Pure, come here. Sit down a moment. Let's talk.


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
I went back and read your posts on Lit. Everyone of them. Some in Authors, some in Stories, most here in BDSM.

You are obviously well read. Obstinate, but well read. You have given advice on occasion and are part of the health care industry (or once were).

But most of your post are almost scenarios that a Post grad would use to gather information for a thesis. And that bothers me Pure. The thought that someone might be in this forum looking for information without disclosing their motives. I certainly hope that that's not the case Pure.

Now, you have obviously researched BDSM, but have disclosed no real personal experience with same. I, for one, am not interested in any details. But I am interested in your interest in this forum.

So Pure, if I may ask, just what is your interest? I don't think that that's outside of the purview of this forum. And It certainly isn't asking for personal particulars.

A curious mind would like to know.

Relax Ishmael,

There's no thesis.

I suppose a lot of people are here to learn, 'to gather information.' I also post information for others who are 'gathering.'

I write some erotica. My personal disclosures are to a few friends, some here, but I make no intimate details public.

(This above response is 'one time only', Ishmael, in view of your polite, though well publicized request. Sleep well.)


Ishmael said,
I went back and read your posts on Lit. Everyone of them. Some in Authors, some in Stories, most here in BDSM.

You are obviously well read. Obstinate, but well read. You have given advice on occasion and are part of the health care industry (or once were).

But most of your post are almost scenarios that a Post grad would use to gather information for a thesis. And that bothers me Pure. The thought that someone might be in this forum looking for information without disclosing their motives. I certainly hope that that's not the case Pure.

Now, you have obviously researched BDSM, but have disclosed no real personal experience with same. I, for one, am not interested in any details. But I am interested in your interest in this forum.

So Pure, if I may ask, just what is your interest? I don't think that that's outside of the purview of this forum. And It certainly isn't asking for personal particulars.

A curious mind would like to know.

Well, I don't recall my asking for 'intimate' details. Just an indication of motive that would allow myself and others here to elevate our level of comfort with your posts.

You have expected forthrightness in our discussions with you, but seem reluctant to return that same forthrightness to us.

However, you will do as you see fit. As do we all.

Let the witch hunt begin!!! :rolleyes:

Some people are more comfortable sharing less personal details about themselves. That doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't participate in the forum, that just means for whatever reason they cannot or will not speak personally.

(Pure, I hope you don't mind me mentioning this) I've talked with Pure in a few PMs and I didn't find any ulterior motives, just someone who wishes to keep their personal life just that...personal, and someone with a lower comfort level making personal information public than some of us might. Pure isn't a great enigma...just someone who plays closer to the vest. Nothing wrong with that.
Ishmael said:
I, for one, am not interested in any details. But I am interested in your interest in this forum.

So Pure, if I may ask, just what is your interest? I don't think that that's outside of the purview of this forum. And It certainly isn't asking for personal particulars.

A curious mind would like to know.


I am always surprised that we read and see and hear that which we want to and then respond to only that.

Nowhere does he ask for personal information and in fact, states he is not asking or interested in that. And yet, somehow that is the only thing that is seen, read and responded to.
If someone were reading the forum for thesis research, I think they would find among other things:
- A very diverse group of people with diverse thought regarding the BDSM lifestye.
- An openness and acceptance of new or different ideas.
- Much less hostility than in the GB.
- Much less sexism than is probably expected.
- A good sense of humor.
- Less arrogance from the dominants and more assertiveness from the submissives than the lifestyle is given credit for.

At least this is what I have seen in my relatively short time in the group. It would not be a bad thing for "vanillas" to read (or analyze) the posts here. IMHO sexism, racism and bigotry are the true "perversions", not consentual alternative practices or lifestyles.
Ricckk said:
If someone were reading the forum for thesis research, I think they would find among other things:
- A very diverse group of people with diverse thought regarding the BDSM lifestye.
- An openness and acceptance of new or different ideas.
- Much less hostility than in the GB.
- Much less sexism than is probably expected.
- A good sense of humor.
- Less arrogance from the dominants and more assertiveness from the submissives than the lifestyle is given credit for.

At least this is what I have seen in my relatively short time in the group. It would not be a bad thing for "vanillas" to read (or analyze) the posts here. IMHO sexism, racism and bigotry are the true "perversions", not consentual alternative practices or lifestyles.

That's a damn fine post Ricckk! I couldn't agree with you more!
More graduate students is good, not bad. THey are literate, thoughtful and well-spoken, for the most part. A lot of them are pervy too.

just my humble opinion here (not worth much I know)...

but I don't it's any one's right to ask another member of this board for details on who they are, what they do, or why they are here. We are all here for our own reasons. If someone feels like sharing, that's great, but they should never be asked or forced to share such things.

Not trying to start a flame war or anything, just speaking my mind. Peace.

rosco rathbone said:
More graduate students is good, not bad. THey are literate, thoughtful and well-spoken, for the most part. A lot of them are pervy too.


Thanks for sticking up for the 'professional students' Roscoe!

Hey, Ishmael. I've been reading your posts - not all of them, don't flatter yourself - and sometimes you come off as an arrogant ass.

Care to explain yourself?
Sandia said:
Hey, Ishmael. I've been reading your posts - not all of them, don't flatter yourself - and sometimes you come off as an arrogant ass.

Care to explain yourself?

Not to you little man

Ricckk said:
If someone were reading the forum for thesis research, I think they would find among other things:
- A very diverse group of people with diverse thought regarding the BDSM lifestye.
- An openness and acceptance of new or different ideas.
- Much less hostility than in the GB.
- Much less sexism than is probably expected.
- A good sense of humor.
- Less arrogance from the dominants and more assertiveness from the submissives than the lifestyle is given credit for.

At least this is what I have seen in my relatively short time in the group. It would not be a bad thing for "vanillas" to read (or analyze) the posts here. IMHO sexism, racism and bigotry are the true "perversions", not consentual alternative practices or lifestyles.

Whoa, Ricckk...

What is nice thing to say, and really it is quite true. I have found with a few exceptions, that this is a more wellcoming place to all than the GB. Playground, and Personals forum.

Siren said:

If the GB intimidates you........I wonder how well you adapt to the real BDSM lifestyle.


Well I can only speak for myself, but I'm not intimidated by the GB. It's more the fact that I think it's full of fake drama, filled to the brim with bullshit, awash in a sea of people who think WAY too much of themselves, and generally just silly. But that's just my personal opinion. I choose to spend my limited time reading posts elsewhere. I have no beef with the GB. Nor do I badmouth it (well ok, except for now). I would hope that the people here aren't intimidated and afraid of the GB. That would just be silly. Rather, I think most of us have graduated from high school and moved on in life and we don't feel like re-living that again.

Just my humble opinion. If ya don't like it, you know where to go sit. <winks>

PBW "And no this is not an attempt to start a flame war. Just a response to someone saying we're intimiated by a BB"
I like the GB. There are many very intelligent, interesting people there. I post to the political and societal threads there. I do not engage in the flirty, silly threads. Those are not thought provoking for me and I am suspicious of the men especialy who do post to them. (Excessive flirting is a red flag to me and it diminishes any attention those kinds of men may give me.)

You can find what you want anywhere you go, if you look hard enough. I have met and made friends with many very smart and interesting people there and some have even come over here and started posting and exploring BDSM.

I have also gone to the playground to a thread called The Lit Bohemian Coffeehouse, on occasion. Soron frequents that thread. It is a poet, musician, writer type of thread, with many people who share my interests.

I do not adhere to pegging people to a type because they play and post to a particular forum. I would not want people to judge me as some kind of perv because I post predominately in BDSM.

I assume most of your post was directed to me, or at the very least you made it because of what I said. I thought I'd respond to a few of your assertions before I drop this, because I really don't want to debate this too much.

This is the first time I've publically said something negative about the GB, I think. I might have said something slightly derogatory in the past, but I've never dedicated an entire post to it like I just did previously. The only reason I made that post was because of your post about us being intimidated by the GB. I personally (and I can ONLY speak for myself) found that faulty. So I responded with *my* opinion.

If the GB ppl have said something about this forum in the past, then I wasn't here to see it. I'm sure they have their opinion of this forum and that's great. Doesn't really matter to me. But I have no doubt this has been argued before. I don't want to get into that.

Your post says the GB is horrible and unaccepting of me. I find that faulty too. I never said the GB was horrible or unaccepting of me personally. I've never spent that much time there, at least not that I've posted there. I've read posts there from time to time. I also do not think a forum "accepts" anyone. We are all adults here. This is not a club. This is an open forum where anyone can post their opinions. I just happen to find the GB totally unfocused, filled with overzealous drama, silly flirting, and yes, stupid posts. I can name examples. And if you think about it, I think you can too. I think every forum has their stupid posts and threads, but it's pretty much a fact that the GB has a much higher concentration of them. And, I think we can pretty much say the drama there is unparalleled. So... well... I don't see that as putting the forum down, or critizing it, or demeaning it. Hell, I just see it as speaking the truth.

If you want to call the people on this board outside the norm, then cool. That's a truth. BDSM is *not* the norm. That's a fact. So what's the problem?

I really do not see the problem with calling a spade a spade... sorry you disagree with that.

As for the forum war or whatever you want to call it... I agree. There should not be one. No one forum is better than the other. They are just different. Until now I've never complained about another forum or even cared enough to complain. I don't care about the GB to tell ya the truth. I would have never even made a post about it if you'd not said what you said.

I don't mean to attack you personally. I just had a problem with that one line, so I responded. Hopefully we can drop this because I don't want fuel this forum war thing any more than it already has been. Hopefully no offense has been taken, because none has here.

Take it easy,

P. B. Walker said:

I really do not see the problem with calling a spade a spade... sorry you disagree with that.

Although you directed this to siren PB, I'm going to use the above quote to clarify.

I have no problem with Pure maintaining her privacy. That's to be expected.

But if anyone takes the time to read my posts, I do call a spade a spade.

Rather than engage in back channel PM's with Pure, or others. I brought my thoughts to the board in an open and forthright manner.

I've asked for nothing that in anyway would reveal her RL persona, or even hint at it. I am merely questioning why she as used the approach that she has in this forum. Nothing more.

I think that I did so in a polite manner. Without resorting to name calling or inuendo. I merely spoke my mind. That is who I am. And who I will continue to be.

I've aired my views and concerns. Be they right, or be they wrong. I have as much a right to do that as anyone else.

Siren said:
You are as welcomed to a forum as you make yourself.

If the GB intimidates you........I wonder how well you adapt to the real BDSM lifestyle.

It doesnt have to be one or the other proposition.....

why is there a contest about the friendliest forum in town?

I must have obviously miscommunicated something in my post.

The only thing I said about the GB is that it is more hostile than this board. You can disagree if you wish, but why would you assume that someone is intimidated by the GB because they have observed hostility there?

And why would you question someone's adapability to the "real" (your words) BDSM lifestyle based on a single observation about the GB is beyond my limited comprehension. Can you explain your reasoning? Or is this a "one or the other proposition" (your words again)?

Who mentioned anythng about a contest? Why are you so angry?
Stop it folks!

Why is it when someone posts their opinion around here, it starts a fight?

Can you let a person post their opinion without feeling the need to defend people you mostly have never met?

let folks post their opinion, dammit, and stop defending your so called friends in the other threads.

Lighten up. This is getting boring.

Now can we get back to BDSM?

It is his opinion, Siren, one I happen to agree with. So what? Are you gonna argue with Me next? Let me give you (and others ) a hint. Do not bother. I never debate anything, especially on a fricking porn site, for God's sake.

Why does everything have to become a big debate?

The GB can and does take care of itself. it does not need you or anyone else to defend it.

Can be please get back to BDSM?


Siren said:
And when and if the GB said the kinds of things, in the tone and condescending manner that you just did..........

everyone gets up in arms over it.........
and talks about lack of acceptance
and lack of understanding of the BDSM lifestyle

people get all angry
get all defensive
and get all protective.

why is it okay to say such put downs of one forum
and yet, be so offended when slights are done to this forum.

god forbide anyone say this is perverse
or weird
or not normal.

but it seems to be ok, to call people at GB
filled to the brim with bullshit,
awash in a sea of people who think WAY too much of themselves, and generally just silly
and statements such as :
I think most of us have graduated from high school and moved on in life and we don't feel like re-living that again.

or similar facsimiles to that.

I for one, find it disingenous to complain about how one forum is so horrible and unaccepting of you.......
while saying the same manner of things about them.

I am not pitting one forum against another.........
but really folks.....
it is so wrong to criticize a forum
yet if they criticize your forum, to decide that they are horrible and closed minded for it.

each forum is different
each forum holds different rules, attitudes, and discussions

apples and oranges.

But to insult a forum, is just not acceptable to me.
And saying they did it first, or they continue to do it........
is both childish,
and just plain hypocritical.

I like this forum.........but I will be damned if I will remain quiet while another forum is bashed about
and bantied about with winks and nods
and silent here heres about what a crappy place it is
and what uptopia this forum is.

It is what you make of it for yourself.
IF you didnt fit in to that forum..........
it just means it wasnt the right fit.

just as certain nilla acts are not the right fit for you........
do you put people down that are not in the BDSM lifestyle down cuz it doesnt fit you?
NO you dont

then dont splinter and divide Literotica.
IT is for everyone.........
not just one group over another.

and........certainly the intent of Literotica is to Embrace all areas of erotica...........not just one or the other.
and the different forums are for that........to find a fit for every person.

keep that in mind, next time you want to demean the general populace of a forum.
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Sandia said:
Ishmael, Pure's a boy, dude.

Geez, Sandia, I thought so at first, but I did not want to just come out and ask.

I must be gettin' old.
