sex in the stacks


Nov 14, 2001
i've been spending all day every day at the library for almost 2 weeks now. i should go back tonight.

i try to take 15 minute breaks every two hours to stretch and stuff. i find that my mind wanders and i start to come up with creative ways to have sex in the library.

just thought you all would like to know.
seXieleXie said:
i've been spending all day every day at the library for almost 2 weeks now. i should go back tonight.

i try to take 15 minute breaks every two hours to stretch and stuff. i find that my mind wanders and i start to come up with creative ways to have sex in the library.

just thought you all would like to know.
Ah library sex ... I miss school.
seXieleXie said:
i've been spending all day every day at the library for almost 2 weeks now. i should go back tonight.

i try to take 15 minute breaks every two hours to stretch and stuff. i find that my mind wanders and i start to come up with creative ways to have sex in the library.

just thought you all would like to know. spill.
there was this time in the law library...we had study rooms and one of them had a couch...

she liked her lipstick a lot
she liked sucking lolipops for me

she was always playing with her hair

and I finally convinced her I would be a good study partner

and I was.
Isn't getting laid in the library a rite of passage?

I had sex in the stacks in college. He wasn't the best I had ever had, but he was a novel lover.

And really, can you think of any better place to absorb carnal knowledge?

Nice story, Rhys. But study rooms defeat the purpose of semi-public sex. I guess we were bigger risk-takers. We did it out in the open. Between the 300s (social sciences, of course) and the 570s (biological sciences).

Good luck on your studies, lexie. And also on your breaks. :)
seXieleXie said:
i've been spending all day every day at the library for almost 2 weeks now. i should go back tonight.

i try to take 15 minute breaks every two hours to stretch and stuff. i find that my mind wanders and i start to come up with creative ways to have sex in the library.

just thought you all would like to know.

Try a scratch and sniff.