Siren, you disappoint me

Sure, try to impress me with your wit.

Where's my motivation?
Don't you go runnin' away from me, girl.

I'll keep bumping this thread to oblivion.
Hey Storm.....*wink, wink*

If you're feelin' neglected...I can give ya a little motivatin' :D:p
exCUSE ME!!!!

Siren said:
He goes for water gals

not fire breathing dragons.

He prefers wet
to burnt dicks


Why does a dragon HAVE to be a MAN??????:mad:
most of the dragons i know are women
i always like to get my dick wet
hiya sirenita
Re: exCUSE ME!!!!

dragonhearted said:

Why does a dragon HAVE to be a MAN??????:mad:
Statistically, roughly half of all dragons are female. See "Shrek."
Talk about a hijack.

I blame Siren for this. All of this.

This is just a ploy to stall our on line love affair. She starts teasing the dragon for the sole purpose, the SOLE PURPOSE of deferring this thread.

Siren doesn't share well.

Siren also can't move on to the next step in our love affair.

What can I do to motivate you?
I'm trying, man oh man how I'm trying.

And this isn't whining. Not even close. If I were whining I'd have started a thread about it.