Rogue Agents - Innocent mistakes - Enemies List


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
Conservative Christians
Tea Party Groups

WASHINGTON – The chief operating officer for the Bonneville Power Administration, suspended for discriminatory hiring practices and allegedly seeking to punish whistleblowers, insists her agency failed to give preference to job applicants who are military veterans as a result of an innocent misreading of federal regulations.

Appearing before the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee on Thursday, Anita Decker said the misstep occurred because of a failure to properly interpret a May 11, 2010, White House memorandum on the agency’s recruitment and hiring process. Once the problem was identified in May 2012, she said, the improper hiring practices were stopped.

“It’s my understanding that BPA’s hiring of veterans has been roughly comparable to other non-defense executive agencies,” she told the panel. “I have actively supported veteran personnel and was extremely proud to have received recognition for BPA and me personally for support of veterans at BPA.”

The words never seem to match the actions.
Circle the wagons!

Daniel Poneman, deputy secretary in the Department of Energy, testified that the agency is “strongly committed to a workplace where all workers are free to speak out, voice concerns or lodge complaints” and warned Bonneville executives not to retaliate against any employees who may have raised concerns regarding questionable personnel practices.

“For this reason we were seriously concerned when we learned, after the fact, that BPA had issued a notification of proposed removal against a potential whistleblower,” Poneman said. “DOE then took swift and decisive action” by demanding that Bonneville halt removal proceedings. Ultimately, the department learned of planned retaliation against three whistleblowers.
Once again, situational red man speaks with forked tongue!

Let's see here, for the past decade you've railed against hiring preferences ("Quotas! QUOTAS, DAMMIT!") but today there is an opportunity to broad-brush smear the Obama Administration for NOT using hiring preferences, so now you're 100% in favor of them?
Conservative Christians
Tea Party Groups

The words never seem to match the actions.

This Administration makes me think of an old Car Salesman Joke:

"How can you tell they are lyeing? Their lips move."
This Administration makes me think of an old Car Salesman Joke:

"How can you tell they are lyeing? Their lips move."

I think of it as, "Do as I say, not as I do."

This has never been so clear as the trending in women's rights where politicians from the Left fight as hard as they can for equality and abortion while at the same time groping women, getting blow jobs, paying them less, using them as prostitutes and expecting everyone to look the other way because they have the correct mantra memorized covering the "important" issues of the day.
I think of it as, "Do as I say, not as I do."

This has never been so clear as the trending in women's rights where politicians from the Left fight as hard as they can for equality and abortion while at the same time groping women, getting blow jobs, paying them less, using them as prostitutes and expecting everyone to look the other way because they have the correct mantra memorized covering the "important" issues of the day.

That's right, chief!

More lies!

Keep them comin'!
