remember those little gold safety pins with the beads?


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
What other fads did you partake in?

friendship bracelets? Those best friend hearts? You know you still wear it, fess up.
I had those.

Remember the barrettes that had the long ribbons hanging down from them?
When Those Clips With The Feathers Hanging From Them Came Out I Wore Them

In My Hair, On My Clothes, Attached Them To My Purses!

Too Bad I Had NO Idea What They were Really For:D
Dating myself seriouly

Rolled up pant legs

Leg warmers

Two pairs of socks worn opposite on each leg

Friendship bracelets

Multiple bangles

Feathered back bangs with TONS of hairspray
remember tight rolling your jeans? or wearing two pairs of socks but different colors? such as white with pink etc.... Or the jeans with the holes cut all in them with lace behind them....lmao....So fucking
Gosh! I remember a lot of those things. Guilty of having leg warmers and wearing them.:eek:

I wish someone had told me in junior high that in 15 years when everyone else is busy being embarrased by the stupid shit they wore, I'd actually feel smug about missing the cool bus.

OK, so I DID roll up the pant legs. And maybe I did have a few jelly bracelets. The important thing is that there is no photographic evidence :D