Playful Materialism - What I'd like to buy impulsively right now.

Dr. Groove

It's grooveolicious!
May 9, 2002
I'd like to buy a 1976 Cadillac Convertible that I'm looking at on EBay.

How did I come to browsing Caddy's on Ebay? I have no idea.

But I've wanted a land-yacht for years. Too many other things ahead of it on the ole priority list, but boy I'd like to just BUY IT.

Feel free to share what you're itchin for.


I'd like to impulsively buy every single CD that I've been wanting - the old ones I need to replace and the news ones I don't have yet.

I mean, have you SEEN my wish list on cdnow?

I'd also like to impulsively remodel this entire house and fill it with new furniture.
My wish list:

1) I'd like to buy a small historical storefront/building
downtown to use as an art studio/gallery and shop.

2) an (edited wish)... *weg*

3) some flannel-lined jeans

4) something money CAN'T buy... *vweg*


Hey, have you ever seen the photos of the Cadillac Ranch in Texas?
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