B BadKat135 Experienced Joined Apr 15, 2013 Posts 82 May 27, 2013 #1 Most attractive redhead celebrity go! Amy Adams
islandman 今 Joined Apr 10, 2001 Posts 66,689 May 27, 2013 #2 You'll find a more receptive audience for this type of thread-topic over at the Playground. Also, your bio needs revising: Who knows, maybe one day the person I will become. We all sincerely hope that you're a person already. Otherwise, you're a somewhat impressive bot.
You'll find a more receptive audience for this type of thread-topic over at the Playground. Also, your bio needs revising: Who knows, maybe one day the person I will become. We all sincerely hope that you're a person already. Otherwise, you're a somewhat impressive bot.
B BadKat135 Experienced Joined Apr 15, 2013 Posts 82 May 27, 2013 #3 I'm not sure if I should be offended or complemented by that last comment....my robot brain must be malfunctioning *bleep *bleep *zero*one*zero*zero
I'm not sure if I should be offended or complemented by that last comment....my robot brain must be malfunctioning *bleep *bleep *zero*one*zero*zero
T TacK770 Mr Joined Mar 10, 2013 Posts 250 May 27, 2013 #4 Deborah Ann Woll(aka Jessica Hamby on True Blood)