So George is willing to fight on two fronts...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
Iraq and Terrorism.

Coveniently he's forgotten about Afghanistan.

So where are the big words now, big boy? Where's the fine, war mongering rhetoric? Christ even your non-speech about the American economy couldn't say anything that made much sense except that Saddam had to be ousted.

At least George has proved one thing...

You can be one of the stupidest men on the planet (and the most dangerous) and still become President of the Unites States.

Sheesh, what a system where only the arrogant rich get a real chance at the top job because of the gullibility of the the voting public and the 'American' way. That if you've got enough cash you must be clever and intelligent and wise and...

The anti-Bush rumblings are growing ever louder outside of America's shores. He's recognised as being a fool. He's recognised as being dangerous

All that's left is that he's recognised as being no longer there...

damn, PP, I"m really sorry, but you got a fucking point here.

Money buys a lot. Bush proved that.

If we go to war, I'm protesting. I'll march on capital hill, despite that damn shooter.

I hate bush, can you tell?
MoonWolf said:
I hate bush, can you tell?

It shows just a leeetle bit :D

I've been on two protest marches so far this year but Blair is determined to follow Bush to war despite the large anti-war feeling here in the UK.

Both leaders seem to go their own way, no matter what.

So much for democracy...

At least Tony-boy can claim he operates with some kind of a mandate. He was reelected, after all--not with the same majority as the first time, but it wasn't a controversial election. Bush lost the popular vote, won the Electoral College under the most dubious of circumstances, 'lost' the majority in the Senate by alienating a member of his own party, and holds the lower house with a mere six-seat majority. We'll see what happens in the next few weeks, the mid-term Congressional election. The presidential party rarely picks up seats in the mid-term elections. I'm just afraid that the American people won't realize the chance they have now to "send a message" to Washington, especially since the "opposition" doesn't seems so enthusiastic about opposing Bush.
The main focus on the news since Bali is "what if Bush had concentrated on al Qaeda the whole time instead of wandering into the Iraq rhetoric?"

All that lost focus, time and energy.

There has been an interesting shift in Scandinavian news broadcasts over the past couple of months. They constantly refer to "American propaganda" - basically whenever Bush, Gunsfeldt et al open their mouths.

A little detail that speaks volumes.

Re: Afghanistan. Fuck 'em, seems to be the word on the Hill. The Afghanis and the aid agencies are all shouting for the aid that was promised but that seems to be convienently forgotten.
I loved Bush's first comments after the Bali bomb.

Saying something like: "...blahblahblah the situation on this Baily..."

"This" Bali? Meaning the one he just heard about for the first time three minutes before the comments?

Coolville said:
I loved Bush's first comments after the Bali bomb.

Saying something like: "...blahblahblah the situation on this Baily..."

"This" Bali? Meaning the one he just heard about for the first time three minutes before the comments?


It makes you cringe doesn't it? That the most powerful position on Earth is occupied the biggest moron.

As kotori says, the opposition seems to be non-existent. Is the whole of the political circus in the States so caught up with grabbing the first weapon that comes to hand and blasting at everyone and everything in sight, that the lone opposing voices are drowned out.

Or is it a matter of being politically expedient, and that any opposition to Bush will be signing a political death warrant.

Fuck 'em! Where are the people with guts?

p_p_man said:
It makes you cringe doesn't it? That the most powerful position on Earth is occupied the biggest moron.

As kotori says, the opposition seems to be non-existent. Is the whole of the political circus in the States so caught up with grabbing the first weapon that comes to hand and blasting at everyone and everything in sight, that the lone opposing voices are drowned out.

Or is it a matter of being politically expedient, and that any opposition to Bush will be signing a political death warrant.

Fuck 'em! Where are the people with guts?


Cringe, roll the eyes, vomit - pick your physical reaction.

There are voices of dissent in america, we know that (the use of the word 'dissent' is intentional. If you're 'against us' you are anti-american...)

They are there but they are not loud enough. Even Daschle buckled under the pressure. Let's see what happens after the mid-term elections. Maybe the rhetoric will die down. (not)
Coolville said:
Re: Afghanistan. Fuck 'em, seems to be the word on the Hill. The Afghanis and the aid agencies are all shouting for the aid that was promised but that seems to be convienently forgotten.
It's one campaign promise he's kept: "we don't do nation-building. Nope, not our thing--that's something the Democrats might be innersted in, but not us. Amry's for fighting."

Thank christ the Marshall Plan never crossed his desk.
Oz Wants Out!!!

Coolville said:
Cringe, roll the eyes, vomit - pick your physical reaction.

There are voices of dissent in america, we know that (the use of the word 'dissent' is intentional. If you're 'against us' you are anti-american...)

They are there but they are not loud enough. Even Daschle buckled under the pressure. Let's see what happens after the mid-term elections. Maybe the rhetoric will die down. (not)

Hi guys,

Tonight's ninemsn poll, Has Oz become a terrorist target by following US policy on Iraq?

Yes 69.6% No 30.4% Total vote 55207

I think that you can say that aussies don't want a bar of Dubyah Shrub's war in Iraq to take over 20% of world oil reserves . . .

The absence of payment to the Afghanis is typical US foreign policy . . .

I guess that the Congresspersons and Senators have skeletons in the cupboard that the FBI have found, and will expose if they don't play Dubyah's game . . . that's democracy, American style . . .

<Thank you Coolville . . .:) >
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Re: Oz Wants Out!!!

Don K Dyck said:
Tonight's ninemsn poll, Has Oz become a terrorist target by following US policy on Oraq?

Oraq? Oh shit, that means THREE fronts!

Wah Wah Wah..........

Iraq is part of the anti-terrorist war, you guys are just too jaundiced to see it, so I won't try and teach pigs to sing. SOME folks are starting to get it........

There has been a spectacular surge in support among British voters for military action against Iraq in the immediate aftermath of the terror attack in Bali, according to the latest Guardian/ICM poll.
The survey, which was carried out on Monday, shows that support for a military attack on Iraq has risen 10 points in the last week from 32% to 42% of voters.

The ICM poll also shows that more voters agree with Tony Blair that it is necessary to fight on two fronts against both al-Qaida and Iraq. Only one in three voters agree that the United States and Britain "took their eye off the ball" by concentrating on Iraq.

Mr Blair yesterday told the Commons in an emergency statement that the Bali attack was "an act of pure wickedness" which he said would be met "with defiance and determination".

He told MPs that he entirely rejected the contention that terrorism should be fought alone and that dealing with Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was a distraction.

"Some say that we should fight terrorism alone and that the issues to do with weapons of mass destruction are a distraction. I reject that entirely," he said. "Both, though different in means, are the same in nature. Both are the new threats facing the post-cold war world. Both are threats from people of states who do not care about human life, who have no compunction about killing the innocent. Both represent the extreme replacing the rational, the fanatic driving out moderation."

The Guardian/ICM poll shows that 41% of voters agree with the prime minister that it is not a choice between fighting either Iraq or al-Qaida.

The level of support for a military attack on Iraq is now at its highest level since the Guardian started a weekly tracker poll on the question in August. Opposition to a war against Iraq reached a peak in the last week of August when it touched 50% and has now fallen to its lowest level at 37%.

Support for a war against Iraq is strongest amongst men - 51% approve as opposed to only 34% of women (AND THE LIT MEN-LC) - and among 25- 34-year-olds who approve by 52% to 25%. Opposition to war is strongest among women (AND THE LIT MEN-LC).
The poll results also show that the belief that a new UN mandate is needed before British troops are committed remains overwhelming with 85% of voters saying this must be a precondition.

A similar proportion - 81% - also says there needs to be a Commons vote before there is British participation in an attack on Iraq. Mistrust of Saddam Hussein also remains at a very high level in Britain. Three-quarters say they do not believe he would honour his commitment to allow UN weapons inspectors into Iraq without any conditions. Only 13% are prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Cheers! :D
Re: Wah Wah Wah..........

Lost Cause said:
The survey, which was carried out on Monday, shows that support for a military attack on Iraq has risen 10 points in the last week from 32% to 42% of voters.

It'll fall again. Always does. You read it here first.
Today in Afghanistan, a truck roared up, fired some rockets at the Americans (this time ACTUALY HITTING a bunker :D ). American fighters blew up the truck. The three occupants of the truck ran to a nearby bunker where they were arrested.

WTF you mean forgotten? We're still winning! :D :D :D !
SINthysist said:
Today in Afghanistan, a truck roared up, fired some rockets at the Americans (this time ACTUALY HITTING a bunker :D ). American fighters blew up the truck. The three occupants of the truck ran to a nearby bunker where they were arrested.

WTF you mean forgotten? We're still winning! :D :D :D !

Oh, I'm sure that anecdote comes as a relief to the hundreds of thousands who face starvation this winter after being promised aid that has never arrived. "Hey kids! Roast Truck" is on the menu - AGAIN! Yay!"
When haven't they faced starvation in the winter?

Tough place.

Tough life.

Tough people.

They'll survive and live to fight another day in the same old time-homored ways...
we never forget to kill

SINthysist said:
Today in Afghanistan, a truck roared up, fired some rockets at the Americans (this time ACTUALY HITTING a bunker :D ). American fighters blew up the truck. The three occupants of the truck ran to a nearby bunker where they were arrested.

WTF you mean forgotten? We're still winning! :D :D :D !

But we do seem to forget the promises we make to help. Look at American history of foreign policy since the Second World War. We go to countries and force them to have democratic elections, with promises of foreign aid. Then the people of these countries vote in a government that we are not happy with and we either force a coup, or aid the rebels against the FREELY ELECTED GOVERNMENT. When the US government starts standing behind its positions I will start standing behind its pollicies.
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SINthysist said:
Today in Afghanistan, a truck roared up, fired some rockets at the Americans (this time ACTUALY HITTING a bunker :D ). American fighters blew up the truck. The three occupants of the truck ran to a nearby bunker where they were arrested.

WTF you mean forgotten? We're still winning! :D :D :D !

...and the leftist papers and broadcast media will report;

"Three more innocent civilian Afganistanis slaughtered by oppressive US military imperial forces spreading US hegemony worldwide!

Some of that lack of follow-up has to do with the nature of our ever-changing administration and the admission that sometimes we err, when we take action (inaction also being an action in this sense). Us soldiers still escort the President and we are busy working there and in Pakistan to develop stable relationships with stable countries.
Israeli intelligence: Bin Laden is dead, heir has been chosen

Wednesday, October 16, 2002
TEL AVIV — Osama Bin Laden appears to be dead but his colleagues have decided that Al Qaida and its insurgency campaign against the United States will continue, Israeli intelligence sources said.

Al Qaida terrorists have launched a new campaign of economic warfare and are targeting shipping in the Middle East, according to U.S. intelligence officials.

The Israeli sources said Israel and the United States assess that Bin Laden probably died in the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan in December. They said the emergence of new messages by Bin Laden are probably fabrications, Middle East Newsline reported.

But Bin Laden's heir has been chosen and his colleagues have decided to resume Al Qaida's offensive against the United States and Western allies, the sources said.

They said the organization regards the United States as the main target followed by Israel.
"In this case, it doesn't matter whether Bin Laden is alive or not," a senior Israeli intelligence source said. "The organization goes on with help from key people."

The sources said Al Qaida has already determined Bin Laden's heir. They said the heir has not been identified, but is probably not Bin Laden's son, Saad. Saad is said to be in his 20s and ranked within the top 20 members of Al Qaida.

Earlier this week, Bin Laden's deputy, Ayman Zawahiri, was said to have released a videotape in which he claims that the Al Qaida leader is alive and functioning. Bin Laden's voice was not heard on the tape.

A senior Bush administration economic official said last week that another major Al Qaida attack anywhere in the world could have devastating economic repercussions.

The FBI warned last week that Al Qaida may be preparing for a major attack. The warning followed the release of an audio tape featuring the voice of Zawahiri.

Bombings in Bali aimed at tourists, an attack on U.S. soldiers training in Kuwait and the bombing of a French tanker in Yemen are signs of the new campaign, reported in its Oct. 22 edition.

The first attack was carried out last week with the Al Qaida terrorist attack on the French tanker Limburg, a 157,000-ton ultra large crude oil carrier, that was bombed as it picked up a pilot before mooring at the Yemeni port of al Shihr.

One crew member was killed and others were injured in the blast.

According to intelligence officials, a small boat approached at high speed from the starboard side of the ship and detonated a large explosive device.

A week earlier, the Office of Naval Intelligence issued an alert to ships in the Middle East to be alert for Al Qaida terrorist attacks.


SINthysist said:
Israeli intelligence: Bin Laden is dead, heir has been chosen

Wednesday, October 16, 2002
TEL AVIV — Osama Bin Laden appears to be dead but his colleagues have decided that Al Qaida and its insurgency campaign against the United States will continue, Israeli intelligence sources said.


Hi SIN, it seems that the disinformation campaign continues . . . the Al Qaida group seem to have borrowed the Christian principle of organisation . . .

And SIN, the starving hordes are NOT fighting back in time honoured ways . . . they are turning to terrorism if your propaganda is to be believed . . .

SIN . . . sometimes your simplistic uninformed view of the world is a great concern . . . even Rome and Nazi Germany crumbled because they failed to look after their people . . .
Re: Wah Wah Wah..........

Lost Cause said:
Iraq is part of the anti-terrorist war....

You've gotta be fucking joking.

Terrorism only came into your idiot President's speeches when he found he was making very little headway over the inspectors' thing.

What pisses me off about George is that he seems to think that the whole world is as gullible as his 'home grown folks'

But that's what idiots are like...they only hear the voices closest to themselves...
