School Humor Is Terminated


Jan 23, 2011
School Humor Is Terminated

Sandy Hook hysteria has been most useful for attacking our fundamental right of self-defense, but it can also be used to suppress humor, which is not concordant with authoritarian socialism. Not many laughs came out of Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia; nor will there be many in Obama’s fundamentally transformed USSA, if this is any indication:

Everett High School’s principal has been suspended for two days without pay for appearing in a spoof of “The Terminator” movies that was shown to students. …

Naumann could have been fired from the school, which [is] in a suburb of Boston.

The video shown last month as [a] way for the new principal to introduce himself to students, shows him walking through the empty school dressed as the Arnold Schwarzenegger character.

The video was was called “The Nuamannator,” reported. The video showed clips of empty hallways, classrooms and a playground on fire. When asked about the absence of students in the movie, he says they had been “naumannated,” the report said.

Some said the parody was inappropriate and too violent in light of the school shooting in Newtown, Conn.

Who dares say “lighten up” only a month after a tragedy?
You're out of control, fang boy. Aren't you on Lit a little late to be ranting about your beloved libz?
Fucking LIBZ are outa control

It’s Come To This: Two Six Year Olds Suspended For Using Fingers As Guns While Playing Cops And Robbers During Recess….

So dumb it almost defies logic.

TALBOT COUNTY, Md. (WJZ) — Some parents on the Eastern Shore say school officials there went too far in disciplining a couple of six-year-old boys. Derek Valcourt explains the boys got into trouble for bringing an imaginary weapon to school.

What started as a recess game of cops and robbers at a Talbot County school turned into a controversy after two six-year-old boys were suspended for using their fingers to make an imaginary gun.

Many say a suspension is going too far.

“It’s ridiculous,” said Julia Merchant.

And it’s not the first time. Earlier this month, six-year-old Rodney Lynch was suspended from his Montgomery County school after pretending to fire an imaginary gun more than once.

“Just pointing your fingers like this and then she did the pow sound and I just went like that and then I got sent to the office again,” Lynch said.
Hey Busy you should make this your new avatar.
