Skin Burn - Don't look if you freak easily


Jul 11, 2001
I got a pretty nasty burn last night from a pan on the stove. It is peeling at the moment and really, really itches.

Does anybody know how to treat it?
stove burn with skin peeling.

I'd say go to your doctor for proper antibiotics and treatment.
Keep it dry and covered. No creams or stuff on it. Try to keep it clean also.(which can be difficult for some people since they work in less than ideal conditions.) The risk with burns is infection.

I burned my arm on the woodstove door last night. A nice brander. I am thinking...damn...that fucking was stupid.:eek:

Now I have a remineder until the next time.:eek:

:kiss: :kiss: for your burn:rose:
Yes, it was on the edge of a very hot griddle pan. I just noticed the skin peel and the itch is driving me nuts. I've left it uncovered and it just looked like a red spot this morning. It is about the size of a dime.
ive had the best luck healing a burn by keeping it constantly covered with a waterproof bandage...

try those new band-aids from 3m that are designed to stay on for a couple days at a time...
I burn myself a lot, taking things out of the ovens, on the stove, steam burns, ect. I think I am immune to the pain now but what I do is run it under cold water and leave it uncovered, unless its really bad and oozing then I will cover with gauze (air can still get in better than with bandaids) and put some polysporin for burns on it., and change the gauze regularly and leave it off while at home watching tv ect.