Political Video...


Literotica Koro
Oct 9, 2012
Yeah. The recent political season in the USA is over, still...

A number of short vids will make my pantheon:


What vid will make yours?

Not just this season or just in The Colonies?
What vids make your political video list?

Fuck the withdrawal syndromes with retrospection...
Free Speech as low High Art.
Of course,


if only seen as a picture, would launch a thousand ships of words.
These join a very long line.

Remember how Barry was slain by a Daisy?

( There's a lot of lost context now, but wiki "Nuke", "Haiphong Harbor" and a dead "Kennedy" )

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The evasiveness demonstrated alone begs the question for a bit more context. He went on to lead the party, yes?

Yep. And got murdered at the general election. Ann Widdicombe, a member of his own party, once said, "he has something of the night about him."
Yep. And got murdered at the general election. Ann Widdicombe, a member of his own party, once said, "he has something of the night about him."

Was Cameron a step up? Howard (in your vid) looks all 'last century' smarm. Ugh! Cameron is a bit more hip/pragmatic, yes? Comes off in images as so?
Was Cameron a step up? Howard (in your vid) looks all 'last century' smarm. Ugh! Cameron is a bit more hip/pragmatic, yes? Comes off in images as so?

Cameron is a Tony Blair clone. At least Howard was an honest evil bastard, cuddly Dave hides his stiletto in his fair trade chinos.
Cameron is a Tony Blair clone. At least Howard was an honest evil bastard, cuddly Dave hides his stiletto in his fair trade chinos.

That's interesting. Truly. Tony liked the limelight a bit more, it seems. Cameron understands how close his coalition is to... scrutiny? Hard to find good Cameron Video.