Pocket Kingdoms and Little Empires a Napoleonic


Literotica Guru
Jan 9, 2004
Pocket Kingdoms and Little Empires

Europe is in chaos and consequently so is the rest of the globe. In the past decade we have seen the fall of might empires while others do their best to hang on during these unstable times. Simply being a member of the royal family is no longer a guarantee of political power much less personal safety. Some people don’t even feel they need kings and emperors to rule. Power brokers operate in the shadows pulling the strings using soldiers and sailors as pawns on the chess board. With bravery and cunning one can hope to control the mantle of power for at least a little while longer. Democracy is for the weak, but do you have what it takes to stay the course?

The Alternative 1780’s

We begin our game at the start of summer 1789 after a brief period of calm, and after a longer period of turmoil. For most of the 1700’s the great European empires (France Britain, Russia, German, Austria, and Ottoman) have been expanding around the globe. Exploring, trading, and warring with each other as will as the indigenous peoples of their colonies.


During this time a young and charismatic Napoleon Bonaparte the adopted son of a French nobleman seized power in France and built an impressive empire. It included all the independent states in Italy and Spain as well as France proper. He ruled for over a decade, but plotters within his government and attacks from without drove the young emperor out of France.

He ended up in North Africa of all places among the pirates and warlords. He brought with him a loyal contingent of officers and soldiers along with his retinue and established himself in the European quarter of Tripoli. It didn’t take long for him to take over and he recruited heavily among European exiles and native mercenaries. Within two years he marched on Egypt where France was already waging a floundering campaign.

In a series of victories he forced the Ottoman forces to retreat back into Palestine, and crushed the local troops before linking up with the French expeditionary force. Hailed as hero he left behind a loyal force deal with East African invaders from the kingdom of Ethiopia and set sail for France. Once there he marched on Paris gathering troops and supporters along the way. Louis XVI and his supporters fought in and around the capital for a few days before the palace was stormed, and than the king of France “decide” to hand control back over to the soldier king.

Player Information for France

Since the return of Napoleon the situation has been less the stable to put it mildly. France is no longer a complete empire and Napoleon only has complete control over Paris, Gascony, Brittany, and Marseille. Burgundy is currently in the state of civil war with loyalists to Louis including noble and peasant alike are fighting the new government. Now there are factions of every variety fighting and plotting all over France, but Burgundy is an active warzone. The Netherlands has broken free and declared itself a free and separate country. This nation of sailors and traders is a great loss to France, but while technically not at war everyone knows Napoleon plans to bring the country back into the fold. As to Spain and Italy it is only a matter of time, and some even say he’s more ambitious this time.

Napoleon has returned acting like he took a brief hiatus, and working on rebuilding the neglected military and improve the infrastructure as well. He has cleaned house of the king’s loyalists in government, clergy, and anywhere else he can find them, but he is being methodical about it. While he’s willing to make new friends he won’t be so trusting this time around. His beloved wife died while he was in exile, but does have family around him.

France still has impressive overseas holdings which include all of Canada, but it is still a wild frontier, so it’s difficult for the government to enforce laws beyond Quebec and Eastern Canada. It is a cold war on the border with England and its’ American colonies, and Indian tribes are players on both sides. During Louis’s reign there was a somewhat impressive operation to seize Venezuela from Spain. While it was a success subsequent losses on land and sea during the rest of the campaign reflected poorly on the king.


The British Isle is a home to some of the world’s finest armies, navies, industry, and trade. While the return of Napoleon has put a slight damper on celebrations most in Britain feel they live in a great country. There is plenty of work, food, and opportunities for adventure. A young man can leave London for the colonies and become a wealth planter with a vast estate or find military glory on some foreign shore carrying the flag of his king. Of course you can always end up dead in some godforsaken hell hole, but you can’t build an empire without breaking some skulls (ahem) eggs.

King George the III rules over a united Britain which includes London, Wales, Ireland, Yorkshire, and Scotland. He is known for his fair and just reign, but he absolutely no tolerance for “rebels” anywhere in the empire. In America he compromised, but when it came to force of arms he was all to willing, and his pushed the size of the American colonies greatly. Years of war with France (and consequently Spain) as well as the Indian nations now allows those in London to say an Englishman may ride from Boston to Los Angeles. Those in the colonies would probably just wish you luck if you wanted to try such a thing.

The British do have holdings in Africa which include Central and South Africa while Madagascar remains a haven for pirates and privateers. Like France and others England has had little success establish permanent colonies in the vast nation of India, but they keep trying. They do have holdings in China and Australia, and like many trade in Japan. In Japan they’re helping to update the island nation’s army and navy in exchange for a large percentage in trade.

Player Information for England

British troops and adventurers are every where around the globe, and you can either play the games in the field or in the corridors of power in London. Nations rise and fall based on what is decided in coffee houses and pubs in and around London. After leading the defeat of Napoleon Britain is running high, and many are looking to become a trade power as well. His unexpected return hasn’t changed that, but now is the time for spies not armies. Still though one must maintain a military presence around the globe, and it seems like not a day goes by that there isn’t a regiment leaving England for some foreign shore.
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Play and Principals

Now a few samples to get us started, but fear not the other nations will be up shortly to help you with your turns. I did want to post though how to play or at least help us organize how we're going to write this fun military political adventure.

This idea of mine is a result of years of playing games like Risk and Total War as well as numerous other strategy games. What I always missed was the story and the people behind the campaigns and the adventures that made the history. Most games you just assume the role of leader of whatever side and do battle in a limited capacity. For many roleplay is limited to marrying off a daughter or assassinating an enemy head of state. While this can still be fun it's limited, so this is why I'm launching this thread.

The Nuts and Bolts

Lacking a better term each turn will be of a three month span of time in our world. This is largely to see that we're all at least in the same chapter and to limit people in what they can do during a turn. One can't build a cathedral or conquer Russia in one turn. That said not everything needs to be done in one turn many actions might take much less. Say you're meeting another player to discuss the political situation in a hotel in Switzerland. While it may take you some time to travel there certainly you should have to wait months for a conversation to go by.

I'm already happy to see that people are communicating through letters and packages. This is a great idea! This is one way that you can get things done in real time, and keep the game active. Anyway something you might find out right away, but for other results it might take some time. For example you order a regiment organized in one turn it could take several before they're formed and marching.

During each turn submit your turns however you like, but I do ask that you put your posts in categories. I suggest:


These are only a few examples, but it helps me and others know exactly how you replied to a situation. For example perhaps you're only dealing with one player or me on a certain issue. Say a group of diplomats arrives at your palace and you have them promptly beheaded and their heads placed on spikes outside the gates. Now this very clear reply can be found quickly, and your ally or soon enemy can reply. While I think we will see some great writing here and I wish to read every bit of every post it makes things easier.

The alternative World

If you haven't guest history has been changed slightly and that is so we can enjoy the game, so there isn't a wrong so much as it is different historically speaking. Roll with and enjoy the fun I can't wait to see the stuff people come up with.

Risk Land

This world is much like the Risk universe where you can generate huge armies, and while I've said 100,000 troops is a huge army it doesn't mean you're limited. Now if you raise a regiment you'll be surprised how fast you can recruit another even multiple ones in that region again. You do have to be careful though because constant recruiting and loss will make it less easy and take longer. Now if patriotism is high or low economics prospects are low you might get a boost, but for the most part there will always be plenty of recruits. Just don't abuse this resource. If you make improvements to a region though the more you will get out of it's people and industry.

More information to follow, and any questions or people wishing to join please post in the OOC thread.

It can’t be true Czar Alexander I of Russia is the last czar of a united Russia? After all was it not Russia who defeated the European onslaught lead by the French into the motherland? Yes, but that seemed to be the last gasp of the empire. After years of hard fighting against the Ottoman Empire and an expensive failed campaign in Afghanistan it call came to an end. Rebellions started in every corner of the empire as the people demanded an end to the czar. Now the Russian Empire is a state of anarchy and the czar and his family has been executed. Shall the empire fade into darkness?

Poland broke free of the empire and crowned its own king. The Ukraine is in chaos as Cossacks and deserters from the armies of Europe loot in pillage. This could allow the Austrians or Ottomans invade at any time. In Livonia and Smolensk mobs of peasants look for any noble to kill and rob and rebels are forming real armies to take over all of Russia. Trade and industry have been disrupted and there is a real worry there won’t be enough food or shelter by the winter.

With no clear leadership in Russia the other European powers are looking to make deals with whatever faction looks likely to take control. Some Russian nobles have even fled to other royal courts in hope of getting a hand out or even support in getting themselves put on the throne. Nobody knows about the situation beyond the Urals, but the frontier is vulnerable to anyone who is willing to take the risk. The Ottoman Empire and Afghanistan are not allies by enemies and could go to war at any time.

Player Information for Russia

On the bright side if you wanted to have an opportunity to achieve greatness for your family and take the throne this is the time. The only downside is there are millions of people who want to kill you for even approaching that idea. It isn't just noble verses peasant out there, and there is massive infighting among every group. Along the Southern borders there are Muslims, who wish to join the Ottoman Empire. Once Poland is established they won’t be on the defensive forever. Religious, civil, and military leaders have formed their own militia bands and are carving up the map.

For right now Saint Petersburg is relatively stable, and you still have trade and industry. Your people like your family and while they think you’d be the best czar for the rest of Russia it isn't exactly clear how far they’re support goes. There are hotheads and rebels about the realm, but no open rebellion yet. Stay the course or enjoy a comfortable exile it is up to you.

Amidst the chaos of two empires in Europe falling apart Austria is in good shape politically and militarily. Francis II King of Hungary holds court in Vienna confidently. After all Austrian forces fought well in Russia and battled the French and Germans in the past as well. The fact is though the conquest of Europe didn’t go all that well even if Austria won many battles. At the end of the day while the map didn’t increase it didn’t decrease either and the throne is still solvent. There is still the Ottoman Empire to fight, and independent stats of Italy need guidance. Never mind your allies on the war don’t need to stay allies if they get in your way.

Austria has wealth nobility, a well treated and hard working peasant class, and a good army. Sure things could have gone better in the past, but it’s about the future now. The chaos in Russia can’t be allowed to spill over into Austria, and German should be part of the empire after all they’re cousins. Long live the Holy Roman Empire.

Player Information for Austria

Sure there were losses during the war, but the best way to keep the empire going is to expand. While the others might have their overseas colonies the real power is at home, and the only question is which direction to go in next. Expand into Germany or seize territory in Russia. There are opportunities for the right type of individuals and the court in Vienna is filled with those trying to present their idea. Bottom line is things are happening, and if you make the right move you can profit greatly.

If one is to occupy central Europe you have to be tough and the Germany Empire is filled with some of the toughest. For a time France held on to the states of Bavaria and the Rhine and while Napoleon fought well Emperor Freidrich was able to retake them. He looked on as the French marched into Russia and saw two empires fall. The fight with Denmark and Poland was just the latest in a series of conflicts, and while the empire hasn’t be expanded in some time it hasn’t lost either. Now Poland is flying its own flag independent of Russia, and France is falling apart. Keeping Germany united is a big enough job, but does anyone dream of expanding beyond its current borders.

Player Information for Germany

A united Germany has a lot of potential, but for many it’s just a collection of independent states with enemies on both sides. The last conflict left you bruised and battered, and perplexed many outside the Empire. Why did such a large Empire with supposedly such good soldiers not perform better? The French are laughing and it is widely thought that once Napoleon consolidates he will be marching east. Poland has a new king and they’re not to be trusted. What about your long time friends and allies the Austrians? You can’t stand idle.

Leopold Von Habsburg


Leopold stared out the window, the view below was spectacular but the newest Emperor of the German people did not see it. “I was never meant to be ruler.” He said sadly to no one in particular.

“I know.” Said the older woman standing behind him. The two were alone for the moment, but the palace and grounds around it were still full of people. The funeral for Emperor Freidrich von Habsburg had ended yesterday, but there were still scores upon scores of dignitaries still present in the Capitol.
“We did not intend this life for you my son, but…” she could not continue as emotion choked the words off in her throat.
Leopold turned and embraced his mother briefly, both for his sake as well as hers. They had both been to too many funerals in so short a time. The last decade had served the people and it ruling family, many great upheavals. She pushed him away, quickly brushing at the golden tassels on his shoulder epilates. “Still, you are your father’s son; you are a royal born and now, you are Emperor. Remember our family motto and let it give you strength.”

Die Menschen führen; das Land verteidigen; Lead the People, Defend the Land.

“And now I go.” She said, regaining her composure and appearance. “It would not do to have the Emperor’s mother fretting over his shoulder.”

“Bavaria is far away Mother.” Leo said. “It may not be safe for you.”

“Feh! I am no threat. No it will be you and your sister who are in the greatest danger. I will still have my subjects and my guard to watch over me, and I may still be of use in the governing of the region for you.” She tip toed up and kissed her son on the forehead. “Go now and rule well.”

Politics and Diplomacy:

With the funeral ended, plans must be made for Leopold’s formal coronation as Emperor. The Holy Father in Rome himself shall be invited to proceed over the coronation; an incredibly powerful symbol should he accept. If not, he shall still be invited to attend. Invitations will go out to the nobility of the entire Empire as well as to the Royal families and High Nobility of my neighbors. The greatest part of the next few months will be the receiving and Oaths of Loyalty from my own Nobility to help see where I might be able to start cementing my rule of the Empire. After the coronation and court, I will embark on a tour to the capitols and major cities around the empire. One battalion of the Death’s Head Hussars and the company of Prussian Grenadiers’ shall accompany me as my Honor Guard; again a powerful symbol of strength for the people.
Aside from the show of strength and unity for the people, the intent is also to see the status of the empire and also the status of the Imperial Army.


While industry is crucial to any kingdom, agriculture is just as critical. As such, the farm lands in Bavaria must be improved to feed the people. As such, Leo will commission purchases of foodstuffs, grain, wheat and hay for the Imperial Army stores. As an incentive, I will also reduce taxes on any new farm or ranch across the empire for the first two years to help farmers break new grounds.

Since the ship yard in Rostock really has no great purpose at the moment, I will open the yard up for those companies and navies who wish to commission repair work. In addition to earning some revenue for the upkeep of the shipyard, my workers can also study various styles of ship building.


While no conflicts are expected, Germany is fresh out of a proxy war with Poland and Prussia is only recently back into the fold; a tempting target for a newly independent Polish nation. Patrols and garrisons will be stepped up along the Polish border and within Prussia, to include the presence of the remaining Death’s Head Hussars and the Frei-Korps. Any remaining Polish influence in Prussia will be expunged. The word of the day shall be ‘Nationalism’ in the region.

Alexander zu Dohna-Schlobitten will be invited to return to Berlin as the Kommandant of the Royal Military Academy with instructions to begin the restructuring and improvement of the Imperial military. Herr Eduard will also be assigned to the Academy to assist and I will personally donate my family’s military manuals on Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery to the school.


Karl Moor will be asked about the status of Denmark and the truce between the Danes and Germany.
More importantly, in Trincomalee, Ceylon and around Asia, I will seek to find opportunities to expand German holdings, plantations and enterprises. If there are any Polish controlled interests, they may start experiencing ‘difficulties’, slowing production and possibly making them ripe for acquisition.


While loyalty is good, loyalty is bolstered by strength and wealth. To this end, Leopold will also work to improve his own family’s wealth and power. To this end, I wish to increase my ownership of Merchant Adventurers & Co. Through my proxies, I can invest more in the company or bring in more ‘investors’ just before the company ‘acquires’ lucrative contracts from Germany for tobacco and fur. This can also work for reasonably priced shipwork contracts at Rostock. Thus I (or my proxies) will be in on the ground floor just in time to benefit from the very best deals. My goal is to attain control of at least 51% of the company.
I also own six champion thoroughbred racing horses. Again through my proxies, I will stud these horses out for breeding in exchange for a percentage of the royalties from foaled horses or racing stables.

Ivan Visotsky


Ivan was walking outside, despite the cold autumn day. The air was crisp, leaves were falling, it was a good day. Today was Sabbath, so Ivan tried to do as little as possible today. He was going to attend the service at the local synagogue. He always enjoyed them, even though he was in a disguise. To the congregation, he was simply known as Ivan. No one knew his true identity, save the Rabbi. He had figured out somehow. Last night he had prepared the usual Shabbat Feast, inviting all the nobles in the state. They all came, not daring to insult the Tsar by not attending. There was much joy, glasses filled again and again with Vodka, large platters of delicious food served. He had enjoyed it, like every week. He entered the synagogue, grabbing a Siddur, flipping to the appropriate page. He began chanting the lessons along with the crowd, glad he didn't have to worry about anything.

Politics and Diplomacy

Ivan knows that the most important thing for his kingdom right no is to open up trade, and make peace with other nations. If that was accomplished, he would definetly have enough money in his treasury to build a large, disciplined army that wold let him conquer. Right now, he couldn't do that. Making peace was the hardest part; not many nations liked Russia. Finland was friendly with them, but not many else. The easy part was trade. Russia had a vast amount of several resources, such as oil, iron, many things that many nations wanted. An after that, he would need to work on his kingdom internally, such as taxes and he such. As usual, the Church anted more power over the Jews, which Ivan wouldn't allow.


Ivan's main goals to prevent any oppression of the poor caused by the rich. To do so, he has raised the taxes of the upper class, and lowered the taxes of the lower class, as well as prohibiting many forms of servantry, such as prostitution or abusing servants. He is also trying to give more rights to the non-Christians of his kingdom, but with much difficulty. Still, the Jews payed taxes directly to Ivan, instead of the Church, which was good.


As said above, Ivan is trying desperately to make peace with others. Not only was he one of the most vulnerable Russian States area wise, but he still doesn't have a suitable army to fend off any invasions or the such. With the Arabs down South, Europe to the West, and other Ussian Kingdoms East, he is surronded by enemies. Right now, he is trying to get enough money in the treasury to be able to pay for a large army. For the present, Ivan is only going to continue drilling his troops hat he currently has, if not harder than before.


Even though Ivan seeks peace, he never said anything about spying. He has sent his best spies out to get reports on the current state of Poland and Ukraine, seeking to reunite them under Russian rule. His own, of course.


Aside from kingly duties, the main part of his life he spends on rating and trying to find a wife. Ivan wants to find someone who will not only bear him an heir, but also someone to spend his life with. He wants to find a true love, if you could say. He doesn't believe in concubines or arranged marriages, so he wishes not to marry unless for love. He is, as expected, unable to find a bride. Other than that, Ivan mainly spends his time with both his biological mom and his foster mother, Katrina.
((Sorry, Guys, I pulled a muscle in my back and in a lot of pain and on dopey meds. So excuse any errors. I hope to be back on track in a few days :( ))


When Sophia wasn't 'educating' her young cadet Michel, she was deciding what to bring with her to Col. Renier's gathering. She had her servants lay things all over her bed and then whittled them down to the necessities. Her ball gown of course, the mint green one that set off her hair. A few every day dresses. Shoes of course. Ribbons for her hair. Toiletries...

She would bring Michel and her personal maid along with a few household guards. The roads were not as safe as they once were.


Sophia has sent some trusted men to deal with the part-owner of the Lancaberis Inn. They will make it look like a robbery gone bad and kill the man. They will pick a time when hardly anyone is there, but when they know the coffers will be filled enough to fit the story. Any patrons or servers in the place will get locked in the wine cellar to avoid as much collateral damage as possible.

Sophia will also speak with her various informants so she is up on the latest gossip and politics.


Sophia will spend some time going over her books to see how her various businesses are doing, shuttling money to and from secret accounts.


Sophia will also tackle her correspondence to keep lovers and would-be lovers on the hook.