Seeking 1-3 Tie-in authors for my VY series


Really Really Experienced
Jan 12, 2022
So I'm going to keep this initial post short for now because of how late it is here.

I'm seeking a few talented authors who have an appreciation for the overall storyline in my series, VY. I would like to engage them to create tie-in novels on a chapter basis. I can't offer payment for this work currently, but if VY is picked up by a publishing house eventually, I would insist on tie-in mini-novels with an average score of 4.5 or better getting 1% commission.

If you are interested, respond within this thread with your Pen Name, preferred chapter to write for, and mini-plot description.

If approved, I will provide you information I have not released to the public for you to use for that chapter.
Well, Loving Wives isn't my thing. I don't feel writing about any type of pandemic-even this one-these days is in good taste, and 1% simply isn't enough skin in the game to get me interested

So for those reasons I'm out.

Okay, sorry, I'm a big Shark Tank fan and I just couldn't resist.

Good luck with the project.
The 1% is based on industry standard rates between 1-3% of royalties.
I was joking. Maybe you've never seen Shark Tank, they make that remark about low equity asks all the time.
It's been almost a year since I watched it regularly, but yeah LOL! That was a good one!

But seriously, 1% is just based on the lower end of what publishing houses offer to first time/untested authors for paperback and ebook royalties. If I get an agent, and then an offer, the agent and I can determine if there is room for higher royalties to the Tie-in author's books. But that's a big line of IFs to overcome.