Something that Bush needs desparately.


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
Twice a week Tony Blair has to stand up in the House of Commons and answer questions from Members of Parliament. On any subject. These questions which are often scripted are then followed up with supplementary questions which are not, and Blair has to think on his feet.

That's why Blair came across in the better light at the joint Press Conference with Bush yesterday. He's used to hostile questions and is perfectly capable of fighting his own corner, Bush isn't and looked the feeble yes man he is.

Bush could do himself (and the office of the President of the United States) a lot of good by introducing Question Time into the US political structure...

Actually I happen to agree with you on this.

After having to go through this several times in front of congress the ability to handle questions from the press would definately be increased.
You desparately need a dictionary.

BTW, Tony Blair is a stand-up guy. Looks like he's persuading the British public through sheer force of will.
Blair is a politician, and a crook. That's all I have to say about English politics here.
Sillyman said:
Blair is a politician, and a crook. That's all I have to say about English politics here.

Maybe so, but he's still got guts. Stuck between the U.S. and the rest of the European whiners. He went out on a limb.
Problem Child said:
Maybe so, but he's still got guts. Stuck between the U.S. and the rest of the European whiners. He went out on a limb.

He's bought by the same people who buy American politicians, and British government has so far had a fuck-you attitude to the rest of Europe anyway. If he had stuck with the whiners in Europe it would have been surprising.
I've noticed that most of your senior...

politicians just turn right around and walk of the stage if the questioning gets too hard.

Blair has a once a month open ended press conference where he can be questioned by the Press, and they're nobody's pet poodles, for as long as it takes.

The longest of these conferences lasted, I think, about two and a half hours. They only come to an end when everyone runs out of steam.

Another thing Bush could do well to introduce...

What Bush needs is to get rid of the Israeli Spies in his inner circle who led him down the path to this damnable war in the first place. Richard Perle , William Kristol, Ari Fleischer and Dubbya's personal "Dr. Strangelove" Paul Wolfowitz all pushed for this war for the benefit of Israel.

Right Wing Nut Pat Buchanan wrote:
"[Neoconservatives] say we attack them because they are Jewish. We do not," he writes. "We attack them because their warmongering threatens our country, even as it finds a reliable echo in Ariel Sharon."

How blood-thirsty do you have to be in order to be called a war monger by Pat Buchanan?
Normally American journalism is too soft ball to ever be actually informative. The press conferences with Bush were sickening on both sides for me.

That press conference, summed up.

PRESS: Are you sure this isn't a horrible fuckup?

BUSH: Yep.

PRESS: Really sure?

BUSH: Yup.

PRESS: Really, really, really, really sure?

BUSH: Duhuh.

PRESS: Well, okay then. Did somebody mention of buffet?

BUSH: Right over there. Thank you and goodnight.
And let's remember that nothing at all stops Blair from lying his ass off.
Sillyman said:
And let's remember that nothing at all stops Blair from lying his ass off.

We seem to have a much more open society and free press than you do.

Of course Blair lies but to do that he's playing a dangerous game. Our media have a habit of uncovering them...

Note the anti-Blair stance in the UK at the moment...

And how haggard and ill he looks...

He's taken a wrong turning and knows it...
