Political contributions gone wild


Literotica Guru
Jul 18, 2008
Ok, I’m not the most politically committed or party loyal type. I enjoy respectful political discussion and will voice my thoughts and ideas and vote regularly (small and large elections alike.)

I’m not a big donation person, in my 61 years (and you can take done off for childhood) I’ve made exactly 2 political contributions, grand totaling $60. Year-round I get pleas for donations from around the country. Today alone, I’ve received 5 text requests for donations. I wanted to contribute to a local candidate back during primary season, but was afraid of what flood gate that might open.

Anyone else think this has gotten out of hand, or is it just the world we live in and I should just delete and move on?
Ok, I’m not the most politically committed or party loyal type. I enjoy respectful political discussion and will voice my thoughts and ideas and vote regularly (small and large elections alike.)

I’m not a big donation person, in my 61 years (and you can take done off for childhood) I’ve made exactly 2 political contributions, grand totaling $60. Year-round I get pleas for donations from around the country. Today alone, I’ve received 5 text requests for donations. I wanted to contribute to a local candidate back during primary season, but was afraid of what flood gate that might open.

Anyone else think this has gotten out of hand, or is it just the world we live in and I should just delete and move on?
I don't even give a dollar on my tax return. :)
Oh, I forgot about that little gem. Ok, I probably did that a couple times back in the day, so bump my total up to $66, lol
Giving my money to billionaires doesn't make sense to me but then I don't play the lottery either. :)
Ok, I’m not the most politically committed or party loyal type. I enjoy respectful political discussion and will voice my thoughts and ideas and vote regularly (small and large elections alike.)

I’m not a big donation person, in my 61 years (and you can take done off for childhood) I’ve made exactly 2 political contributions, grand totaling $60. Year-round I get pleas for donations from around the country. Today alone, I’ve received 5 text requests for donations. I wanted to contribute to a local candidate back during primary season, but was afraid of what flood gate that might open.

Anyone else think this has gotten out of hand, or is it just the world we live in and I should just delete and move on?
Direct to consumer methods are out of control, absolutely. I just ignore it all.

I would encourage any politically involved folks to consider local, regional and state candidates for donations prior to national considerations. I think, especially on the left, voters look too much at top to bottom views and that has resulted in long term losses.
I don’t get texts (I must not have given the campaign my phone number) but I’d did get 5 emails a day until I unsubscribed from their mailers. None since.

Oddly, on YouTube I get loads of campaign donation begging ads from both parties! I’m not sure why the Trump campaign thinks I support them, but I’m okay with them wasting their money. 😆
the amount of begging mail, 99.9% republican, my m-i-l receives daily is quite shocking. She's 101 and most of it goes unopened and straight into the trash. I'd like to see the amount that could be collected from all the locals in the period of just one month and have it tipped out in front of the local republican HQ.
The fewer and the less people give to campaigns the more influence big money donors have.

Yes, it has all gotten out of hand.