Someone here mentioned the other day...

T.H. Oughts

Oh the thoughts of Oughts
Nov 8, 2001
"That even if the grass looks greener on the other side, it still needs mowing after awhile"....

They were talking about leaving one person and taking on another straight away.

But what if the grass looks greener without there being another person to immediatly take their place?

What if the greenness you see is that you soul has a chance to be what you want it to be, I don't mean being able to climb Mt Everest but just being able to not walk on a rough mental metal path but a smooth lawn.

Do you know what I'm trying to say.... I do, just can't figure out how to write it down...


*edited for damn typos..who would have thought that from me ;) *
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I think I get what you're saying.

What if you leave someone just to find out more about yourself and what it's like being alone?
Yes, I know what it feels like when the grass you have fits your landscaping so badly that you'd be better off with bare dirt, even if you can't re-seed for however long.

what if the relationship you're in is starting to turn in to something that you didn't think it would be, and not in a good way? what if the relationship you're in is holding you back, limiting your potential to grow and to move forward with your life? what if ending that relationship will make things better, free yourself, or what not, maybe in a huge way (like, say, you're being abused), but not necessarily a in such a way (like, say, ending the relationship has no real downsides and allows you to resume a favorite hobby you gave up to be in the relationship)?

is that what you're saying?
or maybe you like to take chances, to steer your own destiny, do stuff for yourself, and ending the relationship can do that for you.
I have been given the freedom in my marriage to live my dreams working with my art and writing. Trust me it was freedom, some would have told me to stay in the real world and get a real job.

But with all the fun and adventure my soul has had with being able to do all. It really means nothing if part of your soul that needs mental nourishment from your partner is not there.

A similar saying maybe is "Money can't buy love"

Maybe living ones dream does not mean total happyness. Ones soul of loving nourishment has to be feed also.

Feed if that means going alone.
Maybe if you are alone you can live without mental emotional nourishment easier than having a partner there and not getting it from them????
T.H. Oughts said:
Maybe if you are alone you can live without mental emotional nourishment easier than having a partner there and not getting it from them????

I feel your pain.:heart:

your "real" job should be something you enjoy doing. "real" jobs aren't worked to make money, "real" jobs are worked to get a sense of fulfilment!

i'd rather live from paycheck to paycheck doing something i enjoy than to rake in the cash doing something i don't.

and having someone to give such nourishment but doesn't is definently harder to deal with than not having that someone in the first place. at least, IMHO.
scylis said:

and having someone to give such nourishment but doesn't is definently harder to deal with than not having that someone in the first place. at least, IMHO.

Yep, that's the conclusion I'm coming to...

Thanks Scylis, you have always been a cool dude. :kiss:
scylis said:

your "real" job should be something you enjoy doing. "real" jobs aren't worked to make money, "real" jobs are worked to get a sense of fulfilment!

i'd rather live from paycheck to paycheck doing something i enjoy than to rake in the cash doing something i don't.
That is so true, I have never been one to keep up with the neigbours. The couch may be old but I am working at my passion and I don't have a couch on hire purchase. :)
horny_giraffe said:
Perhaps you've heard the expression "Better alone than in bad company?"

True. :)

You know they tell people to leave a relationship if there is mental or pysical abuse.

I always thought that mental abuse ment that the person put you down with words or played mind games that were not nice..

But not having emotion shown to you from the person you expect it is soul abuse I think.
T.H. Oughts said:

But not having emotion shown to you from the person you expect it is soul abuse I think.

You begin to feel like a door mat, taken for granted when you offer and give them the emotional support they want and need. But all you are not emotionaly supported...