Putting people on ignore because they talk to people you don't like

well he is German - they are not that well known for sense of humour , or live and let live etc

Ok that was a very Euro generalisation , but it is a bit sad if he ment what he said -

Ok bad taste German joke - since this is a bash Rex thread

Why do Germans pay 6 Euro for a haircut?
One Euro for each side.
ok last one and then we start on Italians and then the Scots - tight bastards

A man enters a Dutch pharmacy and asks why all flags are at half-mast.
"Ist die Koenigin tot, oder so etwas?"
("What happened? Is the queen dead?")
The pharmacist replies that this is to the honour of the people who died in
World War II.
"Ja, aber bei uns sind auch viele getoetet worden."
("Many Germans died, too.")
"Ja, ich weiss, das feiern wir morgen."
("I know. We will celebrate this tomorrow.")
4laterer said:
its ok

I can talk about that bastard fucky wanky, pussy dambass country and heir fucking wanker tossbag inhabitants

calmer now


Woman scorned by a German named, dare I say it noooooooooooo..............

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Well he eats frankfurters and listens to oompa oompa music

so yeah..

Then again he might be a Brit Skinhead with Nazi leanings.
Hanging fine!

You seem to be ensconced in Literotica now as Hanns' ganster mole!

ooooooooh geeeing them all up.
4laterer said:
I would swear you were Puzz

Except shes mildly saner


Now that is funny.

Look she uses the word CUNT too much it's a word I tend not use unless absolutely necessary.

Plus Fecker isn't my type, too dumb I'm afraid and too Lahndan.

I like men a little more with the brain cells.

Also I don't come from London or live in London so sorry not Puzz.

Oh I see you were trying to be funny hehehehe.
4laterer said:
What SAD BASTARD would put someone on ignore simply because she pm-ed H, a guy this sad bastard didn't like?

What SAD FUCK would be so cliquey and dumbassy and fucking IGNORE everything you said because you pm-ed this unsavoury person?


If he bothers you so much why don't you put him on ignore?
4laterer said:
you lying bitch

you were dot dot

real fucking demented bitch


Forget it I don't even know why I am conversing with you.
