question about friendships that you want more from


Really Experienced
Oct 10, 2002
I say...

Go for it. I was in a similar situation and now it is too late for me to do anything about it, and I will always regret it. Go for it, but be careful how, by now you should now her well enough to know how to approach this.
I have a question, for the last 3 1/2 years i have been very good friends with a girl.and for the longest time i have wanted it to elvate to something higher and more intimate,do you guys or gals have any suggestions on how to do this? Thanks in advance.
Talk to this friend.

Thats it.

Dont make a sudden move that could ruin the whole thing,ya know?
It has been my reality, that this doesn't work. All it does is ruin a perfectly good relationship that you can never get back again.

Tread carefully!

Tread carefully, yes but keep in mind the best lovers are also best friends. If you are best friends first and then when you are BOTH sure about your feeling then become lovers. If it's done the right way and it doesn't work out some couples CAN go back to being just friends...depends on how mature you are. There is a BIG chance that if it doesn't work out you've lost a friend but personally I'd look seriously at combining the two. TALK TO HER!! There is a chance that she will tell you that she could only be "friends" with you however she may be on another board asking the people ""...for the last 3 1/2 years i have been very good friends with a guy.and for the longest time i have wanted it to elvate to something higher and more intimate,do you guys or gals have any suggestions on how to do this?"" so talk to her, write her a note, phone her...give her an out so that she doesn't feel boxed in. Tell her that if she doesn't feel the same way then just don't bring up this letter the next time we meet and I'll respect your decision andwon't bring it up again.

Before you do any of that or any other advice take a really close look at how YOu feel. Would you just like to jump her bones OR do you know (pretty sure) that given the right circumstances you could fall seriously in love with this friend. If you are in semi love now then talk to her. If you just want into her panties then do not fuck up a good friendship by doing that.

My 2¢