Remember Obama's "Hot Mike".

Obama Caught on Live Mic Blasting Netanyahu to French PM: ‘You’re Fed Up With Him But I Have to Deal With Him Every Day!’

In a “faux pas” for the ages, President Barack Obama conducted what he assumed was a private conversation about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with French President Nicolas Sarkozy after the G20 summit on Thursday. The only problem, however, was that the microphones the two men were wearing from their earlier press conference, had not in fact been turned off. What ensued was a major public embarrassment after both Obama and the French PM disparaged Netanyahu, saying they cannot “stand” dealing with him.

According to a Monday report in the French website “Arret sur Images,” Sarkozy told Obama, “I cannot stand him [Netanyahu]. He is a liar.” Rather than exercising diplomacy, however, Obama hopped on the bash-wagon, reportedly telling Sarkozy: “You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!”


Very presidential.:rolleyes:
You should really check the dates on things before you post them. Just sayin'.
Next thing you know, the Berlin Wall will be toppled.

Reading the phrase "Berlin Wall" here on the General Board always makes me chuckle.

It brings back memories of Karen Kraft lecturing us on how "she" vividly recalled the wall coming down, allowing me to point out that, according to "her" own narrative, "she" was only three years old at the time....

Good times, good times....
Reading the phrase "Berlin Wall" here on the General Board always makes me chuckle.

It brings back memories of Karen Kraft lecturing us on how "she" vividly recalled the wall coming down, allowing me to point out that, according to "her" own narrative, "she" was only three years old at the time....

Good times, good times....

That's pretty great and any links would be appreciated.
Hey I vividly remember D-Day! Tom Hanks was there with me and he got shot in the ass saving me from the Japs in during the battle of Seattle. When we got back to the states I took him to a carnival and never saw him again. But I carry his memory around with me.