Pet Names for People


Literotica Guru
Apr 6, 2002
I need your help. I currently have a pet name that I'm not especially fond of and would really like to find a new one. This got me thinking about names I've heard others use -- so tell me about yours or another's that you've liked or disliked. I need fresh ideas. Thanks.


Here's a few that I've heard before:

Little Bit of Heaven on Toast
Muse, snugglebunny, snookums, honeypie, sugarlips...

I'm not really fond of using any.
Well, other than KittyKat...
And that's reserved for my growling and purring Tigger :)
someplace said:
That's a lot better than "Fuzzel"

I'm soooooo NOT going to ask if there is a story behind this nickname!

I've had just a few pet names given to me over the years. Hubby used to call me Princess. Cheesy I know but it was back when he used to treat me exactly like one so it fit. Ancient history now.

The other one I'm especially fond of is Belle. It started as running joke about me being a Southern Belle, which I'm truly the exact opposite of. The name Belle just 'stuck' and he's called me that for almost two years.

I tend to use Honey and Sweetie and things like that for most of the people in my life. It just comes naturally to me.

Oh, and another thought, please don't call me Babe.
I hate that!!
Actually I heard Sonofabitch quite frequently? Don't know if it is good or not? :rolleyes:
bknight2602 said:
Actually I heard Sonofabitch quite frequently? Don't know if it is good or not? :rolleyes:

Unless that 'sonofabitch' was followed by 'that's the biggest cock I've ever seen' .......... I'm thinking it isn't a good thing that you've been hearing that a lot.
There is one that is used for me quite often that I just love. Gives me shivers of delight whenever I see it. ;)
PepperminTrish said:
I'm soooooo NOT going to ask if there is a story behind this nickname!

I've had just a few pet names given to me over the years. Hubby used to call me Princess. Cheesy I know but it was back when he used to treat me exactly like one so it fit. Ancient history now.

The other one I'm especially fond of is Belle. It started as running joke about me being a Southern Belle, which I'm truly the exact opposite of. The name Belle just 'stuck' and he's called me that for almost two years.

I tend to use Honey and Sweetie and things like that for most of the people in my life. It just comes naturally to me.

Oh, and another thought, please don't call me Babe.
I hate that!!

Okay........ (I'm not gonna say it........... I saw Barb Wire, hence the reaction to the term 'babe').

I rather prefer Hon and Sweetie to my female/gurly friends.......... Blossom to a very infrequent few ladies.... but most of all, ...........

Mon Ami'..... to that most very special of special lady('s)(trans..... "My Love" in French).
Okay, re: Fuzzel

yeah, there's a story that has nothing to do with me actually, but a geographic landmark near my house (very romantic, huh?) -- sometimes I'm lucky and it's lengthened to Fuzzel Lynn with my middle name added. Makes me feel like I'm in trouble. :(
Re: Okay, re: Fuzzel

someplace said:
yeah, there's a story that has nothing to do with me actually, but a geographic landmark near my house (very romantic, huh?) -- sometimes I'm lucky and it's lengthened to Fuzzel Lynn with my middle name added. Makes me feel like I'm in trouble. :(

Awwwwww ......... that's just WRONG!!
We need to find you a new pet name then ASAP.
PepperminTrish said:
Unless that 'sonofabitch' was followed by 'that's the biggest cock I've ever seen' .......... I'm thinking it isn't a good thing that you've been hearing that a lot.

hmmm Was it the yelling tone that gave it away? :rolleyes:
BK, I am NOT giving you a pet name, although I think you need a new one.
I love when the person I'm with, calls me his baby.

I've also had someone who would call me by the petname magical, which I thought was pretty great. :)
floridaguy64 said:
Okay........ (I'm not gonna say it........... I saw Barb Wire, hence the reaction to the term 'babe').

Having never seen Barb Wire, I'm just going to hazard a guess that her reaction wasn't a positive one.

My kinda gal!
Any more ideas out there? Looks like we've got a new pet name for BKnight, but I'm still on the market. Does anyone wanna trade for "Fuzzel"???? (Pretty please?)

someplace said:
ummm, thanks. I'll pass that one on to BK. I need something that can be used around children.

I actually like that one. *S* Maybe he can call yo u Boo Boo in front of the kids and Titty Fuck in private?
Boo Boo

Well it does give, "Do you want me to kiss your Boo Boo and make it all better?" a whole new meaning. *S*