Share some new adjectives/adverbs with me...

modest mouse

Meating People is Easy
Oct 21, 2001
There are thousands of English words out there I wish were a regular part of me lexioc as I'm finding my vocabulary to be tedious lately.

Do you have some words either new to you or particularly unique that you would share? Please provide some definitions from a source or from yourself.

How about a verb?


This is one I was just thinking about today. I remember seeing it in the GRE exam prep. books. The definition, though, just wouldn't stick in my head. It just isn't intuitively obvious.
To rid of false ideas; undeceive.
Oh, verbs are acceptable as well.

Excellent word, Olivianna. The way it falls from the mouth and beefs up a sentences. Its got some strength behind it. its one I am familiar with but never taken to using in my own terms. Thank you.
Ooh, I love words so much.

One of my perennial favorites is voluminous. I like the way it feels in my mouth.

Main Entry: vo·lu·mi·nous
Pronunciation: v&-'lü-m&-n&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin voluminosus, from Latin volumin-, volumen
Date: 1611
1 : consisting of many folds, coils, or convolutions : WINDING
2 a : having or marked by great volume or bulk : LARGE <long voluminous tresses>; also : FULL <a voluminous skirt> b : NUMEROUS <trying to keep track of voluminous slips of paper>
3 a : filling or capable of filling a large volume or several volumes <a voluminous literature on the subject> b : writing or speaking much or at great length
- vo·lu·mi·nous·ly adverb
- vo·lu·mi·nous·ness noun
I also love this one. outre

I got one of those page-a-day calendars when I was 12 or 13, and I scoffed at it because it didn't have many words in it that I had never seen before. This word redeemed the entire year's worth of paper-waste, though.

Main Entry: ou·tré
Pronunciation: ü-'trA
Function: adjective
Etymology: French, from past participle of outrer to carry to excess
Date: 1722
: violating convention or propriety : BIZARRE

it's not just bad, it's not just mean, it's not just awful, it's pernicious.
Re: pernicious

Ooh, good one, Kotori! The word pernicious sounds like it ought to have venomous pincers.

I like insidious, myself.

Main Entry: in·sid·i·ous
Pronunciation: in-'si-dE-&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin insidiosus, from insidiae ambush, from insidEre to sit in, sit on, from in- + sedEre to sit -- more at SIT
Date: 1545
1 a : awaiting a chance to entrap : TREACHEROUS b : harmful but enticing : SEDUCTIVE <insidious drugs>
2 a : having a gradual and cumulative effect : SUBTLE <the insidious pressures of modern life> b of a disease : developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent
- in·sid·i·ous·ly adverb
- in·sid·i·ous·ness noun

kotori said:
it's not just bad, it's not just mean, it's not just awful, it's pernicious.
dec·a·dent ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dk-dnt, d-kdnt)
Being in a state of decline or decay.
Marked by or providing unrestrained gratification; self-indulgent.
often Decadent Of or relating to literary Decadence.
^fits me perfectly :D

I have a love-hate relationship with this word. It seems that someone/something should obviate the need of using the word (obviate) itself - nonetheless, like every part of the machine - this little guy filled some linguistic need at some point and continues to do so.

To do away with or prevent by effective measures; make unnecessary.
Re: Re: pernicious

superlittlegirl said:
Ooh, good one, Kotori! The word pernicious sounds like it ought to have venomous pincers.

I like insidious, myself.
multi grazi, super-fanciulla How's about insipid. Like oh-so-many of the posts we read daily.
Re: Re: Re: pernicious

De nada. The word insipid immediately brings to mind vapid-- one of my favorite descriptors for girls I don't like. Funny, though, what strongly gendered connotations this word has. It makes me consider my use of it, much in the same way I'm conscious of the meaning behind the word hysterical. There's so much subtext.

Main Entry: va·pid
Pronunciation: 'va-p&d, 'vA-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vapidus flat-tasting; akin to Latin vappa vapid wine and perhaps to Latin vapor steam
Date: circa 1656
: lacking liveliness, tang, briskness, or force : FLAT, DULL <a gossipy, vapid woman, obsessed by her own elegance -- R. F. Delderfield> <London was not all vapid dissipation -- V. S. Pritchett>

kotori said:
multi grazi, super-fanciulla How's about insipid. Like oh-so-many of the posts we read daily.
superlittlegirl said:
"a gossipy, vapid woman, obsessed by her own elegance" -- R. F. Delderfield
I:heart: Delderfeld. Damn, it's been years since I last read him.
Olivianna said:
How about a verb?


This is one I was just thinking about today. I remember seeing it in the GRE exam prep. books. The definition, though, just wouldn't stick in my head. It just isn't intuitively obvious.
To rid of false ideas; undeceive.

This is my favorite word. In fact, I wouldn't mind disabusing *you* sometime. ;) Naturally, you'd have to be tied up first.
Malachi said:
This is my favorite word. In fact, I wouldn't mind disabusing *you* sometime. ;) Naturally, you'd have to be tied up first.


Agreement or consent without protest.