Pmann’s “King Bitch” Fight Club Thread

Lord Pmann

Mar 12, 2012
Thanks. I’ve reached out to lit via twitter.

I am about to go to bed but this has gone on too long and I will be start tagging the press tomorrow morning if I don’t get an answer to my complaints (I have made this clear in my complaint)

I am so bloody tired.

And I can’t deal with this anymore

And even this evening, lit users prefer to attack me for raising this than to attack the initial perpetrators.

Btw - that entire braless thread is made up of relatively normal women whose images are harvested from social media. A simple reverse search shows that. Those women haven’t consented to their images on a sex site.

But no one gives a shit.

Much like they don’t give a shit about the underage stuff

It is so bloody lonely.

The good news is that today I reached out to start a programme to deal with my own childhood abuse issues.

The bad news (for lit) is that I need closure here. And that means killing some of this shit.

I can’t turn my back on this until lit kills the underage stuff.

So I await the public response to my public complaint. I am willing to out myself now because sometimes shit just matters too much.

“I can’t deal with this anymore”

What does that mean? Do you know how many times we’ve heard that?

FYI- I don’t like paedos. Let the record reflect this for when the the media gets down here.
