SeanH or Piers Morgan?

Who goes?

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With sean, you stand the chance of some hilarity.

With piers, I foresee only tears.
"I demand to see the British ambassador!"

"Piers Morgan?"



Meh. Bastards let us out at 9 AM, got in to a fight at the bus stop in Oceanside. I'd been tight with two gang bangers in county, never had to lift a finger. There are advantages in being able to talk to anyone.
Brawl seems like a binary activity. Either you're in one or you're not.

No degrees of brawling.
Anyhoo, I had to have an interview with an INS official by video link while I was in county. She told me I was in the US on sufferance and could be deported at any time. I laughed. She was unamused.