds like you’re dreaming of jail time. When does he enter Leavenworth? This year? 2023? Or will they convict and sentence post-humus?

I tend to dream more about females in prison, but I appreciate that you're thinking about me.
I still don't see what's going on here that Trump can't wiggle out of, except for those state charges in New York.
Trump has bigger problems than the classified documents. Since the accounting firm, Mazar, resigning citing irregularities it discovered, I predict Trump's lenders will be calling in all the loans he has outstanding which will bankrupt him again. As for his lease with the government for the Trump Hotel which is in a government building, the government will most likely terminate the lease and can charge him with defrauding the government.
Again, MAGATS "defend" Old Pumpkin Tits by saying that he hasn't been nailed yet. The typical bunch of illogical logic. And the fact that none of us can say when/where/how/why he will be busted is "proof" that he never will be. Hysterical! Thanks for playing, and for demonstrating AGAIN how hypnotized and impressionable Trump humpers are. The delusion is truly exquisite.
It’s impossible to prove something will never happen in the future but “the walls are closing” predictions of imminent convictions have been out there since 2015. Delusions of criminal convictions facilitated by the likes of Mueller, Cohen, House Democrats, the southern district, etc. have all gone up in smoke.
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