Poisoning The Blood Of Americans


Dec 31, 2009
Let's review .....

https://www.theatlantic.com › ideas › archive › 2020 › 04 › disease-has-never-been-just-disease-native-americans › 610852

Disease Has Never Been Just Disease for Native Americans - The Atlantic

Post-contact diseases were crippling not so much because indigenous people lacked immunity, but because the conditions created by European and U.S. colonialism made Native communities...

https://www.science.org › content › article › european-diseases-left-genetic-mark-native-americans

European diseases left a genetic mark on Native Americans - Science

Now, researchers have found that these diseases have also left their mark on modern-day populations: A new study suggests that infectious diseases brought by Europeans, from smallpox to measles, have molded the immune systems of today's indigenous Americans, down to the genetic level. The immune system is a complex structure, built over a ...

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC8785365

A Historical Perspective of Healthcare Disparity and Infectious Disease ...

Jan 24, 2022 It is estimated that 95 percent of the indigenous populations in the Americas were killed by infectious diseases during the years following European colonization, amounting to an estimated 20 million people. 14 While Europeans coming to the New World had herd immunity or were asymptomatic carriers of many of these diseases, Native American ...
Too be fair? They gave Europe fleas and our top 2 STD’s.. G and S.

Let’s not forget tobacco!

The Indigenous People needed gunpowder. Orson Scott Card fixed that in one of his books. Running their communities like the White Folk and creating a written form of their language (Chief Sequoia) Nahhhhh! We want your land! Our God says it’s ours!!
My husband and I are reading 1493. It’s a fascinating history of the environmental and economic consequences of the Colombian exchange. I knew about the smallpox pandemic, but I had no idea about the havoc wreaked in China by South American silver and sweet potatoes.
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There are plenty of poisons in American blood now: mercury from coal and vaccines, PFAS chemicals from nonstick and waterproof coatings, flame retardants, and so on throughout the catalog of industrial chemicals, plus nuclear radiation.