So who the fuck plans on having an accident?????


AV invisible to idiots
Nov 14, 2001
A few years ago, my father suggested that we could all fit into the car if my wife and myself had our two children on our laps. I pointed out that this was not safe. “We’re not going far,” he said.
“How far do you have to go to have an accident?” I said.
“I don’t plan on having an accident,” he answered.
“Oh, so you planned to have your car stolen two months ago?” To his credit, Dad shut up at that and I walked with the children, while everyone else took the car.
At lunch time today there was a news report on people not being insured on their trips abroad. “I don’t plan on having an accident,” said one interviewee when asked why he didn’t bother with insurance.
Now this started me thinking. Are there people sitting at home going:
“Gladys? Fancy having an accident?”
“What sort of accident?
“I was thinking of a nice car one.”
“Yeah, all right. I’ll just get the diary and see when we’re free…”

Oh some people plan accidents.......

Its called insurance.
I plan on having an accident every time I get in the jeep.

Seat belt on. Sitting up straight. Go over the rules I learned a long time ago in cop school (go limp just before impact, instead of tensing up, etc.). Mirrors set correctly. Yadda yadda yadda.

Every time I get in.

People who don't plan, are fucked. True you never know when. Maybe you will lucky and never have one. Try to live through the one you do have.
That isn't actually PLANNING to have an accident, that's being PREPARED in case you have an accident. The difference is subtle.

Me, I wear my seat belt in the car, not because I plan to have an accident but just in case.

The people I am talking about are the ones who take the attitude 'I don't need to bother because I don't plan on having an accident,' as if they have a choice.

The original intention of posting was because I just thought the concept of "I'm okay, I don't plan on having an accident" both bizare and amusing.