Say it loud!!! I'm Black and I'm Proud!!!

I'm proud

I'm pale and I look like Willie Nelson after he's soaked in the tub too long.
OK I am not Black but I am a

human being and I am PROUD! Just like all of us should be no matter what some of the fucking assholes on this thread say.

Good for you Badasschick

Re: OK I am not Black but I am a

tulip2lipservice said:
human being and I am PROUD! Just like all of us should be no matter what some of the fucking assholes on this thread say.

Good for you Badasschick



I just think it bothers some people when they feel others are too proud or too free.
Human origins come from that region, so...

I'm Black and I'm Proud!!!!!!!!!!

I'm a Brother from another Mother. :D
I think it is

called jealousy because they can't be comfortable about themselves. If you think about it, it is their problem.

All the petty shit is just that cause in the realm of things life is way too short. Live it the best you can and be comfortable with who you are.

Thanks for the positive thread!

God, I used to love that song when I was a toddler. My mother had a huge Black office chair in her office at work. One day she took me and my Brother to work with her. I suppose it was bring your brats to work day, because there were a lot of other kids there. I was around 3 years old. In any event, we were standing around in my mother's office with a bunch of White people. According to my mom, I was entranced by the big leather chair. After considering it for some time I said, loud enough to be heard over everyone who was chatting, "Say it loud chair." My mom still gets a chuckle out of that.
Hans the problem

Hanns_Schmidt said:
The sad part is that instead of just shutting the fuck up and integrating into society.....blacks like badass still segregate themselves with such stupid comments as this

is not about people being proud of themselves but of others that make arrogant comments such as this. You can't blame people for getting annoyed by your ignorance. Unfortunately I have become diffused by your behavior. Just like in society too many people allow prejudice to occur.

Hanns_Schmidt said:
The sad part is that instead of just shutting the fuck up and integrating into society.....blacks like badass still segregate themselves with such stupid comments as this

Um, no Hanns you'd rather I assimilate....I intergrate perfectly.

You miss my point.