Sexy-girl---------> A beautiful hand crafted creation by God

"Sexy-girl---------> A beautiful hand crafted creation by God.

But I'm not fit to lick her panties clean after she's ripped one."

Good to see you know your place.
Someday Hannsy you figure out how to cahnge that title.....Till then we'll just call you brainiac.....:rolleyes:
Hmmmmm I think this all stems back to your premature ejaculation problem.........Someday you'll be all grown up....
april-wine said:
Someday Hannsy you figure out how to cahnge that title.....Till then we'll just call you brainiac.....:rolleyes:


my two fav people in one thread :) ... i wonder which two people im talking about

hanns being blunt surely you have better things to do then starting 2-3 or 5 threads about me every day ? ... they don't bother me but i really think someone must have something more worthwhile in their day then to do this
sexy-girl.....Hannsy Pannsy wants fashion advice.....He really wants to try a bikini but isn't sure if he could pull it off.....He figured 25 threads with your name might get your attention....Oh yeah, and he's such a mental giant ( this is the guy in an elite sniper company:rolleyes: ) he still hasn't figured out how to change his title.....:p
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I keep trying my best to prompt, to feed sexy-girl so that she can respond in a funny/interesting manner and I could like her

I want to like her

But I just can't

She just doesn't impress me

But I'm trying to mak it easier for her.

I feel like her guardian

I'm sure she really cares if you're impressed with her, you being such an outstanding person and all :)

*Tease me!*