sexy girl, I am going to educate you

my spelling is fine i don't need you messing that up with your dodgy keyboard "accpeting" :p

besides i have a grammar buddy Never ... and her vocabulary is the most beautiful and eloquent here

sexy-girl said:
my spelling is fine i don't need you messing that up with your dodgy keyboard "accpeting" :p

besides i have a grammar buddy Never ... and her vocabulary is the most beautiful and eloquent here

You tell her Sexy! :D
4laterer said:

never sounds just like she looks

rough as fuck

no wonder you get on well

Go get laid 4laterer...maybe your bitchy attitude will go away! :D
4laterer said:
tommorrow, our first day, you will learn the rudimentary workings of the english language

maybe a bit of spelling

and some life lessons, eg, how to disguise the fact that a potato possesses more general knowledge than you do
Then maybe someone should educate you about capitalization and punctuation.
Oh dear Sexy Girl!

4Laterer appears to be very jealous about the attention Hanns the Stud is giving you instead of her.


Still Hanns can't be all that strange seeing as you are actually much nicer than 4Laterer.