"Silky Folds"


Dirty Pomegranate
May 7, 2002
Ok, what euphemism for various bits of genetalia do you think should be banned?
Are breasts considered genitalia for the purposes of this thread? Call me crazy, but "funbags" just doesn't do it for me.
Yes, breasties count. And I knew a guy who referred to them as "Nature's Funbags". :rolleyes: I agree, it should be stricken.

Oh, and "swirling vortex of passion" to describe orgasm should be forbidden, as well.

(worm, I like penises! *grins*)
Eumenides said:
Moist cavern

Rigid member

Ok, the first has major ick factor. The second doesn't thrill me, but doesn't make me gag either.
meat doesn't do anything for me

He pistoned his hot meat into her moist cavern has turnoff written all over it.
Nora said:
Has anyone actually used that though, Silly?

My Mom did when she worked in phone sex. Granted it was in a contest to see who could say the stupidest thing and still have the customer get off, but still.
Ok, I'm too brain-dead to think of anything... but "funbags" and "meat" are particularly bad.
Sillyman said:
My Mom did when she worked in phone sex. Granted it was in a contest to see who could say the stupidest thing and still have the customer get off, but still.

Oh that's just wrong, Silly. So funny, but so wrong! LOL!!

Sandia, some penises qualify as "meat". Some don't. lol
I've always liked pussy better than cunt, and cock is better than dick.

Actually, "pussy" can be a turn-on for me all by itself.

Penis has a namby-pamby ring about it.

Did I spell "pamby" right?
I don't like "silky folds" or any other kind of folds for that matter.

Dick isn't really gag worthy but it always sounds so incredibly goofy to me.
I think pussy's tolerable. I actually prefer cunt. To me, a dick is a person and a cock is what's between his legs.

I don't get the namby-pamby vibe from penis, though.
Penis is too clinical, and somewhat limp. Dick just sounds stupid, and short. Cock is nice.

I like pussy, or cunt if I'm feeling dirty. generally I use labia or clit when I'm talking specifics. "Joybutton" brings weird images to mind.

I won't even mention beef curtains.

More food. It's always food.
Ok "beef curtains" makes me wanna hurl.

Oh, and i hate variations on "pearl" or "nubbin" to describe the clit. Ugh!