single male friend wanted (honest and respectful)

Friend Zone

Nothing personal dear but this isn't exactly the place for the "friend zone". Having said that...with the ratio of guys to beautiful women on this'll find what what your looking for.

Best of luck to you!
I'm really curious, if you are happily married and only looking for conversation, why the man you chat with has to be "unattached"? Do you find attached men less able to carry on a conversation?
I'm really curious, if you are happily married and only looking for conversation, why the man you chat with has to be "unattached"? Do you find attached men less able to carry on a conversation?

Unattached men aren't looking to play around on their wife. She can talk to them and string them along without fear of having to deal with an angered spouse. She wants all the advantages of having a male friend without having to pay up on her end, namely a little play.
Well, in my case my wife wouldn't be angry at all in the least. Not all attached men are looking to play around. While I do with some women, with my wife's full knowledge and consent, there are others, some of whom I actually meet in person, who're strictly platonic, including a former fuck buddy.
Anyway, it just seemed a really odd requirement and I was just curious because I would think an attached man would be less likely to want to play around, at least he has an incentive not to.
If I was particularly interested I could just lie and say I was single. LOL
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I'm 28 happily happily married. Not here to play or cheat
Just here for a decent unattached" not married". Friend
Someone honest. Decent. That I can communicate with. Chat. Nothing sexual. Just a nice person to talk to. Open up to
No pervs pls

Mmmmm, dry toast, delicious.