Punk rock, Hardcore, Oi!, Garage, Metal, Ska, Indie (and whatever else) Discussion and Anarchy thread


Optimistic nihilist
Sep 25, 2020
Since the only rules of punk rock were that there were no rules, let it rip. Discuss your favorite bands, genres, experiences, venues, sub, genres, whatever.

The music was fast, loud, moody, droney.

The fights, the fun, the adventure…

Don’t care who’s punker than who, fake pinks, posers, doesn’t matter to me. Your all welcome here, motherfuckers .

There are enough threads with just songs, but feel free to put them in here too.

Weekends in New Jersey in the 80s. Tons of venues. City Gardens, NY South, Court Tavern in NB, a bunch of American a legion, VFWs, The Polish American club in Manville.

And then CBGBs on Sunday’s for the hardcore matinees. $5 for 3 bands usually.

What were/are your experiences, what bands were/are great. Maybe this’ll catch on… maybe it won’t.
Warped Tour 2001 I caught Rancid, Rollins, Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly and a bunch of others. Hung with some friends and it ended up being a great fucking day.

Man would I have loved to have seen CBGBs and various scenes in their heyday. Boston in the late 90s and early 2000s was okay though.
The court tavern in New Brunswick.

It was an amazing venue. Tiny stage in a tiny basement. It had a drop ceiling, and after most shows, there wasn’t one tile left in the drop ceiling.

Lots of good hardcore shows there too. Vision, Killing Time, Pleased Youth, Knife Dance, laughing Hyenas, Prong, Madball, Fang, but also more alt bands like Butthole Surfers (couldn’t even get down the stairs to see the band), saw Mudhoney there, Urge Overkill.

My mind running blank, but I must’ve seen dozens of other bands there.
Warped Tour 2001 I caught Rancid, Rollins, Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly and a bunch of others. Hung with some friends and it ended up being a great fucking day.

Man would I have loved to have seen CBGBs and various scenes in their heyday. Boston in the late 90s and early 2000s was okay though.
Some of the warped tours kicked some ass.

I was in the army from 2002-6, but I saw the dropkicks, Street Dogs, and rancid at them.

Punk rock bowling events have been good too.

Boston had some great fucking bands. the FUs, the Freeze, Gang Green, Street Dogs.

Nice thread just going to posts songs if that is cool. I might throw in some stories later if I can think of some.

The Bouncing Souls - Hopeless Romantic​

Also my first Warped Tour was Tampa 1995. L7, Face to Face, Sublime, No Doubt apparently but dont remember seeing them, No Use For A Name, Sick Of It All, CIV, Lagwagon, Deftones, Guttermputh, Fluf. I believe this is from that show.

Also my first Warped Tour was Tampa 1995. L7, Face to Face, Sublime, No Doubt apparently but dont remember seeing them, No Use For A Name, Sick Of It All, CIV, Lagwagon, Deftones, Guttermputh, Fluf. I believe this is from that show.

seriously great video. Thanks for sharing.
Rancid I still absolutely love. The songwriting is just so good. They're singing about themselves and their own experiences in a way that's just so real.

I first saw them in '94 for the Wolves tour in Providence, RI. Totally kickass show. Ended up parking in the parking lot across the street that closed while we were at the show. The friends I was with had the idea of jumping the gate to get my car even though it was locked in. Owner of the parking lot came out and basically said "How much money you guys got?" We were scared punkass kids and we just gave him our cash. Which probably totalled about $30. He let us go and we drank coffee and laughed about it in a Denny's. Beautiful times. 🤣😎❤️
Rancid I still absolutely love. The songwriting is just so good. They're singing about themselves and their own experiences in a way that's just so real.

I first saw them in '94 for the Wolves tour in Providence, RI. Totally kickass show. Ended up parking in the parking lot across the street that closed while we were at the show. The friends I was with had the idea of jumping the gate to get my car even though it was locked in. Owner of the parking lot came out and basically said "How much money you guys got?" We were scared punkass kids and we just gave him our cash. Which probably totalled about $30. He let us go and we drank coffee and laughed about it in a Denny's. Beautiful times. 🤣😎❤️
They are a great band. Great songwriters and also amazing musicians.

Seen em a few times. Temrinal 5 in NYC for my birthday with my youngest daughter. Great night.

Saw them at Rebellion Christmas in 2012 in Birmingham UK. One of the greatest days of my life. A really talented band.
Warped Tour 2001 I caught Rancid, Rollins, Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly and a bunch of others. Hung with some friends and it ended up being a great fucking day.

Man would I have loved to have seen CBGBs and various scenes in their heyday. Boston in the late 90s and early 2000s was okay though.
I went to The Warped tour this year as well. I was there mostly for Blink 182 but experienced so many amazing bands for the first time. I went with my brother and we were actually just talking about this the other day. What a great day that was! 🤘
Lollapalooza 2006: The Flaming Lips opening for Manu Chao. Fucking bad ass. I've seen both bands multiple times but it never gets old thinking about Coyne rolling into the crowd in a giant inflatable bubble and being rolled around, and then Manu Chao blasting through the city. It was so loud. So much fun!
Punk Rock Tour of London; the 100 Club

Last October, I had to go to London for work. I went a few days early and was going to do a punk rock tour. But they wanted something like 400-500 pounds. Way too much. So I literally just went from venue to venue and had some surprising results.

I couldn’t get into the roundhouse.

But I went to the 100 Club on Oxford street. Just kind of hung out taking pictures of the sign and everything and then I just went inside. Some construction workers were in there and I asked him if I could go into the club. It was during the day, so nothing was happening. One of the workers went down and checked with the people running the club.

They said, OK, and I ended up spending two hours just talking to the owner, Jeff Horton 1-1. Had such a fun time, and it was great just talking to a legend who really was there in punk’s infancy.

I would have never gotten this from a “punk rock tour.”

Just got lucky, but two hours really well spent!

Lollapalooza 2006: The Flaming Lips opening for Manu Chao. Fucking bad ass. I've seen both bands multiple times but it never gets old thinking about Coyne rolling into the crowd in a giant inflatable bubble and being rolled around, and then Manu Chao blasting through the city. It was so loud. So much fun!
Flaming lips are an amazing life band. They never disappoint.

I like their earlier stuff a lot better, but they’re a great live band.
Punk Rock Tour of London; the Hope and Anchor

After the 100 club, I went to the Camden market. Saw the place where the clash did their first record cover pic. Also saw the Roundhouse which was just up the road

Then I took a few trains to get to The Hope and Anchor another club that was there in the beginning. First with pub rock then w punk rock.

It was a Monday afternoon, and the bartender was really bored and took me down into where the bands play. I was blown away by how small the venue itself was. Maybe only hold 200 people tops.

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Punk Rock Tour of London; the Hope and Anchor

After the 100 club, I went to the Camden market. Saw the place where the clash did their first record cover pic. Also saw the Roundhouse which was just up the road

Then I took a few trains to get to The Hope and Anchor another club that was there in the beginning. First with pub rock then w punk rock.

It was a Monday afternoon, and the bartender was really bored and took me down into where the bands play. I was blown away by how small the venue itself was. Maybe only hold 200 people tops.

Good stuff dude. Been to those stairs in Camden as well as the Hope and Anchor in Islington. There is a pretty decent self guided tour of London mostly around Islington of Kinks sites. I dont know. They might be first punk band if you think about it.
Love suicidal tendencies . Saw them once in 84 and a few times in 85. Once at the west catasaqua playground near Allentown. Crazy show!

Have ever heard of Green Jelly. Liked it.